OTW Rower Trying to Make Lightweight Weigh-In

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OTW Rower Trying to Make Lightweight Weigh-In

Post by VHS_Johnson » April 10th, 2008, 9:13 pm

I have recently transitioned into the Lightweight 4+ division rowing on the water. At the next race the maximum weight is 130 lbs (as opposed to 135) and I am 129.5 pounds exactly. With Nationals right around the corner it's impossible to compete anywhere else. No matter how many fruits and vegetables I eat or how much water I drink I can't shed any pounds at all. I am worried about weighing in only to find out I'm too heavy. Do any of you have tips that don't involve crash dieting? I have one week to lose the weight. I will resort to crashing if I have to, but I'd like to consider any and all alternatives first. Thanks.

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Post by PaulS » April 11th, 2008, 2:10 pm

Just maintain what you are doing. 129.5 is less than 130 so you should be good to go. If you are fit, and it sounds as if you must be, it will be very difficult to shed 1% of your lean mass, and that would not be a good thing to do anyway. Avoid over-eating on race day morning before weigh in, but radical changes that can effect performance should be avoided. Let your coach know of your concerns so they can plan to help you monitor along with your team mates.

Good luck at Nationals!
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Paul Smith
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making weight

Post by Calamity » April 12th, 2008, 12:40 pm

Cut down on your salt intake, like in half for a few days before the race. That way you will not retain any water at the weigh in.

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Post by VHS_Johnson » April 14th, 2008, 8:24 pm

Thanks for all of the advice. I lost three pounds. :)
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Post by Nosmo » April 15th, 2008, 1:39 pm

VHS_Johnson wrote:Thanks for all of the advice. I lost three pounds. :)
Tell us more. Was that the official weigh in or just the weight of one morning. Did you just cut out the salt or do something else?

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Post by lightweight8 » November 1st, 2008, 1:34 pm

This is an older post, but I'm a new member so just reading it now. It reminds me of my competitive rowing days...

Lightweight was always 130 back then, and I was consistently borderline and was seen prior to weigh-ins, running in a full body sweat suit trying to shed the last few ounces. Those were the days.... :)
Trisha in SW Florida
Rowed competitively in college...
Now just erging for fitness!

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