TimbukTOO Team Room

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by garygOP » November 25th, 2012, 9:35 am

FYI- oarlock is one word-- I had to google it to even confirm that there is such a thing as an oarlock.
But welcome to all new members and welcome back to our illustrious alums.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 25th, 2012, 9:56 am

Welcome back, Heather!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 25th, 2012, 10:21 am

Thanks for the welcome back, Lisa, but please....sssshhhh...or Smitty will hear you! I'm 10 days behind him at my former pace and I can't even begin to guess what my current output will be :cry: I guess that's what six months off will do, and now that the threat of major illness seems to be gone I'll have to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my ice cream maker away (I even bought--ugh--some frozen yoghurt two days ago, but I haven't tried it yet. Even though it says it is caramel-pecan, it looks too much like DIE with a T :lol: ).

And what better way to get back in shape than to jump back in the boat where I had so much fun, though how the hell did I ever row that much, day after frickin' day? I feel like a newbie..or at least my butt does. Is there such a thing as a prolaped tailbone? :lol: So just imagine how I felt when I saw the season challenge started 2 days early: that's two lost rest days, as I see it. What happened to the e-mails C2 used to send reminding people about upcoming challenges???

Good luck to us all in our charity drive this season, though, to be shamefully honest, I'm really after the pin. :P

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 25th, 2012, 11:58 am

Ahoy, mates!! We had a stellar total yesterday with Heather's meters, so a stunning and surreptitious 17 of 57 members (30%) logged 790,999 total meters Saturday! Woot to the power of woot!

Milestones achieved:
Heather has passed 600K, Aditya HMed by 400K, and Mark sailed past 25K!!

Approaching milestones:
Jim is nearing 2.5M (-37,750m), Adam is closing on 1.5M (-41,119m), Matthew is in sight of 1.4M (-33,564m), Lisa is on the road to 1.1M (-21,792m), John is approaching millionaire status (-36,016m), there is a four-way effort to reach 350k, with Jamie, Warren, Glenn, and Nancy (-5,009m, -5,618m, -11,701m, and -19,582m), Vince is very close to 35K (-1,944m), and Mark is a good row from 35K (-5,644m). Row like the wind!

(Sorry for including the frequent rower's yesterday by mistake -- these are the correct stats...)

This week's frequent rowers (Sat 11/17 through Fri 11/23):
Adam M & Kevin K - 6
Andy I & Gary G - 5
Jim C, Keith J, Kyle J, Matthew R & Warren F - 4

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: No monies earned yet, so keep rowing!!

Posted Meters:
Heather R - 612,000 Welcome back, Miss Aitch!!
Aditya P - 21,097 Back in style!

Glenn Y - 20,945 Yow!!
Gary G - 20,035 On an upward curve!!
Jim C - 18,250 Had a little extra time to kill...
Lisa H - 12,335 Back in the saddle again!
Matthew R - 11,300 Nice!!
John S - 11,142 First row in a while!
Adam M - 11,000 Sweet!
Jamie B - 9,676 Great!
Warren F - 9,000 Looking solid!!
Joseph W - 8,704 Two-fer!!
Kevin K - 7,317 Solid!
Nancy W - 6,154 Excellent!
Andy I - 5,544 Rested up!
Mark S - 5,000 Another two-fer!
Vince M - 1,500 Keep up the great work!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 25th, 2012, 12:05 pm

Hummingbird wrote:Thanks for the welcome back, Lisa, but please....sssshhhh...or Smitty will hear you! I'm 10 days behind him at my former pace and I can't even begin to guess what my current output will be :cry: I guess that's what six months off will do, and now that the threat of major illness seems to be gone I'll have to stop feeling sorry for myself and put my ice cream maker away (I even bought--ugh--some frozen yoghurt two days ago, but I haven't tried it yet. Even though it says it is caramel-pecan, it looks too much like DIE with a T :lol: ).

