6k to 2k split

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6k to 2k split

Post by alexc25 » January 19th, 2010, 11:26 pm

Hey I'm getting ready for the first 2k of the season this year! I've already done some 6k tests this fall season, and I was wondering if anyone can help me out with a target 2k split based on a 6k. I've been told it's usually 6k -10 on the split. Anyone else think differently? Let me know here, and post your 6k to 2k difference here. Thanks. B)

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Post by ArmandoChavezUNC » January 20th, 2010, 12:11 am

I've always been told it should be a 6/7 second difference.

My 2k PR is 1:39.5 and my 6k PR is 1:46.8, so 7.5 seconds, a bit on the higher end.
PBs: 2k 6:09.0 (2020), 6k 19:38.9 (2020), 10k 33:55.5 (2019), 60' 17,014m (2018), HM 1:13:27.5 (2019)

Old PBs: LP 1:09.9 (~2010), 100m 16.1 (~2010), 500m 1:26.7 (~2010), 1k 3:07.0 (~2010)

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Post by Citroen » January 20th, 2010, 1:44 am

It's been discussed to death on here. Try Paul's "Law" which is a reasonable estimation if your training is evenly spread between endurance and sprints.


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Post by alexc25 » January 20th, 2010, 8:44 pm

Cool thanks. That's a really useful link.

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Post by Cyclist2 » January 21st, 2010, 2:14 am

I have a chart that follows Paul's Law fairly close. It has various distances from 50 meters up to 1 hour row with the times at various 500 meter splits. It was published in the C2 newsletter many years ago and is a great visual way to track where you are strong and weak. I mentioned this last year on the forum and someone helped me upload it (it is a PDF file) so it would be available for everyone's use. Someone help me again (hey, it's been a YEAR and I can't find it in the archives) and I'll provide it again. It's pretty straightforward once you see it, or I'll explain it. Or email me directly (mju_cvi (at) yahoo.com) and I'll give it to you.
Mark Underwood. Rower first, cyclist too.

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Post by SwimmerTurnedRower » January 31st, 2010, 9:02 pm

It varies alot from person to person. Are you better at sprints or longer distances? The smallest difference I've seen is about 5 seconds, and the largest I've seen is 10 seconds (me!). Have you done any non-6k pieces?
6'4" / 193 cm, 205 lbs./ 93kg.

500- 1:22.2
2k- 6:16.9 (1:34.2)
6k- 20:52 (1:44.3)

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