GoogleMap erging mashup?

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GoogleMap erging mashup?

Post by davidn » May 8th, 2008, 1:10 am

Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I was thinking about ways to maybe come up with additional visualizations for the rowing challenges that C2 provides - to motivate and increase interest in the challenges.

An :idea: that I had (please forgive its been brought up before - didn't find it when Goggling) is to allow people to visualize their distance covered by projecting it on a line on a map, perhaps across the US.

Such a map would contain "pushpin" marks for each person (showing where they are at that time, so map would always be changing as people updated their logs), that could serve to motivate ergers since they could see how far they have gone vs others. This could be used for an annual cumulative challenge or for shorter 100k or 250k type challenges. The route could just be a straight line between two cities or well known places.

Here is a demo of what it would look like: ... 84536&z=13

In addition, it could foster a bit of interest in geography in that when you are checking out where you are on the line of progress, on GoogleMaps or Google Earth, you can checkout all kinds of other stuff in the vicinity (points of interest, cities, flikr picture overlays, ...). Additionally, "seeing" how far you have gone on a map helps to make your distances more concrete (tell someone you rowed 10K and they usually don't have a good feel for how far that is, but tell them that you rowed from San Francisco to Oakland, well that's easier to visualize that kind of distance.)

In addition, it can foster the competitive spirit in people since they will see in more visual manner how they are doing relative to others.

A visual histogram showing the number of ergers in each of smaller legs of the path could easily be depicted in 3D in GoogleEarth, giving even more info on how you are doing relative to a pack. This is relatively easy with what I understand so far about KML.

I'm sure there are web programmers out there that could lend a hand in coming up with the sever side stuff to put this together, and I can lend a hand also. Do it open-source so that other types of activities could leverage it also and we could get back bug fixes?

It would all be implemented on web sever side of things, so clients logging in would just see a window showing the map and the overlay or a link to a KML file to display it in GoogleEarth. Server side would need to periodically scan the logged meters for members that have opted in this and build the necessary map file or KML file.

In addition, the "pushpins" on the map for each erger themselves can be clicked on to show some text, which could include a link to each member's public profile to show their picture and other public info so you can know more about who you are up against - maybe this could help build erging community ties?

Any thoughts? C2 - any interest?

This could be done on another site, but if it was on C2's, then it would have access to everyone's log data already and people are already going to that site to log their data and getting them to another site to relog or check where they are would reduce interest since people might not remember to go to that other site.

(There is some discussion on how to do this in the recently released book Google Apps Hacks/O'Reilly - Hack 121 - Create Google Map Overlays On The Fly)

If there isn't a response on this thread, I'll cross post this over to the more active threads and see if there is interest.
Last edited by davidn on May 14th, 2008, 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Citroen » May 8th, 2008, 7:26 am

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Citroen - frappr doesnt quite look like what I'm suggesting

Post by davidn » May 8th, 2008, 10:03 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I checked out the frappr site. It looks like its just a static overlay of your position onto the map - interesting, but lets improve on it. I'm suggesting that we take that idea and embed it into the C2 log site and update the position file continuous and then project everyone's positions onto a line, with markers to show your location on that - and don't require any extra work on users parts to do this, its just automatically done by the server code.

Agreed though that much of the hard work is already done by Google (or other web based mapping service) which is one of the appealing aspects of this idea. We would just need to come up with the server side code to continually scan the log data base, extract cumulate meters for each enrolled person, and create a KML file. Top level log page HTML would also need to be marked up to add the image of the map or a link to it. Rough estimate of work, maybe 20 or so hours, which could be free for C2 as we could probably get a community effort to do it.

To internationalize this, maybe we could use the Equator or one of the lines of the latitude and have everyone try to row around the earth (would take a while, as I think its about 38M meters at equator, but maybe we could just do the continents instead.