Good luck to us all in our charity drive this season, though, to be shamefully honest, I'm really after the pin. :P
Smitty could use the company! And welcome to my world -- I can't remember the last time I even had real ice cream! I make my own sugar-free frozen yogurt with stevia and Fage Greek yogurt. It's the bomb!!! And I would mention my peach tofu-ricotta mousse, but Andy would barf all over the boat and then leave to join the Lunatics.

Which pin is it again? I can't remember exactly but I know you were on track for some MAJOR milestone... was it 5 million meters? Ten? My gray matter fails me. :cry:
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by garygOP » November 25th, 2012, 1:30 pm

tofu-ricotta mousse- .....gotta get me the recipe!
I have a cuisine-art ice cream maker that has a built in condenser- so it cranks and freezes the recipe without any salt, or any muscle, or any prior freezing of the mechanism or mixture- that recipe will be a great addition for the coming winter months.
I used to buy a gallon of raw milk a week- and it would come with close to a quart of cream on top- I would make ice cream every week.
The farmer was busted by the dairy police- so my machine sits unused.
I will crank it up for a tofu-ricotta mousse.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 26th, 2012, 10:50 am

CONLEJM wrote:Welcome back, Heather!
Thanks, it's good to be back rowing. Tough though, after such a long break. Nonetheless, I shall perservere.

Reading back through some of the posts I missed, I noticed that many people had physical challenges of the non-rowing kind this year. I guess it's been one of 'those' years, i.e. the ones we're glad to see the back of. Not for everyone of course, but here's to good health for all!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 26th, 2012, 11:14 am

damselfly wrote: Which pin is it again? I can't remember exactly but I know you were on track for some MAJOR milestone... was it 5 million meters? Ten?
Which pin? Hint: 'Tis the season to be jolly--tra la la la, la la la la.

Being the row-to-eat Christmas pin. I've got 7 so far; not that I keep them on a display rack over the mantel--not that I have a mantel, either, of course--but it's nice to come across the collection every now and then, tucked up in a little box in a desk drawer for miscellaneous things, and particularly in years when I have lost the rowing bug (this year, for example). I remember how good I felt physically, and how the exertions countacted most of the unwanted effects of Christmas cheer :lol: .

As for lifetime meters, well, so much for best laid plans as to where I projected myself to be by this point in May, but all going well, I should reach 8 million meters before Christmas, and 9 million by the end of this rowing year if I can get up to 250k/month. No pins there for awhile yet, but the pounds melting away is all the reward I need for awhile.

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 26th, 2012, 11:35 am

garygOP wrote:tofu-ricotta mousse- .....gotta get me the recipe!
I have a cuisine-art ice cream maker that has a built in condenser- so it cranks and freezes the recipe without any salt, or any muscle, or any prior freezing of the mechanism or mixture- that recipe will be a great addition for the coming winter months.
I used to buy a gallon of raw milk a week- and it would come with close to a quart of cream on top- I would make ice cream every week.
The farmer was busted by the dairy police- so my machine sits unused.
I will crank it up for a tofu-ricotta mousse.
Gary, I'll PM you the recipe. The mousse doesn't require the ice-cream maker, just a food processor. I like the sound of your machine -- I have a Cuisinart that you have to keep the bowl frozen. Maybe if it ever dies I'll go your route!
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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 26th, 2012, 11:44 am

All hands on deck! A thunderous and thrilling 13 of 57 members (23%) logged 230,994 total meters Sunday!

Milestones achieved:
Jamie blasted by 350K and Mark blazed past 35K!! Yow!

Approaching milestones:
David is approaching 4.4M (-21,289m -- about a half hour's rowing... ;) ), Kyle is nearing 2.8M (-28,651m), Matthew and Gary are closing on 1.4M (-18,564m and -40,828m), Keith is setting his sights on 1.2M (-36,858m), Aditya is HMing his way to 450K (-18,875m), and Jeff is eyeing 400K (-15,000m). Row for guts and glory!!

Team Holiday Challenge Earnings: $2.04
Our star David is first on the board, with $2.04!!!

