Dietz does 15k a day...
BTW: Toggle the display over to avg pace, why don't you?

BTW: Doing all that biking is not going to help your sculling. Your weight is fine. Give the super endurance stuff a rest and post a decent performance fully trained at any weight.
There is no competition waiting for you in the 60's lwt ERG standings... You've claimed that yourself here on this thread!
Go Row against Flory, Spousta, Dietz, Meyer, Andersen, and the like on the water... They give you a 'tutorial' alright!...

As you've said all summer... Your perfect stroke is ready and you are "happy" with it.

Have you've given up on predicting your time in the Head of the Grand...

Seems that in ranger-world all that matters is the number of strokes a sculler takes per minute

Why not go out a 45 spm?
Anyway: I expect the crowds of sculling enthusiasts will gather by the finish line an exclaim in unison:
"Wow! Did you see that? He pulled it off! He sculled his final ten strokes at 30 spm!!! What a mensch!!!!