wolverine plan, anyone?

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: wolverine plan, anyone?

Post by jackarabit » August 30th, 2018, 12:20 am

Good stuff dropping 14+” on the new PB! Especially after a mere 60’ of warmup. :wink:
There are two types of people in this world: Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data


Allan Olesen
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Re: wolverine plan, anyone?

Post by Allan Olesen » August 30th, 2018, 1:21 am

Thank you, Jackarabit.

My progress is quite incredible right now. When I started getting serious about the rowing, I also started doing my own home brewed ramp test:
  • I start at 70W
  • Each minute I increase the load with 1W
  • After one hour I will have reached 130W
  • I then plot my heart rate over that hour and watch the HR increase
I have done three of those now:
10 minutes in: 128 BPM
49 minutes in: 160 BPM
60 minutes in: Aborted

10 minutes in: 115 BPM
49 minutes in: 133 BPM
60 minutes in: 140 BPM

10 minutes in: 103 BPM
49 minutes in: 120 BPM
60 minutes in: 125 BPM

So right now my heart rate after 60 minutes of ramping from 70 to 130 W, is lower than it was 4 months ago after 10 minutes of ramping from 70 to 80 W.

I guess it is time for a new ramp with higher Watts since the HR is now getting so low that it is meaningless. Or perhaps I should increase the duration to 2 hours, ramping from 70 to 190 W...
