LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Team / Herd Progress Thru 12.17.24

Post by Kona2 » December 18th, 2024, 11:57 am

Image 40 Lunie far !!

There's still time....keep the panic at bay! Does seem like the "to do" list is getting longer each day, though!

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

9.3 MM Chip
8.4 MM Wild Bill
3.2 MM David A
1.7 MM Vanessa
1.2 MM Brett
1.05 MM Judy
1.05 MM Michael C
950 K Rene
600 K Ian B
250 K Shannon
150 K Paul
150 K Kristine

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us! And playing reindeer games!

Jason 287 m
Frank 1,000 m
GMan 1,038 m
Max 3,028 m
Sergio 3,999 m
Ted 6,000 m
Terry B 7,000 m
Judy 7,264 m
Andrea 7,777 m...a palindrome!
Rene 8,225 m
Jane 8,448 m...a palindrome!
Shannon 8,500 m
Ken 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Patrick Hsr 10,000 m
Teresa R 10,010 m
Paul 10,750 m
Ian B 11,064 m
Chuck 11,716 m
Brickman 11,762 m
Glen 12,172 m
Dennis 13,431 m...a palindrome!
Robert H 15,000 m
Bill L 15,029 m
Patrick S 15,617 m
K2 16,001 m
Rich 16,429 m
Trevor 20,188 m
Kristine 21,000 m
Gary 21,097 m...a half marathon!
Ron Mac 23,432 m...a countem up and down palindrome and a mooner!
David A 24,734 m...mooner!
Vanessa 27,000 m...mooner!
Ed 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
Wild Bill 38,883 m...a palindrome and a mooner!
Chip 40,185 m...mooner!
Pat E 41,149 m...mooner!
Brett 51,090 m...a half century plus!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DavidA » December 18th, 2024, 2:50 pm

Underdog4547 wrote:
December 14th, 2024, 1:30 pm
Congrats to all.
I hope it's OK to break the ice with this reply - it's the only way Forums would let me post cuz I'm new (please forgive if I'm in error).
Hi, I'm new to Luna-Tics and just wanted to intro myself. I'm on a Concept2 RowErg, I'm newer at rowing and am having fun while trying to get/stay fit (you'll find me on the C2 leader boards as "Shannon G" I'll be "leading" the end of the log pages - LOL). I hope to add to the Luna-Tics meter goals and make some friends along the way. As far as outerspace goes, Pluto is my fav because I feel she gets picked on a lot in the interstaller sciences world. I'm Team "Planet" Pluto - never underestimate an underdog. :wink: Happy rowing :) :D
Welcome, and enjoy the trip with us.
(I'm also a Pluto fan.)

63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by DavidA » December 18th, 2024, 2:55 pm

cdykstra01 wrote:
December 15th, 2024, 1:27 pm
Additional evidence of my misspent youth
63 y / 70 kg / 172 cm / 5 kids / 17 grandkids :)
Received my model C erg 18-Dec-1994
my log

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Up On The Rooftop...

Post by Kona2 » December 19th, 2024, 12:33 pm


....Bering...(Bill L)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $2!!

And antler lights for Ken!



And the charity of his choice gets the $6!!

And a Tail Wag by Pat E's reindeer Cupid !!


..Cupid...(Pat E)...

And the charity of choice gets the $14!!

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Team Progress Thru 12.19.24

Post by Kona2 » December 19th, 2024, 1:09 pm

Five or six reindeer days to go...depending on where you live....and we'll probably end up with 43 reindeer if all goes as planned. This is a significant drop in numbers from previous years. All years are different, and we have much competing for our attention and time.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

8.45 MM Wild Bill
4.55 MM Ron
2.15 MM Ed
1.85 MM Trevor
1.3 MM mardix
1.25 MM Brett
1.05 MM Pat E
1.05 MM Dennis
750 K Patrick S
750 K Gary
350 K Stuart
150 K Jane

