ErgData -> Logbook -> export file Problem

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ErgData -> Logbook -> export file Problem

Post by bojam » June 14th, 2018, 8:20 pm

I have been using my new BikeErg and ergData and mostly enjoying the experience, no great results to report.

I have though got a few observations about using ergData on the BE.

1) If you verify the df before a ranking session the fan isn't allowed to stop before you start the actual session so the fan is up and running.
2) ergData crashed for me 4 times at a start of a 30 min TT with no error message.
3) All my sessions I have completed using ergData when synced to the LogBook and then exported to tcx or csv files result in a rpm of 50, yet the Logbook has a correct value depending on my session.

Anyone else seen these or others?

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