Healthy Habits Group?

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Healthy Habits Group?

Post by Karen » March 24th, 2006, 12:44 pm

Hello There!

I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in my search for a group of friends who will help support eachother as we challenge ourselves to make each day of our life healthy.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, eat healthier, or just get some exercise in each day, I hope that others with fitness in mind will feel free to join.

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Post by Karen » March 24th, 2006, 12:52 pm

Hello there.

I will start with a brief introduction of myself. I have been using Weight Watchers for about 8 months now, and have successfully lost 38 lbs. I have recently gained my lifetime membership with them, but still have a little weight to drop. More than that, I just want to continue to make fitness a priority in my life. I have always been into exercise, but this is the first time that I have been able to maintain such healthy eating patterns for this long of a time period.

My Grandma has osteoporosis really bad, and my mom is starting to get it. Arthritis and diabetes are also huge issues in our family. I can only hope that strength training and keeping fit will help me avoid going through the pain I see them suffering with.


Today my goal is to do 60 minutes on my rowing machine. I was out of town last weekend, and came home with a fever and terrible headache that lasted a couple of days. Today will be my first workout since last week! It is definitely hard to get back on the horse!

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Post by Shannon » March 24th, 2006, 2:14 pm

Hi Karen,

I would love to join you in your Healthy Habits group. I have lost over 40 pounds since I took up rowing almost exactly one year ago today. I had my rower for years before that, but I didn't use it as much as I should have. I really found that joining the Ducks was just what I needed to stay motivated.

My big goal was to make lightweight status (135) which I did this month! I now want to lose just a couple more pounds, so that I don't have to worry about going over into heavyweight all the time. I also want to get new PB's now that I am lightweight!! So far, I've managed new PB's on 5,000 and 10,000. Have you heard of the nonathlon? I get a lot of motivation out of comparing myself to other rowers and to my past rows.

Time to get rowing!


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Post by Wood_Duck » March 25th, 2006, 10:40 am

Hi Karen,

I'm in. I have been working on losing weight with healthy habits. I have had high blood pressure and cholesterol for a long time. Last summer the doc diagnosed me as pre-diabetic. That finally got my attention.

I started exercising regulary and am making changes to my eating habits. I have done diets since college (I am now 38) and have been up and down with my weight. THIS time I am making lifestyle changes so that the weight loss is slow but the habits will make it permenant.

I have never exercised regularly. I have never been athletic. I just came across some old medical records and was horrified to figure out that I gained 75 pounds over the last 12 years. The good news is that I have lost 19 since July (and am determined to lose 30-40 more before my birthday in October, but one pound at a time.)

Here are the changes I have made:
1) More daily activity--
a) I gave up the elevator (My office is on the 4th floor and I need to go to the basement 2x a day and up the 5th, down to 2nd etc.)
b) parking farther away.

2) Daily regular exercise
a) Row at least 30 minutes. (Currently for March I have been doing 10K aday.)

3) Eating habits
a) eat less, eat slower,
b) I gave up burger king breakfast
c) rarely eat fried food
d) more fruit and veggies.

Whew. That was a lot of info.

Susan aka Wood_Duck
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1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by Karen » March 25th, 2006, 1:28 pm

Hi Shannon and Susan! I am so happy to have some buddies to chat with about these issues!

Shannon, I haven't heard about the nonatholon, maybe you can supply us with some details. It is very motivating for me to see folks who are at a great weight, but still interested in staying on top of things. That is my goal, at this point in achieve a good weight then work the rest of my life to stay healthy all the way around.

Susan, WTG on the 19lb dent! I like your goals for achieving this loss. We have done a lot of research about the cholesterol issues in our house. Even though he doesn't have any weight issues, my dh lowered his from the upper 200's the 150's recently, just by making some of the changes that I made with WW. My cholesterol also went down substantially.


I fianlly got back on the exercise boat today and yesterday. It feels good to be back in the swing of things, after a few days of recouperation.

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Post by Shannon » March 25th, 2006, 11:32 pm

Karen wrote:Hi Shannon and Susan! I am so happy to have some buddies to chat with about these issues!

Shannon, I haven't heard about the nonatholon, maybe you can supply us with some details. It is very motivating for me to see folks who are at a great weight, but still interested in staying on top of things. That is my goal, at this point in achieve a good weight then work the rest of my life to stay healthy all the way around.
Hi Karen,

The nonathlon is a way to fairly compare rowers of different weight classes and ages. There are 10 events to do, including the marathon. You don't have to do all the events, you just get more points if you do. The nonathlon was what motivated me to complete my first marathon this December. Check it out at


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Post by MomofJBN » March 26th, 2006, 1:34 am

I should probably hop on this bandwagon. I'm only trying to lose about 5 lbs (hit that lightweight target), but I need help maintaining a regular exercise program. I tend to get de-railed after a while.

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Post by Rhody » March 26th, 2006, 11:53 am