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Jason 561 m
GMan 1,048 m
Rachel 2,000 m
Gene 3,322 m...a double double!
Max 3,502 m
Larry 4,000 m
Patrick S 4,062 m
Louie 4,453 m
Bernie 5,255 m
mardix 6,250 m
Angelo 6,582 m
Jeff D 7,241 m
Judy 7,516 m
Ted 8,000 m
Rene 8,227 m
Jane 8,228 m...a palindrome!Image
Teresa R 9,014 m
Ken 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Rick 10,000 m
Brett 10,015 m
Bill L 11,415 m
Chuck 11,733 m
Robert H 15,000 m
Patrick Hmr 15,531 m
Dennis 16,461 m...a palindrome!Image
Brickman 17,593 m
SHannon 18,086 m
Kristine 19,007 m

Image 21,097 m and more = mooners!

Gary 21,097 m...a half marathon!
Brent 21,586 m...mooner!
David A 22,418 m...mooner!
Ron Mac 22,822 m...a palindrome and a mooner!Image
Stuart 23,485 m...mooner!
Trevor 31,505 m...mooner!
Ed 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner!Image
Wild Bill 40,004 m...a palindrome and a mooner!Image
Pat E 43,527 m...mooner!

And for today's posting, the reindeer doesn't indicate who has or has not earned a's just a fun thing to designate a palindrome!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by brick1101 » December 19th, 2024, 2:51 pm

This year marks my 15th Holiday Challenge. Keeping up here makes it all the more fun. I can tell how my body is slowing down with increasing split times and not pushing myself as hard. Since getting my own Concept 2, I do the long ergs to the computer monitor. This challenge my companions are "the Midsomer Murders" and "Murder She Wrote." I'm pushing to erg 300K to get my flashing harness. Thanksgiving was so late this year we lost some challenge days. Using the Erg data app makes keeping track of workouts so easy.....

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2024, 1:07 pm

brick1101 wrote:
December 19th, 2024, 2:51 pm
This year marks my 15th Holiday Challenge. Keeping up here makes it all the more fun. I can tell how my body is slowing down with increasing split times and not pushing myself as hard. Since getting my own Concept 2, I do the long ergs to the computer monitor. This challenge my companions are "the Midsomer Murders" and "Murder She Wrote." I'm pushing to erg 300K to get my flashing harness. Thanksgiving was so late this year we lost some challenge days. Using the Erg data app makes keeping track of workouts so easy.....
You are very close to earning the Flashing Harness with your reindeer Silver, too ! Less than 20K to go! Having almost a full week's worth fewer days made a lot of difference for many, but great that you are powering on!

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Up On The new reindeer, and bling !

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2024, 1:27 pm


....Jet...(Rick C)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $2!!



And the charity of her choice gets the $10!! Flashing Harness!

And a Tail Wag by Chip's reindeer Vixen !!



And the charity of choice gets the $14!!

And the Ear Wag...the fully blinged out reindeer....for Blitzen and Comet as they reach 500K Challenge meters !


....Comet..(Ron Mac)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $18!!



And the charity of his choice gets the $18!!

And Dasher....whoa! 700 K !!


....Dasher ..(Ed)...

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Team Progress Thru 12.20.24

Post by Kona2 » December 21st, 2024, 2:04 pm


MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

9.35 MM Chip
8.5 MM Wild Bill
4.6 MM Ron Mac
3.25 MM David A
2.2 MM Ed
1.75 MM Vanessa
1.35 MM Brett
1.15 MM Pat E
800 K Gary
650 K Robert H
450 K Glen
400 K David W
350 K William H
250 K Teresa R

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us!

Jeff M 1,507 m
Frank 2,000 m
Roy 2,000 m
Dan O' 2,253 m
Jason 3,125 m
Jodi 3,536 m
JKK 5,169 m
Bernie 5,255 m
Patrick Hmr 5,270 m
Larry 6,000 m
Ted 6,000 m
Maria 9,215 m
Ken 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Patrick Hsr 10,000 m
Max 10,027 m
Brickman 10,148 m
Brent 10,363 m
Glen 10,415 m
Ron W 10,470 m
Rick C 10,886 m
Catherine 11,000 m
Paul 11,000 m
Jane 11,111 m...a palindrome!
William H 11,135 m
Dennis 13,431 m...a palindrome!
Gene 13,501 m
Judy 14,902 m
Robert H 15,000 m
Jeff D 16,250 m
Rene 16,708 m
Kristine 18,426 m
Shannon 18,571 m
Andrea 18,887 m...there's surely 2 palindromes in there!
K2 20,001 m

Image 21,097 m and more = mooners!

