new chain/shock cord/sprocket and now squeak

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new chain/shock cord/sprocket and now squeak

Post by jcastro20111 » February 26th, 2011, 10:25 am


Just replaced the chain/shockcord/sprocket on my model d. The action feels as smooth as a brand new erg. The problem is that now as the flywheel is spinning to a stop, I hear a squeak coming from the cage. Any ideas?


500m: 1:25.3 2km: 6:21.7 5km: 17:14.3 6km: 20:47.1 30min: 8578 10km: 35:38.6 1hr: 16585m HM: 1:18:40.2

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Carl Watts
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Re: new chain/shock cord/sprocket and now squeak

Post by Carl Watts » February 26th, 2011, 5:35 pm

There is a one way bearing in the flywheel that needs just a tiny bit of grease now and again for it to release properly.

You may need to do a few sessions for the grease to work it's way in but then the squeak should stop.
Carl Watts.
Age:56 Weight: 108kg Height:183cm
Concept 2 Monitor Service Technician & indoor rower.

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