Row Pro / Ergmonitor

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[old] LacticAcid
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] LacticAcid » June 2nd, 2004, 9:36 pm

Row Pro / ErgMonitor<br><br>Where do I find em'? Which is better? I'm using a Model C with the PM2+, I got XP on my laptop and 98/2000 on my desktop. Don't even discuss the PM3.<br><br><br>TIA!

[old] Miker
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] Miker » June 2nd, 2004, 10:52 pm

RowPro is here:<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'>Row Pro</a><br><br>ErgMonitor is here:<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'>Erg Monitor</a><br><br>Which is better? Loaded question because each has positive items. I have tried both and I use RowPro myself (but I am not trying to be biased here). <br><br>I found that ErgMonitor appealed to the techie side of me. Numbers, lots of numbers. And moving gauges. Lots of information plus the force curve. You will be amazed to find that you are constantly adjusting your pull to change the shape of the curve or even to try and mimic the previous curve. It takes a hardware modification (simple and inexpensive) to make it work with your computer and erg.<br><br>Although RowPro shows less numbers and graphs, it is graphically enhanced with a uncanny rower that you try to copy. Great extras such as training programs and analysis tools. Connected to C2 for logging results. Strong forum of users. <br><br>You can download and try both. I did this and alternated rows between the two. Why did I choose RowPro? I think I was orignally overwhelmed by all the information that ErgMonitor provided. However that being said, as a more experienced rower (ha) I might be tempted to try Ergmonitor again.

[old] grams
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] grams » June 8th, 2004, 7:54 pm

I had trouble getting Ergmonitor to run on my laptop. It ran fine on my desktop machine. PaulS said that not all laptop models seem to have the right input software to keep the data flow coming in well. You should email him and ask if your laptop is ok.<br><br>Otherwise, I liked the numbers on Ergmonitor. It helped me figure out what I was doing wrong with my stroke.<br><br>Grams
