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[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » April 19th, 2005, 11:18 am

Hey Ducks!<br />It sure has gotten quiet around here. I'm starting this thread to see if I can get folks to just say hello from time to time. We want to know how you're doing in general - even if you don't have anything to say about rowing for now.<br /><br />Let's make a little splash, shall we? After all, we are in 24th place as I write this! That's pretty remarkable! Keep up the good work.<br /><br />Bufflehead

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » April 19th, 2005, 11:48 am

Yay Ducks! I'm so proud of ya'll for moving up to 24th! I haven't had any input in a while, as I've been moving to N.C. Am still unpacking, and getting semi-settled. Staying with family for a bit until I locate a job and figure out what area I want to live in. Interesting experience moving to your hometown after 10 years away. I think it will be a good move. Anyway, on my list of things to do today (a very long list I might add) is to set up the rower and try to get in a short row. So i intend to log back in and post some meters soon!

[old] Dawnald_duck
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Post by [old] Dawnald_duck » April 19th, 2005, 1:20 pm

Hey there, ducks! I'm still meeting my 20K+ per week goal. While it's a minor contribution compared to a lot of you, I have to say I'm excited about the possibility of the team staying in the top 25! I really just got going with this in December/ January, so I'm looking forward to adding a lot more meters next season. <br />I'm also very pleased to have done several workouts in the past 2 weeks at > 6K, and just did my first 7K last night. I may even accompish a 10K by the end of the season. Using the random workouts feature has helped me mix it up a lot and got me to try things I didn't think I would like (e.g., lower SPM segments) - the meters and time fly by when I'm concentrating on other things.<br /><br />It's finally springtime here in Virginia, and it's beautiful.

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » April 19th, 2005, 1:24 pm

Hi Ducks!<br /><br />24th place!! Wooo hooo! Maybe we should be the Mighty Ducks!!<br /><br />I just started rowing again on Sunday and was totally wiped out afterwards! I guess not rowing much in two weeks has really taken its toll on me. I'm gonna have to really work hard to get to my goal of a million meters by June 5!<br /><br />Snappy, good luck with the move and job search! <br />

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » April 19th, 2005, 2:28 pm

hiya Ducks ...... I am just passing through...... leg is getting better and the holiday in Oz and Singapore was out of this world. Only problem now is that I am as round as I am tall ... 4 mths of relative inactivity sure has taken it's toll. Next week I will attend the police convalescent home for 10 days of intensive physio ..the place is like a hotel ..swimming pool,sauna, steam room,gym witha c2 .. (I have checked lol)...and it's in a beautiful town in the Yorkshire dales<br /><br />I have been hard bk at it now just over a week and I am watching my eating and pulling some metres ..I will be back..might take all summer but I will get there ..anyway it's 7 mths to Birc and 10 mths to Boston ....

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » April 19th, 2005, 2:37 pm

Hi Ducks,<br /><br />I'm getting really close to that first million metres as well. I have about 830,000 so far.<br /><br />Go Ducks!<br /><br />Shannon

[old] Rowmum
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Post by [old] Rowmum » April 20th, 2005, 7:22 am

