I little about my background - I am a 49 year old male, 139 lbs and 5'6" tall. My primary sport is running, but lately I have found that my body just doesn't let me run as much as I'd like to these days. I'd like to be able to run 6 days a week, but my joints really start to complain if I'm out there more than 4x.
So, I started using an OLD C2 at the gym, liked it and decided to get my own for home use. My plan is to cross train between running and rowing. Probably running 3 - 4 times per week and rowing 3x per week.
I looked at all of the technique videos on the C2 website and I think that I understand the basics, but I would appreciate it if some of you would take a look at the linked video below of me rowing, to give me some pointers.
My plan is to use the Pete's Beginner program to get started. I did my first 5000m yesterday. I set the drag factor at 110 and rowed at a 2:34 pace for the 5000 meters.
Any advice or suggestions that you could give me on getting started? Thanks for your help.