in the COVID-19 crisis is not all bad. Since my fitness studio has temporarily (indefinitely) closed and I can't use the ergometers there anymore, I finally fulfilled my wish for my own Concept2 after years.
I have been looking for training plans for 10ks for the last two days. Here in the forum I found this very good thread from 2016 (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=112493&hilit=10k). Otherwise the internet is only full of training plans for running. It looks like rowing and running have similar training plan designs. Is this true?
ArmandoChavezUNC said in the mentioned thread that for 10k's the increase of the total mileage is decisive. I don't think I can do the 90-110k a week that he recommends, but I have incorporated that consideration into my design. My current PB for 10k is about 39:40 and was not properly paced. I think my next target is sub 39:00. I am 28 years old, 185cm and about 93Kg.
Here is what I have been thinking:
- Monday
15k 165 BPM HR - Tuesday
Rest - Wednesday
15k 165 BPM HR - Thursday
Rest - Friday
4x2.5k (3-5m Rest)
at 10k pace (1:57:0) - Saturday
10k 165 BPM HR - Sunday
I have a few questions regarding my training and the plan above:
- I like working out in Z4 at 165 BPM. Does this make sense or do I need to lower intensity to Z3?
- To get a steady HR I usually start with higher intensity and lower it as the HR rises over the course of a workout. Does this make sense?
- Do you think my plan makes any sense? I thought about adding HIIT too but the 4x2.5 intervals seem fine too.

Thanks everyone and have a nice Sunday!