Hi there!<br />I did my first 0,5 marathon last Friday, and I´m still recovering.<br />I had a lowsy week, last week and I wanted to try if I could do it.<br />The first 10K went fine(my usual distance), but then I got cramping feet on both sides.<br />A part of me wanted to quit, but while the meters kept counting down, I kept going and going.<br />I imagined all the frustrating things that happened last week;husband went away for work for the week, car broke down, computer was broken, kids got stressed because mum was stressed, got my period and last but not least;the person we rented our house in Holland to(he seemed like such a nice person.....), was arrested for god knows what and left us with a house full of posessions, the police calling me ten times a day for information, and shocked neighbours(the house is in a small village, with beautiful houses and everybody knows everybody).<br />Well, anyway, after finishing my 21097 row I could hardly walk(it huuuuuuurt!), but I was very proud and much less frustrated.<br />The next day everything felt a lot better.<br />I got my husband to hang up my fitness-boxing-bag the moment he got back, because I desperately needed something to hit on and after a few easy days, I´m going back to my training routine on the rower.<br />This morning I bribed my kids;normally I have to get rowing between 5 and 6 in the morning, when it´s still quiet, but today I was very tired.<br />I promissed them a piece of cholcolate, if they would play for a while, so that I could row.<br />Wow;no shouting or hitting, nothing broken and when I was finished I could even take a quiet shower, without them coming in with all kinds of requests!<br />The chocolate was well deserved!<br />The whole thing with the police is settled,they got all the evidence they needed from the house and we are looking for a new renting person.<br />The weather is getting better and,wow, we got a German Pope, so the whole country is celebrating over here!<br />My rower is still my best (non-female) friend and really got me through last week; I spend my privat time on it, and it never gives up on me.<br />Taking time for myself even motivated me to take up my study again next year;I´m going back to university to finish my degree in law, which will take me 6 years of part-time study(they teach evening classes).<br />After studying psychiatry and working with abused and mistreated children, I want to be able to help them in legal ways too.<br />Apart from that, it will be very nice to spend some time with new, nice, interesting people over the age of 5.<br />Well, hope I didn´t bore you too much with my story, but it´s nice to write it off to fellow-rowers(my German neighbours think I´m crazy, when they see me rowing outdoors on my c2, when the weather is nice).<br />They even asked me if I have got some kind of a terrible disease, since I have slimmed down three sizes in the last months, without dieting(the mums over here just seem to get bigger with every child, which is fine by me, but just not for me).<br />I´m going to give my kids a big hug to say thank you now.<br />I wish you all a good rowing day and send you lots of greetings from Germany!<br />Andrea <br /><br />

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » April 20th, 2005, 9:09 am

Now, that's what I'm talking about! Thanks to everybody who dropped into the pond for a bit. See - you don't even have to be a Duck to land in this pond! <br />So - thanks to Carole for dropping by!<br />A big thank you to Rowmum for letting us know how rowing can even help you get over a terrible week!<br />I wish I had time to thank you all individually, but rest assured that I read every one of these posts. It always seems to give me the boost I need.<br />Have a great day!<br />Buffle<br />P.S. I'll fill you in on yesterday's rowing class later.

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » April 20th, 2005, 12:12 pm

Wow Rowmum! sounds like you worked hard to overcome a very difficult week! I didn't get a chance to welcome you last week on your introduction, but WELCOME! You're english is excellent, and I really enjoyed your above post. Oh, and congratulations on the half marathon. I've only done a 10k once, and am now trying to get back on the rower after a break for moving.

[old] KRed
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Post by [old] KRed » April 20th, 2005, 1:18 pm

Hi everyone! <br /><br />Took a bit of a break finishing my master's thesis... I couldn't concentrate on anything else!! I'm back, and it's almost like starting over But, I'm rowing every day and starting to re-build my endurance. <br /><br />I'm done with school! WOO HOO!!<br /><br /><br /> <br />

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » April 20th, 2005, 2:54 pm

So that's where you've been hiding, Dodger! <br />Glad to see you are back. <br />Congrats on finishing your thesis!<br /><br />Have you noticed how busy everybody is? And to think that we still find time to row! <br />Buffle

[old] snappyrower
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Post by [old] snappyrower » April 20th, 2005, 6:34 pm

yay on the thesis Red! What is it on? What type of program?

[old] KRed
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Post by [old] KRed » April 20th, 2005, 7:09 pm

Buffle... Funny thing was, it was less about time and more about concentration... I couldn't find any motivation to row with that project looming over my head! I had the time... just not the mind for it.. it was kind of weird!<br /><br />It's on Education (I'm a 5th and 6th grade teacher). More specifically, it's about the effects of small learning communities on student performance and school experience. <br /><br />I'm glad to be back <br />I just crossed the 100K mark today

[old] Shari
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Post by [old] Shari » April 21st, 2005, 10:49 pm

Hello,<br /><br />I am happy to have joined Ducks in a Row. It has made me more motivated to join you all. <br /><br />Shari

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » April 22nd, 2005, 3:27 am

just jumping in for a quick dip...............<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>splash</span></span> ...oops all the waters gone ... ggg.......oh it's okay its all coming back in...I really must lose some weight<br /><br />This weekend I am hosting a marathon weekend at McNally Towers..14 rowers from the British forum are descending on me . Some are going to attempt British records at either Hm or Marathon. I am not rowing but being the hostess with the mostest lol..... will let you all know how we go on ...
