Pace Times and Stroke rate

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Pace Times and Stroke rate

Post by kenp219 » July 4th, 2007, 6:50 am

Hi there.

New to this rowing thing but I am rapidly becoming addicted to it. I used to run, but too many knee injuries through the years have left me as a 47 yoa with no knees, in need of a knee replacement, but too young for one. Soooo, the goal is attain/maintain a level of fitness, as well as weight loss.

Anyway, I have been reading some of these posts on this board and I am a little confused. My stroke rate is routinely in the 30 - 32 strokes per minute rate at about a 2:15/500m pace. Is this too high a stroke weight? Should I slow down on the number of strokes per minute? But increase the strength of my pull? Any thoughts greatly appreciated.


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Post by bscastro » July 4th, 2007, 8:08 am

This is very general, so consider this with what your goals are.
1. I think 30-32 spm might be fast for general training. I think it doesn't give you enough time on the recovery. I think many people go 30+ spm in racing or sprint training situations. How long are you holding this for? If you are doing this for 20-30 minutes, you could be shortening up your stroke and not getting full range of motion.
2. Look at your technique. If you are just beginning and going that fast, it could be you are not using the most efficient technique. Try slowing down to 20-24 spm and see how you feel. If it feels awkward, take your time and make sure you are using proper technique.

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Post by PaulH » July 4th, 2007, 8:14 am

To back up what bscastro said, it's worth slowing things down at the moment. At 30spm it's easy to mask deficiencies in your stroke. Take it down to 20-24 and you'll have more time to think about what you're doing. If it feels strange just drop one spm a week to get down.

Once you're there you should be concentrating on drive with the legs, and a nice straight back. If you don't you'll be like me, pushing weakly and slouching like a teenager at the mall :)

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Post by Tyn » July 4th, 2007, 9:03 am

Try rowing strapless, this will drop your spm!! and will improve your technique!!

Some people around the forum think you should try to do s10mps, strapless 10 meters per stroke, It helped me a lot!!

Good Luck and

Happy Rowing!!


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Re: Pace Times and Stroke rate

Post by Bob S. » July 4th, 2007, 10:46 am

kenp219 wrote:Hi there.

Anyway, I have been reading some of these posts on this board and I am a little confused. My stroke rate is routinely in the 30 - 32 strokes per minute rate at about a 2:15/500m pace. Is this too high a stroke weight? Should I slow down on the number of strokes per minute? But increase the strength of my pull? Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

Check out the following URL:

The biggest problem that most people new to the erg have is trying to take too fast a stroke rate and ending up with a bad drive to recovery ratio. The drive should be quick and hard and you should get the hands away and past the knees rapidly. After that the slide should be brought up slowly as you relax on the rest of the recovery. At a rate of 20 strokes per minute (spm), the recovery should take about twice as long as the drive. On the drive, the arms should be straight until the legs have straightened. On the recovery the legs should stay straight until the arms have straightened. Note that straight legs does not mean locked knees. The body motion (about 10 degrees in each direction from the vertical) can be practiced as a separate movement in between the leg drive and the arm (and the reverse on the recovery), but eventually generally gets blended in, bridging the arm and leg movements.

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Post by jamesg » July 4th, 2007, 1:40 pm

K, to get the rating down, you have to put more work into each stroke; and work is the product of force x length. So pull longer strokes, not harder. The handle should start at the chainguard and travel as far as possible, albeit without getting into weak positions.
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Post by johnlvs2run » July 4th, 2007, 1:46 pm

Your 30-32 is a good rate.

I wouldn't worry about it so much, just keep developing your rhythm and form as you are increasing your fitness and conditioning for the rowing.
bikeerg 75 5'8" 155# - 18.5 - 51.9 - 568 - 1:52.7 - 8:03.8 - 20:13.1 - 14620 - 40:58.7 - 28855 - 1:23:48.0
rowerg 56-58 5'8.5" 143# - 1:39.6 - 3:35.6 - 7:24.0 - 18:57.4 - 22:49.9 - 7793 - 38:44.7 - 1:22:48.9 - 2:58:46.2

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Pace and Stroke Rate

Post by kenp219 » July 8th, 2007, 12:52 am

Hi All.

Thanks for the replies and info. Bob S., thanks for the link to the video. It really broke down the stroke and made it easy to understand.

I just tried rowing at a rate of 24 spm, paying careful attention to good form. Wow!!! Hard to believe that technique matters so much! After several 2 1/2 minute sessions, I was totally worn out. Hard to belive that just 3 days prior, I was rowing continously for 37 minutes at 32 spm. I will continue onward with this program. And will keep you posted on the progress.

BTW, sorry for not replying sooner. Was travelling on business and didn't have my laptop handy.


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