Posted Meters:
David W - 76,177 HUGE two-day total!!
Jeff S - 33,000 Welcome back! Meters since 11/17...
Aditya P - 21,097 Two-fer HMs!

Kyle J - 18,349 Still into big numbers!
Matthew R - 15,000 Looking for a new sweet-spot..
Jamie B - 11,111 Every 1's a winner!
Gary G - 10,026 Stellar numbers this week!
Mark S - 10,000 On a geometrical curve of increasing meters...
Heather R - 10,000 First row back, a nice even 10k!
Kevin K - 8,000 Unstoppable!
Joseph W - 7,320 THREE-fer!!
Keith J - 6,319 Looking good!
Andy I - 4,595 Sweet!!

-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 26th, 2012, 12:57 pm

garygOP wrote: I used to buy a gallon of raw milk a week- and it would come with close to a quart of cream on top- I would make ice cream every week.
Boy, does that bring back memories! I used to live on a bushblock in Tasmania, and just around the corner was a dairy farmer who let us drop in and take what we wanted for a nominal 25 cents a litre (something like that: it was a long time ago). We didn't get as much cream as you did, but then we didn't have an ice cream machine either. Maybe if we were faced with that much cream, we would have been inspired! It was good milk nonetheless, and with such abundance and with all our ducks, I made a lot of custard puddings.

I think I'm better off with the cuisinart, which needs freezing for at least 12 hours: that curbs a lot of 3:00 a.m. noise for my neighbours :lol: .

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by CONLEJM » November 26th, 2012, 1:30 pm

Well, I just about finished off my first complete year of rowing, as I started logging meters on Nov. 28 of last year. So far I have 4,179,000, so not too shabby for a first year. My goal is to end this season with 4.3 million, which would give me a lifetime 6.0 million by the end of the 2013 season (as I pulled 1.7 million last season; a partial season).

To that end, I just rowed a 5K in 17:17.5, a 1:43.7 / 500M pace, and a new PB for me! :D

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by aadit » November 26th, 2012, 2:42 pm

CONLEJM wrote:Well, I just about finished off my first complete year of rowing, as I started logging meters on Nov. 28 of last year. So far I have 4,179,000, so not too shabby for a first year. My goal is to end this season with 4.3 million, which would give me a lifetime 6.0 million by the end of the 2013 season (as I pulled 1.7 million last season; a partial season).

To that end, I just rowed a 5K in 17:17.5, a 1:43.7 / 500M pace, and a new PB for me! :D
Amazing stats!!

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by damselfly » November 26th, 2012, 2:48 pm

CONLEJM wrote:Well, I just about finished off my first complete year of rowing, as I started logging meters on Nov. 28 of last year. So far I have 4,179,000, so not too shabby for a first year. My goal is to end this season with 4.3 million, which would give me a lifetime 6.0 million by the end of the 2013 season (as I pulled 1.7 million last season; a partial season).

To that end, I just rowed a 5K in 17:17.5, a 1:43.7 / 500M pace, and a new PB for me! :D
Fabulous! I'm not there yet and I've been rowing for a few years! I'm so glad you've found something you love to do and excel so much at! Keep up the great work.
-- Lisa

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Re: TimbukTOO Team Room

Post by Hummingbird » November 26th, 2012, 8:40 pm

CONLEJM wrote:Well, I just about finished off my first complete year of rowing, as I started logging meters on Nov. 28 of last year. So far I have 4,179,000, so not too shabby for a first year. My goal is to end this season with 4.3 million, which would give me a lifetime 6.0 million by the end of the 2013 season (as I pulled 1.7 million last season; a partial season).

To that end, I just rowed a 5K in 17:17.5, a 1:43.7 / 500M pace, and a new PB for me! :D
Incredible stats; you just have to be in fantastic shape by now! Or probably you were before you started, hmmm? :lol: Well done. You'll be getting the 5M pin and sweatshirt by summer.

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