Count me in, too! :D I have several health concerns as well. Over the last two years my cholesterol has been elevated, this was identified by wellness screenings at work. The first year I denied that it was a reliable result because we were only told to fast for three hours prior to the blood draw. That is not a standard amount of time for a fasting blood draw. Last year it was drawn first thing in the morning so I did truly fast, and sure enough it was high. I still kind of blew it off--"I'll start eating better next week....." After I scheduled my annual physical I starting working on my eating habits and it did come down some. My annual workplace screening is in two weeks, so we will see how it goes this year......
I am seriously overweight, which causes it's own health problems. My knees hurt, and I know that losing weight would make a big difference. We have started a Biggest Loser weight loss competition at work. It's a competition between teams from three different locations. We started on March 7, since then I have lost about 8 pounds. I am following the
WW plan.
There is a history of heart disease in my family. My father had a heart attack at 59, but he was a heavy smoker and the heart disease was attributed directly to that. Then, two years ago, my brother died at age 50 from a massive heart attack. That's when my warning bells started going off, but procrastination is an evil force! :oops:
I'm also right in the middle of menopause (I think) and so becoming aware of the issues that aging :shock: women face. I work in Long Term Care and see the effects of aging everyday.
I have had my C2 for a couple of years, but really began using it consistently again during the Holiday Challenge last fall. My goal is to row 5K at least 5X/week, that is certainly doable for me. I get up and row before I go to work, by the time I get home I have too much else to do. We try to walk at lunch time, and I am also trying to make it a regular habit to walk the dog when I get home. Good for me and for her! I live on top of a hill, so one trip "around the block" is just under a mile and provides a good cardio.
Another thing I have done to try to stay motivated is to join our
Wellness Team at work. We are very active with providing programs and information to employees, and the monthly meetings are good incentive for me too. Our Wellness intiative program is even being featured in Nursing Homes magazine--pretty cool!
Anyways, enough babbling. I think this will be a great thread, in addition to the Weight Loss one.
Looking forward to talking with all of you-
a.k.a. Martha

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Post by Rhody » March 26th, 2006, 11:55 am

MomofJBN wrote:I should probably hop on this bandwagon. I'm only trying to lose about 5 lbs (hit that lightweight target), but I need help maintaining a regular exercise program. I tend to get de-railed after a while.

Schenley, is that your real name? How unusual--I live in Western Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh and there is a town along the Allegheny River named Schenley.
Just wondering,

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Post by MomofJBN » March 26th, 2006, 6:05 pm

:lol: You're right , Martha. My great- and great, great-grandfathers founded the Schenley distillery and the town of Schenley. And, yes, that is my first name.

Here's my brag for the day - I was trying on some new clothes after church and showing them to my husband. He commented that he could see some good ab's from my erging. Woohoo! B)

I just wish the scale would be as encouraging as the mirror as far as seeing results. I do have more muscles and tone.

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Post by Wood_Duck » March 26th, 2006, 7:56 pm

Way to go on the abs. Or better yet on DH for noticing!
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1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Post by Karen » March 26th, 2006, 11:10 pm

Hi Schenley and Rhody... It is great to have both of you on board!

How was everybody's weekend? Mine was great. I always go off my WW plan totally on Saturday, and even go easy a bit on Sunday. Usually, by Sunday night, I am feeling very ready to get back onto a rigid eating plan-and this weekend is no exception! Tomorrow it is healthy habits to the max! I have a busy day planned, but am committed to getting a great workout in the evening. is great that your dh noticed your abs! My dh is usually pretty oblivious to these things...but even he can't help but notice the chages that have occurred in my body since dropping 38 lbs. sounds like you have a lot of great motivation at your finger tips. Following the WW should really help your cholesterol. One thing we did was clear our cupboards of anything that had "partially hydrogenated" oil of any kind in it.

I have a friend who's daughter recently passed at the young age of 44. Apparently, she had gastric bypass surgery several years back, and never fully recovered. I have been feeling so sad when I think about her. :(

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Post by Rhody » March 27th, 2006, 8:51 am

[quote="MomofJBN"]:lol: You're right , Martha. My great- and great, great-grandfathers founded the Schenley distillery and the town of Schenley. And, yes, that is my first name.

What a small world! I understand the distillery went out of business many years ago, but the town is still there. We have lived here for 11 years, and go to the old distillery site a couple of time per summer by boat, there is a marina there now. They have great luaus! I'll have to tell them that I "know" you!

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Post by jane » March 27th, 2006, 9:40 am

Hey everyone...

Can I join this group??!! This is exactly what I'm looking for.

I used to have all kinds of bad habits. Then came pregnancy and kids--boy does that change the way you look at your life and lifestyle. That was a whopping 16 years ago. I quit some bad habits, but didn't start exercising until my daughter was one and I had a high blood pressure reading at the dr office. Since my gene pool is plagued with heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, weight issues (I could go on) this scared me to death. I have been exercising to some extent for the past 12 years. The last 3 years have been spent with my C2--approaching 8 million! Fear of "non-wellness" is a great motivator...

I would like to improve my eating/diet. Since I had a little issue with an eating disorder many moons ago, I struggle with any semblance of a "diet" to this day. I have given up sweets for lent and since then I don't "bonk" anymore on the long rows (a real issue for me)--I'm sure this is a blood sugar issue. I should really try to lose 10 pounds by following healthy eating habits--eat more veggies and fruits and less red meat (but more red wine!).

Incidentally, other than a raging case of "white coat syndrome", my health is excellent. I would like to keep it that way. I am impressed and motivated by the weight loss and the healthy changes that all of you folks have made.

I don't understand how the nonathlon works. Is it different than posting your times in C2?

Enjoy your day everyone. Time to row...


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Post by MomofJBN » March 27th, 2006, 4:12 pm

Rhody wrote:What a small world! I understand the distillery went out of business many years ago, but the town is still there. We have lived here for 11 years, and go to the old distillery site a couple of time per summer by boat, there is a marina there now. They have great luaus! I'll have to tell them that I "know" you!
The distillery was shut down by Prohibition. After Prohibition, the gov't sold the buildings AND the right to the name (which they didn't have). So it is still possible to find Schenley spirits - easier on the East coast. I think it's made in Canada now, but I'm not sure.

Cool that you get to visit there. I was there once when I went to Pittsburgh for a friend's wedding. I have a picture of me standing by the "Schenley, Pop 44" sign.


PS. Yup, surprisingly un-clueless for DH to comment on the ab's.
Wife of Jeff
[img][/img] Mom of Jonathan (12), Benjamin (10), and Nicholas (8)

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