Dyno - lubing short "loop" chain: how do you do it?

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Dyno - lubing short "loop" chain: how do you do it?

Post by Ombrax » January 30th, 2019, 9:16 pm

I just got a Dyno, and it turns out that it's one of the earlier production models that doesn't have a hole on top of the monorail (behind the push-seat) to allow access to the short chain.

If you have a similar early Dyno how do you oil that chain?

One solution suggested by C2 is to drill a hole to create an access port, but doing so would probably drop some metal chips onto the chain, which I would like to avoid if possible.

I'm hoping that someone out there has figured out a relatively painless way to do this, and will same me the hassle of going up the Dyno learning curve all alone.


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