Ranger's training thread

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 24th, 2010, 2:01 pm

ausrwr wrote:Can you not see what what you did was a race, moron?
I don't care much about races at all.

Races, both good and bad, are just a redundant reflection of training.

So races mean nothing at all.

I am not yet ready to race, or even concerned very much with racing.

So I raced badly.

So it goes.

This one bad race doesn't have anything to do with my capabilities or the quality of my training.


P.S. BTW, the 7:02 I paddled through, after giving up, because I had no energy, was two seconds faster than the 60s lwt hammer rowed at WIRC 2010.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by aharmer » November 24th, 2010, 3:36 pm

moved to proper thread
Last edited by aharmer on November 24th, 2010, 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by bellboy » November 24th, 2010, 4:03 pm

ranger wrote:
ausrwr wrote:Can you not see what what you did was a race, moron?
I don't care much about races at all.

Races, both good and bad, are just a redundant reflection of training.

So races mean nothing at all.

I am not yet ready to race, or even concerned very much with racing.

So I raced badly.

So it goes.

This one bad race doesn't have anything to do with my capabilities or the quality of my training.


P.S. BTW, the 7:02 I paddled through, after giving up, because I had no energy, was two seconds faster than the 60s lwt hammer rowed at WIRC 2010.
Then why did you fly 4000 miles to take part in a race then you fuckwit?! Its like me flying to Moscow for a bowel movement. Now that you have finally admitted that you are a hwt you can spend your erging days in mediocrity because your glory weight days are long gone. Your_training_has_failed. Admit it.Move on. You crashed and burned. You are about a grand lighter because you went to England's premier shithole for a "paddle"! Idiocy and arrogance takes many forms. You have perfected them both all wrapped up in a chubby little package.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Nosmo » November 24th, 2010, 4:19 pm

bellboy wrote:.....you fuckwit?!.....
and what's your point? Doesn't reflect too well on you.
TSO wants a reaction.
Time to move on.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by bellboy » November 24th, 2010, 4:29 pm

Nosmo wrote:
bellboy wrote:.....you fuckwit?!.....
and what's your point? Doesn't reflect too well on you.
TSO wants a reaction.
Time to move on.
dont post a comment then.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Carl Watts » November 24th, 2010, 4:54 pm

Well no problem beating Rangers BIRC 2010 result here as I said I would before 1st December 2010.

Could have got out of bed in my pyjama's and put my slippers on and done it. :lol: :lol:

Did it as part of a 4 x 2K online at 15min intervals in the THIRD heat.

7:14.9 at 19 spm HR 169 ave (UT2)
7:08.5 at 21 spm HR 177 ave (AT)
6:58.8 at 23 spm HR 182 ave (TR) - ranked
Sub 8 CD.

It's going to be interesting to do a one off after a warm up at 26 spm.....predictions ? 6:16 ? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by bellboy » November 24th, 2010, 4:56 pm

Carl Watts wrote:Well no problem beating Rangers BIRC 2010 result here as I said I would before 1st December 2010.

Could have got out of bed in my pyjama's and put my slippers on and done it. :lol: :lol:

Did it as part of a 4 x 2K online at 15min intervals in the THIRD heat.

7:14.9 at 19 spm HR 169 ave (UT2)
7:08.5 at 21 spm HR 177 ave (AT)
6:58.8 at 23 spm HR 182 ave (TR) - ranked
Sub 8 CD.

It's going to be interesting to do a one off after a warm up at 26 spm.....predictions ? 6:16 ? :lol: :lol:
6.16? Using Ranger maths you are a shoe in for 6.08!!!

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by wgr » November 24th, 2010, 5:27 pm

paul s wrote:Time for another Holiday reset. On Saturday, October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers from 28 participating organizations to perform one of the Knight Foundation's "Random Acts of Culture" at Macy's in Center City Philadelphia. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ - the world's largest operational pipe organ.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wp_RHnQ- ... re=related

Paul S

That was excellent, Paul, and it hits the spot.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by aharmer » November 24th, 2010, 6:17 pm

Eureka! Can't believe I've never caught this, but you can add ranger to your "foe" list and his posts will not show up in any thread. I enjoy what others post on this thread because many times it's amusing, but I can't stand wading through his garbage to see it. Click on his profile, add to the foe list, and all is perfect in cyber-world!

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Citroen » November 24th, 2010, 6:22 pm


Let him spout his BS, but please resist from replying, he's only doing it to seek attention.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by jliddil » November 24th, 2010, 10:19 pm


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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by Gus » November 24th, 2010, 11:33 pm


Let him spout his BS, but please resist from replying, he's only doing it to seek attention.