Stuart 21,097 m...a half marathon!
Teresa R 22,374 m...mooner!
David W 23,000 m...mooner!
Patrick S 27,018 m...mooner!
David A 35,131 m...mooner!
Vanessa 43,015 m...mooner!
Ron Mac 46,054 m...mooner!
Gary 52,969 m...a half century plus!
Sergio 54,001 m...a half century plus!
Ed 66,666 m...a palindrome!
Wild Bill 80,009 m...mega!
Chip 84,914 m...mega!
Pat E 104,100 m...a century plus!
Brett 109,128 m...a century plus!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by Kristine Strasburger » December 22nd, 2024, 9:21 am

Underdog4547 wrote:
December 14th, 2024, 1:30 pm
Congrats to all.
I hope it's OK to break the ice with this reply - it's the only way Forums would let me post cuz I'm new (please forgive if I'm in error).
Hi, I'm new to Luna-Tics and just wanted to intro myself. I'm on a Concept2 RowErg, I'm newer at rowing and am having fun while trying to get/stay fit (you'll find me on the C2 leader boards as "Shannon G" I'll be "leading" the end of the log pages - LOL). I hope to add to the Luna-Tics meter goals and make some friends along the way. As far as outerspace goes, Pluto is my fav because I feel she gets picked on a lot in the interstaller sciences world. I'm Team "Planet" Pluto - never underestimate an underdog. :wink: Happy rowing :) :D
Shannon, it’s super-great to meet you! Thanks for introducing yourself.

The original reason for creating this Team Room in the C2 Forum was to give the Luna-Tics a special place to build friendships, cheer one another along, and get to know each other. Our team is stronger for it!

In the early days we had lots of daily postings by our team-mates (and even some drop in posts from rival teams during competitions. The daily stats posted by Kona2 were just a small (but mighty-inspiring) part of the daily postings.

So you and all of us are encouraged to share this journey through life as you feel inspired to do.

I’ve personally had to cut back my time on the rowing machine to just the Holiday Challenge because of issues with my wrists and grip, so I’m not posting much anymore, but I’m still an avid Luna-Tic, and am so happy to see this team is still going strong.

Cheers and happy rowing to everyone as we near the end of this year’s Holiday Challenge!

Way to row, Everyone!

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And Silver gets his Flashing Harness

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2024, 12:15 pm

brick1101 wrote:
December 19th, 2024, 2:51 pm
This year marks my 15th Holiday Challenge. Keeping up here makes it all the more fun. I can tell how my body is slowing down with increasing split times and not pushing myself as hard. Since getting my own Concept 2, I do the long ergs to the computer monitor. This challenge my companions are "the Midsomer Murders" and "Murder She Wrote." I'm pushing to erg 300K to get my flashing harness. Thanksgiving was so late this year we lost some challenge days. Using the Erg data app makes keeping track of workouts so easy.....


And the charity of his choice gets the $10!! Flashing Harness!

Way to stay with it, Brickman! Well done!

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Up On The's a busy busy place!

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2024, 12:28 pm

Fast and furious, although light on their hooves, the reindeer are landing on the rooftop, adding to their accessories! Hard to keep up with all the Reindeer Milestones...but doing my best! Naturally still trying to earn my reindeer Buttercup's freedom...only 10 K more to go! Like the little engine...I think I can, I think I can!

And a Tail Wag by Wild Bill's reindeer Ranger !!


..Ranger...(Wild Bill)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $14!!

And a Tail Wag by Brett's reindeer Orion !!



And the charity of his choice gets the $14!!

