Detaching Rower for Storage?

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Detaching Rower for Storage?

Post by Christy725 » May 28th, 2007, 5:15 pm

Hi I'm new obviously! I'm having trouble with the detachable mechanism on the model D rower. It seems simple enough but I'm afraid to force it when I attach the two pieces. I got it attached but now I'm afraid to disassemble it for storage! lol...Would somebody be so kind as to explain this process and suggest the proper way to store the two pieces? Can they be set on top of one another, propped against the wall, etc? :D

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Post by Rocky » May 30th, 2007, 11:00 pm

I sympathize with your plight. I had some initial difficulties disassembling and reassembling the rower. My advice is to look carefully at the diagrams that came with the erg and on the website. It's hard to explain but I will give it a try:

I found that I had to yank upwards on the cord to disengage the black "lock", which is shaped like a semicircle. The trick is to spin the lock so that the curve of the semicircle is no longer putting pressure on the pieces directly above it. Then, just lift the back piece up, and it will disengage from the front piece with the fan.

Reassembly is easy, once you understand the angles. The back piece just drops into place against the front. Lift the two ends up, pull them close together, and drop them against one another. There is no forcing of anything to get it set up. Then you spin the black locking piece, and it puts pressure against the front and back pieces to keep them in place. It's quite ingenious.

I hope this helps. Pictures are best. See if you can find them.... or call the support people at concept 2, they are a great help.

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Post by Storm Petrel » May 30th, 2007, 11:31 pm

Christy, I know space requirements may dictate otherwise, but, you will use it more if you can leave it out and ready to row, rather than getting it out and setting it up every time.

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Post by Citroen » May 31st, 2007, 12:50 pm

The newer model Ds (and model Es) with the re-designed framelock are much simpler to break in half. It's a lot easier than the old model Cs and older model Ds with the rotating cam framelock.

There's some video that shows the procedure for both flavours at: ... sembly.asp
