Another boarding race report from the south east

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Another boarding race report from the south east

Post by G-dub » May 19th, 2018, 6:24 pm

Dogwood regatta in Oak Ridge TN. Small masters event - no youth or college kids. Just old people. Had a mechanical on my mixed double so didn’t start. She lost her top nut while we practiced our starts. Up until that point I heard about top nuts, but didn’t give them much mind. Had to row my partner about 4K back to the recovery area. I substituted into a men’s quad that had raced well at our last regatta and we led the whole way against 5-6 boats. We crossed the line well ahead but got second with handicapping. Great race though and it was the first time in a men’s quad (had been in mixed in head races). Pretty neat when it is swinging and everyone is putting power to it. Way different than a sweep boat (of course some of you u are saying). Men’s 8 was a neck and neck with Nashville the whole way. They got us at the start and never yielded. We may have come back in the last 250 by a hair. Beat us at the line by less than a second but we won on handicap by 6/100”. Fun day of rowing

Of course I meant Boring and not Boarding
Glenn Walters: 5'-8" X 192 lbs. Bday 01/09/1962

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Re: Another boarding race report from the south east

Post by jackarabit » May 20th, 2018, 9:46 am

Of course I meant Boring and not Boarding
Pirates of the TVA? I think I read that one. Prepare to repel Borers! For want of a top nut, the schlip wus sloshed. You’d think they’d drill a hole in the pin for a 5 cent cotter pin or a rusty nail?
There are two types of people in this world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data


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Re: Another boarding race report from the south east

Post by Citroen » May 20th, 2018, 9:53 am

G-dub wrote: Of course I meant Boring and not Boarding
You can always edit your own posts when DYAC hits your carefully constructed thoughts.

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