I am an olympic weightlifter (ranked 6 countrywide in my weight category) and I am looking for a cardio exercise that will not fatigue my quads (I squat heavy every day).This is quite difficult to find as you can imagine, and I have been restricted to swimming so far.
I recently learned about the skierg, and this seems to be a very promising possibility for my cardio needs. In fact, it is interesting because it appears to work the opposite muscles that are used in the weightlifting movements (see image below). The skierg could be "the" solution for me and my fellow weightlifters.
The problem is that I am unable to try one before buying it, I just can't find any in driving distance where I live.
So before pulling the trigger and ordering one, I thought I would ask your opinion, as you seem to be very experienced with the skiergs. Do you think there any reason why I should reconsider?
This is the image that shows the kind of movement we do in weightlifting:

Have a good day