Million Meter club device question: RowErg on slides?

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Million Meter club device question: RowErg on slides?

Post by adouglas » March 31st, 2022, 6:21 pm

I just got some slides. The C2 Logbook charts these as such... meaning that my season total shows a composite bar.

Question: Does a row erg on slides count as a separate device for purposes of hitting a Million Meter goal?

Not that it really matters... it'll just set me back a couple of months in reaching my first big milestone.

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Carl Watts
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Re: Million Meter club device question: RowErg on slides?

Post by Carl Watts » March 31st, 2022, 6:48 pm

No it doesn't affect your total meters.

Slides give you a bit of an advantage, especially if your heavy when it comes to the Rankings when you log separate rows.

I have a bit of dark blue in my 2014 and 2016 results when RowPro had a bit of a fault and was uploading my rows as using slides.

There are plenty of people using slides that do not record themselves as using slides.
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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