POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify mileage?

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Would you like Challenge/Honor Board leaders to verify their mileage?

Yes , if over 30km for the day
Yes , but only for the Challenges
Not bothered
Nobody cheats
Total votes: 22

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POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify mileage?

Post by phlukke » June 26th, 2014, 4:54 am

Please feel free to leave your opinion also. thankyou

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 26th, 2014, 5:56 am

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 26th, 2014, 9:24 am

thx to those who hv voted so far

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 26th, 2014, 11:30 am

if u do visit , pls also take time to vote. thx

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Carl Watts
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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by Carl Watts » June 26th, 2014, 9:23 pm

This has been done to death already and although I think all the meters should be verified no one else is interested the end result is I no longer bother entering the Challenges when you get people beating you who cannot prove they rowed a single meter.

Technology will come to the rescue one day making the uploading of meters a seemless process and verification will be automatic. As soon as the PM2 monitors finally die out and people don't have an excuse why they need to manually enter the meters and a whole new PM5 comes along the rest will be history.

RowPro is leading the way and already has this covered. You just row online and your results are there for the world to see, right click in the Log and upload to the C2 website after the row and your done. The only way to cheat on a Challenge would be to have someone else row for you but I think this is going to be the last remaining problem there is until you also have a webcam with facial recognition or fingerprint verification on the handle while your rowing !

The current system makes it to easy to cheat and it needs to change, even if it means simply adding a column of placings for those with verified rows.
Carl Watts.
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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 12:44 am

thanks carl. i agree

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 4:17 am

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by gregsmith01748 » June 27th, 2014, 5:42 am

Just as I have seen some athletes row much faster than I can match, or even imagine, I think that others are focused on ultra distance and have much more time and dedication than I do. I prefer to be inspired by the folks at the top of the leader boards for challenges. I've met some of them, and they seem like honorable people.

I don't understand why someone would lie to get on top of a meterboard. I mean what's the point of that? If they do, how does that harm me?
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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 5:51 am

thanks greg.
i dont know how ppl can cheat but Concept do offer incentives from time to time.
perhaps that creates collusion/exaggeration?

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by TabbRows » June 27th, 2014, 9:18 am

I struck a vote for "only the Challenges". Mainly to lift the category out of its egg-shaped status. I tend to agree with Carl that tech will soon help narrow some of these gaps. Challenges and organized competition should probably be the primary sources for verified distance results and records, so hopefully tech will grab a bigger slice of the pie in these areas. But in the meantime, I don't frankly care how many meters others row or how much faster they claim to be. Many of us row OTW and may use the erg as a supplement to training or alternative for inclement days. That affects the meters we row and often the rating, as we're not trying to break records or row incredible distances with every session. And there are those with lots of time on their fannies to sit and erg ad nauseum. Let 'em. More erging to them. But distances that defy any reasonable amount of time in the day, known human endurance or verified historical records of more noted rowers, should be open to question by others.
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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 9:32 am

thanks for your vote and opinion. much appreciated.

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 11:28 am

perhaps there should be a 40,000/day honor board that u can only appear on if you verify everything with concept2?

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by Citroen » June 27th, 2014, 12:36 pm

phlukke wrote:perhaps there should be a 40,000/day honor board that u can only appear on if you verify everything with concept2?
But it's common for folk to do 42,195 which is a ranking distance.
The most I've done is 100,000 when three of us rowed 19'30" segments for 24 hours.

So I think your permitted limit is illogical.

Dave Holby rowed 40,075,000 in 934 days. You could use his average as a benchmark.

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by phlukke » June 27th, 2014, 1:05 pm

thanks for your input.

I guess any new honor board would need to be set at a level that didnt discourage all ultra rowers but also high enough to stop Concept2
being swamped with verifications.

Maybe 5-10 ppl on it averaging X km/day over the season.

the current 10km/day seems low.

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Re: POLL - Should Challenge/Honor Board leaders verify milea

Post by Carl Watts » June 27th, 2014, 8:38 pm

I think you just need to wait for the technology to catch up. One day the "Monitor" as you see it now could be just be an App on your smartphone. Turn your phone physically sideways to landscape and away you go. After the row the mobile can just automatically upload you result to the C2 website without you having to press a single button. Its not like the technology is not already here, the C2 rower needs a Bluetooth tach sensor down by the flywheel or in the C2 monitor for comms to a PC or your smartphone.

Easier still Bluetooth in the monitor and just run a LogBook App in the smartphone to track your metres as a better alternative to the LogCard. The phone then uploads to the C2 Website automatically and you have to register the phone so its unique (or use something already inbuilt into the phnoe thats a unique identifier like the MAC address in a PC) and other people cannot simply upload their metres to your results.

Concept 2 are not interested in fixing the problem or even running ONE Challenge a year for verified rows only, which to be honest is all I need to be happy about entering.

The results from this would tell you a thing or two about who is cheating or suddenly "Absent" from entering. I predict the number of people doing this type of Challenge would drop significantly to perhaps only 10 to 20% of those doing the current Challenges, of course I would love to be given the opportunity to be proven wrong.

The other problem is that not everyone is using a C2 rower and as long as you have the manual metres entry system your going to get all sorts of random entries.
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.
