Bob S. wrote:I don’t generally post my daily training results, but it feels comfortable to do it on this thread.
Really happy to hear that Bob as that is something that was a goal of this thread. We are at the end of the day a small community and that has its advantages and disadvantages, a negative is that the forum tends to be dominated by a few (often as they are the only ones who will take the time), a positive is that newbies get to 'rub shoulders' with WR holders (hey Bob if the shoe fits wear it my man

) Therefore this thread I hope will provide a forum (no pun intended) where by sharing many of the same sessions we can actually generate a culture of 'training together' , distance and time zones are no impediment and it is all about the here and now of the challenges of day to day training.
My 26 week/three day a week program called for 18’ UT1 pieces for Wednesday and today (Friday).
Just a thought on this Bob and that is you could choose a 4 or 5 day programme and then select workouts as the situation 'fits', this would give you variety within the context of the plan and allow you to 'manage' the intensity of your week
It sure looks like that choice of 2:18 was much too conservative. Today’s 18 minute piece was not easy, but it went well enough and my HR was back down on the 90s in the one minute rest that I took between the piece and my cool down. Maybe I should be aiming my base for 2:10 – I still don’t know, but it looks like I am getting close.
Bob S.
Bob there is no harm in reviewing your results after 4 or 5 sessions and moving up a band if you 'feel' the effort is not providing the level of intensity you think it should. Having said that I am training 2 secs per 500 slower than the max for my UT1 and UT2 level and feel it is about right. If I feel 'on' for a day I have room to stretch but otherwise I think we all tend to 'think' we are not working hard enough when in reality most of us are just not working smart enough
regds George