What OTW Training have you done today

No, ergs don't yet float, but some of us do, and here's where you get to discuss that other form of rowing.
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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Snail Space » January 7th, 2012, 4:59 pm

Byron, the view is, as usual, quite stunning. How far can you row in one stretch, without having to turn round?


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Byron Drachman
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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Byron Drachman » January 7th, 2012, 7:05 pm

Snail Space wrote:Byron, the view is, as usual, quite stunning. How far can you row in one stretch, without having to turn round?

Hi Dave,

From the dock in one direction I can go about 13K with only a few bends and curves. After that the river continues but you would want a kayak, not a racing shell. I usually turn around after about 9 or 10K. If I leave the dock and head in the other direction I can only go about 2 K or a little less and then there is a dam.


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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Rocket Roy » January 8th, 2012, 11:18 am

Byron Drachman wrote:I was able to chop away enough ice at the dock to get out for a row yesterday. The thaw continues and there was very little ice on the river this morning. it warmed up to the low 40's F. It seemed like summer. I did 19K.
Wow 19k! Very impressive. B)
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Byron Drachman » January 13th, 2012, 2:18 pm

The temperature was 23 F but it was windy so the river hasn't frozen yet. I am guessing it will freeze shortly. In the meantime I got in a few K this morning. As mentioned before, the pontoons are for cold water safety and make it less likely to flip, but nothing is guaranteed. I am dressed like a cold water kayaker: PFD, dry top, dry pants.
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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Nosmo » January 13th, 2012, 8:38 pm

Jeeze Byron, that is dedication! When was the last time someone else besides you rowed out of your boathouse?

This morning stoked a 4x w/ the women's team. Combination of drills--pause at body over, pause at half slide, two ringer rowing, rowing blades half burried--and low rating power. Good solid row, smooth with good run.
On Tuesday night there was one extra women so I said "Hey Katie" would you like to row a double. Katie is a real good sculler and I've been in a 4x with her and wanted to try a 2x. Well there are two Katies and the other, a sculling novice thinking I was addressing her said "YES!". She was so enthusiastic I couldn't say no. Fun teaching someone new but not much of a workout. Monday morning was a good 45 min steady state at 26 in the single.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Byron Drachman » January 13th, 2012, 9:40 pm

Nosmo wrote:Jeeze Byron, that is dedication! When was the last time someone else besides you rowed out of your boathouse?

This morning stoked a 4x w/ the women's team. Combination of drills--pause at body over, pause at half slide, two ringer rowing, rowing blades half burried--and low rating power. Good solid row, smooth with good run.
On Tuesday night there was one extra women so I said "Hey Katie" would you like to row a double. Katie is a real good sculler and I've been in a 4x with her and wanted to try a 2x. Well there are two Katies and the other, a sculling novice thinking I was addressing her said "YES!". She was so enthusiastic I couldn't say no. Fun teaching someone new but not much of a workout. Monday morning was a good 45 min steady state at 26 in the single.
Hi Nosmo,

I've pretty much had the river to myself since Thanksgiving, but a few times when we got some mild temperatures a couple of other people have ventured out.

It is good of you to take a novice out in a double. I remember how grateful I was when I started out and an experienced sculler would take me out in a double.


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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Rockin Roland » January 21st, 2012, 11:58 pm

Racing season is upon us hence we are competing at local regattas every weekend for the rest of summer. Yesterday was hot and sunny with a stiff cross wind. I raced a quad and a coxed four. I'm not a big fan of quads but our row was good enough for second place. Hopefully I don't have to race in that boat next weekend as it's my least prefered boat class.

Our other race in the coxed four was a great row. It felt so smooth and together. We had several pushes where we tried to surge forward into the lead but were unsucessfull until we were into the red bouys with 250m to go. From there we held off all challenges until the last 20 meters when our legs became spent and the younger crew beside us managed to get their canvas over the line before us.

This morning was hot and the sun's strong glare was annoying. The water though was like glass so I spent about an hour and half on water in my single scull. At first my row was pretty average, probably because it was still early after a late night and my limbs took about half an hour to wake up and get their full range of motion. But once they got going the row was sweet.

Tomorrow I'm stroking the eight. I don't know why because I much prefer 7 seat but the boys reckon it went alright last week so they want to give it another go. They liked the rythmn and clearance we were getting with each puddle but gave the credit to the guy in 7 seat. I thought I was responsible for it, but not to worry. I'll see if I can change their minds tomorrow.
PBs: 2K 6:13.4, 5K 16:32, 6K 19:55, 10K 33:49, 30min 8849m, 60min 17,309m
Caution: Static C2 ergs can ruin your technique and timing for rowing in a boat.
The best thing I ever did to improve my rowing was to sell my C2 and get a Rowperfect.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by leadville » January 23rd, 2012, 7:29 pm

Byron you maniac!

I've been absent for months - recovering from a close encounter with a dump truck while cycling last fall. Noticed there's a new shell under your feet - do I see a Fluid, or is that just the cold water craft?

Havent' gotten to Lansing at all, but hope to get there at some point - will let you know.

Returned to sculling after an extended absence; National Champion 2010, 2011 D Ltwt 1x, PB 2k 7:04.5 @ 2010 Crash-b

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Byron Drachman » January 24th, 2012, 4:34 pm

leadville wrote:Byron you maniac!

I've been absent for months - recovering from a close encounter with a dump truck while cycling last fall. Noticed there's a new shell under your feet - do I see a Fluid, or is that just the cold water craft?

Havent' gotten to Lansing at all, but hope to get there at some point - will let you know.