And antler lights !!


.....Shredder..(Robert H)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $6!!

And antler lights !!



And the charity of her choice gets the $6!!


.....Belle..(Teresa R)...

And the charity of her choice gets the $6!!

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Team Progress Thru 12.21.24

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2024, 1:03 pm

Like chickens coming back to roost, family and friends are making their way to our respective homes...or maybe YOU are all in transit, too! Safe travels to all, and keep the travel zen moments going! And if you're wishing for a shiny new, or new to you, erg ...I hope that big box is beneath your tree! These Challenges are one of the big reasons many of us go on to invest in our own erg or great to be able to take that 15 or 20 minutes to add to your meter totals.

MILESTONES...Bragging Rights...Celebrations:

9.4 MM Chip
8.55 MM Wild Bill
2.25 MM Ed
1.45 MM Patrick Hmr
1.2 MM Pat E
500 K Brickman...a cool half million!
400 K Jason
250 K K2
200 K Kristine

Thanks, everyone, for erging with us...and playing reindeer games! We have just a few days left to get those Challenge meters!

Kristine 1,600 m
Maria 4,534 m
Angelo 5,000 m
Teresa R 5,012 m
JKK 5,031 m
Tombeur 5,239 m
Howard 6,009 m
mardix 6,301 m
Jeff D 7,251 m
Judy 7,516 m
Gene 7,565 m
Stuart 8,047 m
Paul 8,900 m
Shannon 9,242 m
Jason 9,448 m
Ken 10,000 m
Michael C 10,000 m
Patrick Hsr 10,000 m
K2 10,001 m...a palindrome!🎄
Jane 10,101 m...a bigger palindrome!🎄
Andrea 11,111 m...a palindrome!🎄
Ted 12,000 m
Vanessa 14,000 m
Robert H 15,000 m
Rich 15,036 m
Sergio 16,000 m
Brickman 20,000 m

Image 21,097 m and more = mooners!

Ron Mac 23,432 m...a count em up and down palindrome! Mooner!🎄
Gary 24,107 m...mooner!
Wild Bill 26,669 m...mooner!
Ed 33,333 m...a palindrome and a mooner!🎄
Patrick Hmr 36,015 m...mooner!
Chip 38,355 m...mooner!
Pat E 52,892're going to make it!

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Re: LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

Post by modelguy » December 22nd, 2024, 4:10 pm

I want to thank everyone doing the Holiday Challenge for pushing me and especially Kona2 for keeping track of it all. I spent the first 4 months of the year in the hospital, then 2 months recovery, then another operation. I was finally allowed to row lightly in Oct and sit on a bike and pedal slowly. In Nov, I knew I could do the Holiday Challenge to test myself so I challenged my gym to keep up. Between them and you pushing me I was able to get more meters than in the past and went way beyond what I was expecting to do.
Merry Christmas to all the reindeer and remember you get a day off soon.
Pat E

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A fully blinged out Cupid ! It's never just the meters...

Post by Kona2 » December 22nd, 2024, 8:02 pm

modelguy wrote:
December 22nd, 2024, 4:10 pm
I want to thank everyone doing the Holiday Challenge for pushing me and especially Kona2 for keeping track of it all. I spent the first 4 months of the year in the hospital, then 2 months recovery, then another operation. I was finally allowed to row lightly in Oct and sit on a bike and pedal slowly. In Nov, I knew I could do the Holiday Challenge to test myself so I challenged my gym to keep up. Between them and you pushing me I was able to get more meters than in the past and went way beyond what I was expecting to do.
Merry Christmas to all the reindeer and remember you get a day off soon.
Pat E
What a great story! You've had a great Holiday Challenge - and you surprised me more than a few times with the kinds of meters you started throwing down! Knew you were going for it in a serious way! Congratulations, Pat, on getting the fully blinged out reindeer! That's bragging rights!!

And the Ear Wag...the fully blinged out reindeer....for Pat as he reaches 500K Challenge meters !


....Cupid...(Pat E)...

And the charity of his choice gets the $18!!

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