Heart Rate + Perceived Effort + Dr. Maffetone

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Re: Heart Rate + Perceived Effort + Dr. Maffetone

Post by mikvan52 » February 28th, 2011, 10:39 pm

I think what is being referred to is the "ADAPTATION" ZONE as depicted in this step test result:

(My max is 163-165 bpm) (my AT is at 87% of my max)


This adaption zone shifts to the right in World Class athletes... "92%" ~ higher lactate (4%)

If I'm reading this correctly..

But I think we're getting pretty scientific here for practical purposes.

My marching orders:

Get tested. Determine zones. Skip lactate testing because I'm not a Karipiro/London type of rower :idea: :D
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Re: Heart Rate + Perceived Effort + Dr. Maffetone

Post by Leo Young » February 28th, 2011, 10:41 pm

mikvan52 wrote:Leo Young makes a good point about retesting:
.. but who wants to spend-spend-spend?
It's been four years since I had my last one. I think I'll go back in the lab and see how the new one compares with the old... I'm going to wait 'til I'm out of my pre-season to get tested... as I think that having established a firm aerobic base
would be valuable before testing.
Re-testing need not cost you anything, as it's easy to re-run the test protocol yourself. Hopefully we can get a protocol posted soon for easy self testing administration.

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Re: Heart Rate + Perceived Effort + Dr. Maffetone

Post by jliddil » February 28th, 2011, 11:04 pm

Leo Young wrote: I'm not sure if anyone has develpoped a specific protocol for the C2 erg, which is readily accessible, but if anone knows of one, please post. If not, C2 have recently asked me to design a protocol for them to publish on the website, which I will try to do shortly if no-one can track one down before hand (although I'd be surprised if Navigation Hazard can't lay his hands on one to post).
The C2 UK site has this:

Always bugged me why C2 can't have a unified web presence and documentation
Another peeve is that there are all kinds of articles in the literature that use C2 ergs but you the average user can't get them. C2 should get reprint rights IMNHO.

regarding step tests there are numerous articles:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term ... tep%20test

and there is plenty of research debate about what test is best. Are we all Lance? Do we need to take the geek approach or is a back of envelope calculation approach good enough. Particularly when we are referring to a population (erg nuts) who are way more fit than 90% of the general developed world population?

Here is one article that is free though it is from 2000:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/article ... p00035.pdf

And in another thread here it references a person who advocates regular glucose testing. So while you are at it get one of these and you can do glucose AND lactate in the comfort of your own home:

http://www.roche.com/products/product-d ... duct&id=16

And as far as regular testing it would I think it would depend on what you are training for. Mike as you have stated we aren't getting younger. :-) So testing for someone like you who is very fit will only show that you are not losing fitness :wink:

I find testing interesting from a geek/scientist stand point. I like data. But I don't train to race. And with my recovery from a broken hip involving Lifecycle sessions my main interest is around my HR and is it coming down after 2 months of no activity and now 3 weeks of daily work. I have a day job so my training is staying fit and not seeing a rise in HR/perceived exertion on a day to day basis.

Boy to be so free and have time to discuss such issues in a world where countries like Libya are on the verge of collapse? :shock:
Age: 51; H: 6"5'; W: 172 lbs;

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