Hi Leadville,

Yes, it is a new boat, a Hudson. My beautiful Staempfli is on a rack needing some serious restoration. Sorry to hear about the encounter with the dump truck. In conflicts like that, usually the truck has the upper hand. I hope it was nothing serious. I'm looking forward to your next visit.


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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Byron Drachman » February 1st, 2012, 4:33 pm

18K this morning. I had to push some ice away from the dock in order to launch, and I did some ice dodging, but the river is flowing. That is unusual for this time of year in Michigan.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Rockin Roland » February 5th, 2012, 4:46 am

Two rows this morning, both in eights. It was a beautiful warm sunny summer's day with temperature around 34C/92F. The first row was in a masters eight. We went out in the KIRS boat which has a skinny hull and can be very challenging to balance. Most club members avoid using this boat and prefer the more forgiving Sykes boats. However we were up for the challenge.

After warming up in sixes then progressing to all eight rowing with the feet out, the boat started to set. Once we had balance we did some work. When you can get the KIRS eight to sit up and balance it really starts to fly. It's my favourite boat to row hard in with an experienced crew.

After about an hour and half with the masters eight we came in to dock and I changed crews. I then went out with the younger 20 something year olds in our Sykes eight. Despite this boat being easier to balance, when we were doing 500m intervals, the two blokes in bow and three seats were suffering from "Concept 2 syndrome". That's a condition that you get from doing too much training on static C2 ergs, which has adverse affects on your motor neurons. I noticed that these guys in the 500m pieces couldn't get a firm grip of the water with their blades. Their strokes were washy and short. Their legs and bodies openned up too early and they were heaving on the oar using too much arms and upper body. Despite their best intentions they were contributing considerably less than the rest of the crew in moving the boat forward.

I had a chat to these blokes afterwards and warned them of what all those hours on the static C2 erg was doing to their technique in the boat. I encouraged them to in future use slides when erging but unfortunately "Concept 2 syndrome" is difficult to cure.

We have lots of races coming up soon. I'm mostly looking forward to racing in coxed fours and crew selection for this boat is looking very promising.
PBs: 2K 6:13.4, 5K 16:32, 6K 19:55, 10K 33:49, 30min 8849m, 60min 17,309m
Caution: Static C2 ergs can ruin your technique and timing for rowing in a boat.
The best thing I ever did to improve my rowing was to sell my C2 and get a Rowperfect.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Rockin Roland » February 12th, 2012, 11:04 pm

Judging by the lack of activity on this thread I would assume that most of you are still in the grips of winter and hence unable to get out on the water. I don't envy anyone who is trapped indoors and trying to get motivated to do something on a boring erg. It must be difficult living in a place like Boston where it's so cold and the rowing season is short compared to other areas.

Yesterday morning was warm and calm so I went out in my single. As usual on a Sunday morning we get lots of masters scullers hanging around a certain part of the river looking for a 2,000m racing dual. As you row by they size you up, say hello then give chase. Once they've had their fun they then hang around the 2000m finish line to see how others have fared.

Unfortunately for me I got picked on by a bloke who I've never beaten before in a race. He took off hard after me and within 10 strokes his bowball was almost hitting my stern. I thought to myself, should I just pull over to the side, give up before his ego gets too inflated or have a go. For some reason I decided to accept the challenge and press on. Before long we were catching other scullers who saw what was happening, moved to the side., then encouraged us as we went passed. At the half way mark I was seeing numbers on my stroke coach that I don't normally see. It's amazing what adrenallin rushes can do. Somehow I was still barely in front but was rowing above myself. I managed to stay there right to the end. I drew confidence when I could see from his body language that he was frustrated not being able to get passed me. I doubt that I could row that well again in an official race where he most likely would have beaten me. However I savoured the moment when I saw his facial expression at the finish line and that of those watching the dual.

This evening I'm down for rowing in two different eights. Tomorrow I'm having a day off from rowing on the water but will probably do some steady state stuff on the Rowperfect at home incorporating boat visualization technique work.
PBs: 2K 6:13.4, 5K 16:32, 6K 19:55, 10K 33:49, 30min 8849m, 60min 17,309m
Caution: Static C2 ergs can ruin your technique and timing for rowing in a boat.
The best thing I ever did to improve my rowing was to sell my C2 and get a Rowperfect.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by gregsmith01748 » February 12th, 2012, 11:32 pm

Great story. Glad you could hold him off.

I think the casual competition might be one of my favorite things from rowing last summer. It always seemed like there was someone to chase or hold off. It certainly kept us motivated.
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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Nosmo » February 13th, 2012, 9:15 pm

Rockin Roland wrote:Judging by the lack of activity on this thread I would assume that most of you are still in the grips of winter and hence unable to get out on the water.
I understand Boston has had some very warm weather and people have been out on the Charles.
Here in CA i've been rowing my normal four times a week, more or less the same as in the summer.

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Re: What OTW Training have you done today

Post by Rocket Roy » February 17th, 2012, 6:20 pm

Great story Roland. Was the guy much older than you?

We've just had 3 weeks of very cold weather which luckily coincided with my boat being repaired and working full time, now I can go back to flexy time and get back OTW, only done 31k this month, and that in the last 3 days, out again tomorrow at 05.30 hoping to avoid the mass of boats. Roll on the summer.
Lwt 55+ World Record Holder 6.38.1 (2006-2018)
World champion 2007, 2009, 2014.
2k pb...6.34.7
25 miles...55;24
10 miles...21.03
Golf best gross 78, 8 over par.

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