Have gotten some read hits on this thread, but not many votes. I'll probably repost over to the most active thread to see if this has any appeal and esp if anyone from C2 expresses interest as obviously they would need to help out as its their web server that I'm assuming this would run on.

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Post by Citroen » May 9th, 2008, 6:25 am

You can probably steal the code from those existing google gadgets. ... ser=142454

It's 40,075,020m round the equator.

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Post by davidn » May 9th, 2008, 7:34 pm

Citroen wrote:You can probably steal the code from those existing google gadgets. ... ser=142454

It's 40,075,020m round the equator.
Hi Citoen (ok, if your user number is 142454, you must be "Dougie"?). It looks like the code is on the server side, an ASP script? with the user number passed as a parameter? But, yes, behind this script is the code to access the database and then generate the HTML output for display, and that could be used to start. Also, given that someone at C2 possibly created this iGoogle gadget, it looks like C2 was open to adding more functionality, which is a good sign.

Well, I got quite a few reads of the post, 18 views of the sample map, and I think it was 4 votes of interest and no votes against, so I'll take this as a positive sign. I'm going to repost this message over on the most active thread (even though its off topic) in the hopes that more people might vote yes and maybe someone from C2 will chime in and back it and offer to allow us to add this to their server (or they can do it).

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Post by davidn » May 9th, 2008, 7:56 pm

I went over to the general thread and it looks like this idea is already being implemented, see

Its a bit different in that it looks like they are taking the cumulative meters of everyone together to row around the coastlines of the continents.

BTW, here is the histogram idea that I had, ie projecting the number of people in segments of the line of the race: ... 6716571490

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Post by ulu » May 9th, 2008, 10:52 pm

davidn wrote:I went over to the general thread and it looks like this idea is already being implemented, see

Its a bit different in that it looks like they are taking the cumulative meters of everyone together to row around the coastlines of the continents.

BTW, here is the histogram idea that I had, ie projecting the number of people in segments of the line of the race: ... 6716571490
I am the author of the code for It needs some updating at present due to the change in year.
We do use the cumulative meters as that is the easiest to obtain without knowing everyones passwords etc.

I have the code much more sophisticated now using the C2 interface. I have not published it yet. You can actually watch your boat row in Google Earth (or google maps) in real time as you work the erg.

I have some set courses and starting points that I putting on, but these are easy to customize. You will be able to race your friends on the head of the Charles or on the Henley. Change your view on the boat, etc.

The combination of the Google Interface and the C2 interface actually makes this "relatively simple" to code. I have been busy with my day job and some volunteer commitments to refine the code right now, but the folks on the Eh!Team will be the first to see it in action.

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by Citroen » May 10th, 2008, 8:34 am

davidn wrote:
Citroen wrote:You can probably steal the code from those existing google gadgets. ... ser=142454

It's 40,075,020m round the equator.
Hi Citroen (ok, if your user number is 142454, you must be "Dougie"?). It looks like the code is on the server side, an ASP script? with the user number passed as a parameter? But, yes, behind this script is the code to access the database and then generate the HTML output for display, and that could be used to start. Also, given that someone at C2 possibly created this iGoogle gadget, it looks like C2 was open to adding more functionality, which is a good sign.
Bill Patton who developed that stuff has left C2. So at the moment all you could do is grab that stuff with XMLHttpRequest and pull the raw HTML apart.
Dougie Lawson
61yrs, 172cm, Almost LWt (in my dreams).
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David Hart
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Post by David Hart » May 14th, 2008, 8:57 am

Hi David,

Thanks a lot for your post. We'll be putting something almost identical in place for the forthcoming Road To The Olympics challenge starting in July, which will see a boat following a route from Morrisville, Vermont (C2 HQ) to Beijing propelled by everyone's ranking meters.

As to whether we do anything in the future for individuals, that's something we can put on the evergrowin' to do list.


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Post by davidn » May 14th, 2008, 11:45 am

David Hart - OK, thats great news. Thanks and looking forward to seeing that.

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