No, not at the same age--or at the same level of experience.mikvan52 wrote:ranger wrote:As a 50-55 lwt , Paul Siebach beat ranger's best ever lwt times twice.
I wasn't even racing when I was 50.
My first race, as a heavyweight, was when I was 51.
When I was just 52, I rowed a lwt 6:30, faster than Paul rowed last year, when he was 51.
Then I rowed a lwt 6:29 and a lwt 6:28, when I was just a month or so shy of 53.
These were all very novice rows, though, while Paul had been racing for years before he pulled the 50s lwt WR when he was 50.
Back in 2003, I didn't know how to row.
I just yanked the chain at max drag.
That is why I have spent the last seven years learning how to row.
I now row well at low drag (118 df.).
It will be interesting to see what difference this makes in my 2K time.
I don't think decline with age since 2003 has been much at all, as we will see when I am fully trained.
As it stands now, given my 2K target, race pace 500s, 8 x 500m (3:30 rest) @ 1:34 will predict a pb for me.
So, I suppose that is the first goal during sharpening.
32-34 spm should do it.
When I get there, I can try some at home 2K trials to see if I can still pull sub-6:30.
31 spm should do it, given my current stroking power.
Then I can push those race pace 500s out to 20 repetitions.
That will predict my 2K target: 6:16.
A firmer prediction will be 8 x 500m (3:30 rest) @ 1:31.
My pb for 8 x 500m (3:30 rest) is 1:32.5, but that was rowing badly at max drag.