It seems to me if you don't like to read what Ranger has to say, you probably shouldn't be active in this thread. I'd prefer you just let it go and, for those of us who enjoy the thread in some way, sick or otherwise, leave us and Ranger this one thread to use without your repetitive posts asking us to not reply to him.

In reality we are doing everybody a favor. By replying here keeping this thread alive, Ranger posts here instead of in all the other threads. Can you imagine him also saying the same stuff in 4 or 5 other threads? I've been here long enough to have seen this happen. He doesn't go away if you ignore him except for very brief periods. He just shows up somewhere else and usually everywhere else. Keep his attention her and everyone is better off.

Again, if you don't like the thread don't read it! The funny part is I bet most of you who have said you weren't going to reply to Ranger are still popping in to see what he's saying. For sheer interest in BIRC and the results I bet Ranger was the main cause for the site being overloaded as we all wanted to see how he did. As much as he irritates many of us, he certainly is an individual that draws us in. It sort of reminds me of professional wrestling with the good guy and the bad guy personalities. Often, the "bad" guy has more fans that the good guy and is the main draw. If you just look at it as entertainment it's a lot easier to take Ranger's comments.

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by TomR » November 24th, 2010, 11:52 pm

Gus wrote: In reality we are doing everybody a favor. By replying here keeping this thread alive, Ranger posts here instead of in all the other threads. Can you imagine him also saying the same stuff in 4 or 5 other threads?
This argument is entirely without merit. Because ranger is so disruptive, the moderators could simply limit him to this thread alone.

Everyone could go away, and he would be left alone in the embrace of his delusions.

Which is pretty much the way it is now.
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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 25th, 2010, 4:04 am

Gus wrote: If you just look at it as entertainment it's a lot easier to take Ranger's comments.
Entertainment is just art.

Sports are arts.

And rowing is a sport.

So, what I am writing here has a lot to do with good training for rowing.

As Wallace Stevens famously said, the poet is "he that is of repetition the most master."

BTW, just to repeat myself some more:

Back in the spring and summer, I was delighted to be getting the rate up to 29 spm and 10 MPS (1:43 pace, 11 SPI) in some of my distance rowing.

But that was rowing at high drag, with a cut slide, all tensed up at the catch, with a drive of .8 seconds, and therefore a low ratio, which made the rowing pretty awkward and difficult.

At low drag (120 df.), at full slide, with relaxed shoulders and core at the catch and a drive of only .5 seconds, and therefore a high ratio, I now get 1:40 @ 29 spm (12 SPI) with a much smoother and easier stroke--an improvement in both effectiveness and efficiency.

One _huge_ part of my rowing from now until WIRC will be just working with 1:40 @ 29 spm (12 SPI).

I suspect this is exactly the rate and pace that Eskild E. uses when he pulls 18K for 60min.

Great stuff.

For me, 1:40 is now _below_ WR 2K pace.

If I get so that I can do 1:40 @ 29 spm (12 SPI) for even 6K, I meet my goal and win my bet with Henry.

And, hey, what if I get so that I can do 1:40 @ 29 spm for an hour?

:shock: :shock:

Last edited by ranger on November 25th, 2010, 4:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)

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Re: Ranger's training thread

Post by ranger » November 25th, 2010, 4:21 am

bellboy wrote:Then why did you fly 4000 miles to take part in a race?
Why not?

Are you claiming that it is bad form to participate?

Don't know where _that_ is coming from.

Sure, I failed.

But I was _trying_ to best Rocket Roy's 55s lwt WR before I turn 60.

So I gave it my best shot.

And even though I failed, in comparative terms, I don't know how you can dis- the outcome.

I got a bronze, even though I just paddled the race.

My 7:02 at BIRC 2010 is the best 2K by someone my age and weight (or older) this year and two seconds faster than the 60s lwt hammer row at WIRC 2010, even though it is 21 seconds slower than what I pulled last year, without even preparing for it.

A failure such as this has nothing to do with my capabilities or training.

It is just an accident of circumstances.

I can now do a sub-6:30 2K at AT.

If I could have found the energy, I might well have pulled sub-6:30.

I couldn't predict my lack of energy on race day.

I don't train at weight, without eating and drinking.

For me, rowing at weight adds quite a bit of extra stress.

Traveling to a foreign venue is also stressful.

I now have two golds and a bronze, including a WR row and a championship record row.

The 55s lwt BIRC championship record is still mine.

Paul didn't come within two seconds per 500m of it.

Last edited by ranger on November 25th, 2010, 4:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
Rich Cureton M 72 5'11" 165 lbs. 2K pbs: 6:27.5 (hwt), 6:28 (lwt)
