Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

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Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

Post by JoeChaos » January 26th, 2023, 3:47 pm

My c2 rower gets intermittent use and my partner keeps taking it into the garage when I don't n use it for awhile. The garage is outside and down outside steps to get into the garage underneath the house. I wonder if constant moving is damaging if?

Last time I used it I got a fault message about the cable linking the pm5 to it. I still got a display reading and it connected to my garmin and garmin chest strap so think it's OK.

I guess I need to get into a daily habit to keep it in the house. 😂

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Re: Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

Post by Ombrax » January 26th, 2023, 10:54 pm

I would try to come up with a modus vivendi that minimized, if not eliminated, the need to move the rower. Moving it doesn't cause huge damage, but accidents happen, and it's a hassle, especially if you're on the fence about rowing on any given day, but the erg first has to be moved a non-trivial distance.

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Re: Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

Post by Sandeman » January 30th, 2023, 2:40 am

Just bolt it to the floor. That will teach him/her :mrgreen:
1976 male from the Netherlands; 1m98 , 110kg, started RowErging in 03/2022
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Re: Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

Post by Tsnor » January 30th, 2023, 11:24 am

I have visions of how that heavy erg got down the steps.... thump thump thump.

Boathouse ergs get moved all the time. Most are stored upright, then dragged on the wheels to where they will be used. No damage after years of this. But your scenario seems a bit different.

A large, attached garage is actually not that bad place for erging in winter (nice and cool) and for summer there's erging outside. A storage shed is a bit different.

Good luck working out a solution. (3 days on, 4 days off?)

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Re: Moving a rower around - will it damage it?

Post by ukaserex » February 1st, 2023, 8:40 am

So, there's no reason to expect any damage from moving a c2. For what they are, they're relatively light. Anyone that would "drop" it, they probably have no business picking things up over 50# in the first place.

The real concern is that the garage is likely not climate controlled. In some parts of the country, there can be risk of rust. In my garage, I'm in the Gulf Coast area, and even though the only water that touches my rower is from my sweat, the humidity will cause rust. So, I use lithium grease to coat the areas where rust can ruin it, mainly the "stands", where the rower meets the floor.

We talk a lot about the great lasting power of the erg, but only if you can keep it from being rusted out!
Keep it inside for best results. If it must be kept in the garage, be sure you oil the chain at least once a month, if not every week to two weeks. And any rust prevention spray can't hurt.

Others may have better options for rust protection; that's just what I've been doing. Results may vary.
100M - 16.1 1 Min - 370 500M - 1:25.1 1k - 3:10.2 4:00 - 1216 2k 6:37.0 5k 17:58.8 6k - 21:54.1 30 Min. - 8130 10k - 37:49.7 60:00 - 15604
1/2 Marathon 1:28:44.3 Marathon 2:59:36

215 lbs
53 years old
