Fighting a cold with a sore throat at the moment. Decided to get some very low intensity meters for the World Erg challenge in.
Did a 6k while watching Justins 6k pb on YouTube for motivation. Well, constantly saw a 2:40 on my screen and 1:40 on his
Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
31:55.9 6,000 2:39.6 86 595 18 137
5:19.8 1,000 2:39.9 86 594 18 139
5:18.6 2,000 2:39.3 87 597 18 140
5:19.8 3,000 2:39.9 86 594 18 137
5:19.8 4,000 2:39.9 86 594 18 132
5:19.4 5,000 2:39.7 86 595 18 141
5:18.5 6,000 2:39.2 87 598 18 138