Holiday Challenge 2006!

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Holiday Challenge 2006!

Post by Hapa » November 20th, 2006, 9:24 pm

Hey ladies!!

It's almost that time for the Holiday Challenge. I know that I'm going to be using this as my motivator to get back into a more regular workout schedule, and to hopefully not eat too many goodies during this holiday season. I've been falling "off the wagon" too much this last month and have put on about 2 - 3 lbs. :(

So, good luck to everyone and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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Post by Kinley » November 23rd, 2006, 9:43 pm

Guess I'm rowing 12.5k tomorrow.

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Post by margaret » November 24th, 2006, 1:42 am

I'm on board. I've had a long lapse from rowing with few rows since June, but the HC is a good challenge for me. I'm thinking of ways to make it a little different this year from last. I'll be happy if I simply complete it.
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Post by snappyrower » November 26th, 2006, 12:48 am

So, how's everyone doing on the challenge? I'm a bit behind already. :roll: Did my first row of the challenge, a 7k this morning. I'm not entirely sure that the challenge is doable this year since I'm way out of shape, but its worth a try, right?

Ok, check in when ya get a chance!

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Post by snappyrower » November 26th, 2006, 12:51 pm

Did another row today. 30 minute row of 5220, and then a 500 meter cool down of 3:44.4. Gosh the forum sure is quiet these days. :?: Well, hope everyone's rows are going well!

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Post by grams » November 26th, 2006, 5:34 pm

Hi Snappy,

How about a friendly every other day 30 minute competition? You are out of shape (you say) and so am I. I have gotten back on the horse for the challenge, and today did a 30 min total of 5168m at df of 86, sr 18. Really wimpy by some standards, but it felt very good.

I plan to erg every other day and go for at least 40 minutes. I don't start burning fat until then, sigh.

So, you win for today, but not by much. If we can simply take each day as a separate mini-challenge then I'm not nearly so overwhelmed by the prospect. And I won't get discouraged if I have a setback.

Yes, the ducks are quiet. (echo echo) I feel like I am monopolizing the conversation. Come on ladies, join me and snappy. I guarantee if you do 30 minutes every other day (no matter how few meters you end up with) you will look great in that sparkly Christmas outfit. As Raquel Welch said, "its all in the shoulders"

regards, grams
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Post by Wood_Duck » November 27th, 2006, 1:28 am

Hi All,

It has been ages since I read the forum (new job, no time, stopped rowing)

Glad the HC has arrived. I did 5K today and 5K yesterday.

More later but just wanted to get my feet wet!

Susan aka Wood_Duck

PS: a friend emailed me today about the duck shirts, I clicked the link, and here I am. I love the mug and the one with oars and flag. I know what I am going to ask Santa for....
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by snappyrower » November 27th, 2006, 9:36 pm

Hiya Grams! I just called my boyfriend and told him that I've been challenged to a duck duel! :lol: I think I may have confused him a bit! I'd love the challenge, and it will hold me a bit accountable. I can always use that. :) See ya on that tomorrow!

Wood Duck: The shirts and mugs are great, aren't they? I'm planning on ordering after the holidays. Can't wait! I may have trouble deciding though. New job? Amazing how those can sap energy out of you! Hope it is a good transition. Way to go on the two 5ks.........

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Post by fish » November 28th, 2006, 2:20 am

Go Ducks,

I have 58,395 meters so far for the challenge. It's great to see everyone returning to the forum and rowing.


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Post by snappyrower » November 28th, 2006, 7:56 am

Ok, so I did my 30 minute row:

30:00.0 = 5,279 meters. Did it first thing this morning, boy was that a challenge! I haven't done a morning row in a few years!

Fish, you're doing very well on the challenge!

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Post by snappyrower » November 28th, 2006, 7:57 am

Almost forgot, the 5279 plus a short 683 for my cooldown put me at 19,196 meters for the challenge so far. :)

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Post by fish » November 28th, 2006, 4:38 pm

I did a little over 12K today. My total is up to 70,413.

We have snow here in the Pacific Northwest and many school are closed today. It is nice that my Concept 2 is inside.


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Post by grams » November 28th, 2006, 5:26 pm

I'm in the northwest too, and the snow is great fun for a few days. I made a big pot of vegetable chicken soup yesterday.

Back to the challenge. Thanks to Bruce Springsteen and Pink Floyd I did 5391 meters for my 30 minutes today. I just closed my eyes, got into the music and put the monitor down so I couldn't see it.

I always do stretching and warmup first, but right now its on a treadmill or exercise bike so doesn't count as meters.

Ladies, remember to tighten your abs during the pull, so as not to strain your back. I'm working on getting the flab off, so I imagine that every time I do the ab tightening I'm ripping a few more fat molecules. Like chicken soup-it can't hurt to try.

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more weather reports

Post by dinodi » November 28th, 2006, 9:18 pm

Hi, all-

Another weather report from the great northwest. I'm up in the NE corner of WA state and we have a foot of snow and -7 degrees as our temp.

Now is one of the times that I'm happier to be rowing rather than running!!

Too bad that there isn't a 150k challenge. 200 is just a bit beyond my range.

Happy rowing, all.

Dino duck

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Post by snappyrower » November 28th, 2006, 9:34 pm

Crazy weather for you NW gals! I miss snow, so have fun with it for me, ok? (Carolina gal here.) I'm so bad at remembering the tighten your abs thing, and my back is a tad bit sore tonight so i'll try to remember tomorrow. I'm feeling a little under the weather tonight, may be short row tomorrow if I make it at all. I actually cheated this am and rolled my warmup into my row. I'm sooo not a morning person, and hit snooze 1x which meant that I had to shorten the workout a little bit. Will try to do better. Round 2 goes to Grams! :)

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