What Training Have You Done Today?

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by MPx » March 10th, 2025, 5:39 am

Dangerscouse wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 4:22 pm
Great to hear you're able to row again, and 3:25 is a solid result
Cheers Stu - I thought so too!
Sakly wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 4:41 pm
Great stuff B)
And great result on the 1k given the circumstances!

Unfortunately ... So much drawback this winter, really annoying :cry:
Thanks Sascha - taking time out is certainly a pain in more ways than one as you've been finding out this winter - hopefully you'll get back to some consistent progress soon.
Jbrown1215 wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 8:53 pm
Great that you're back on the iron horse! May many better training days lie ahead for you... :D
Ha! Pleased as I am to be able Justin, I may try not to think about the many training days - just the odd day of glory when it all comes together! Can't imagine 171k in a week - that's a fair month for me!
Mike - 67 HWT 183


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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by alex9026 » March 10th, 2025, 7:32 am

MPx wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 3:47 pm
Not my usual way to post my training in this thread, but this is an exception to let you all know that I've started back post op. I managed to keep myself away for 3 weeks (actually 20 days!) - but have been feeling fine and have been getting on with stuff at home which is always pretty physical so I couldn't see the point in pretending I was "resting". I've done a veeerrry slow 5k. A slow 3x2k 3r. A slow 5k for the IWD. And finally decided tonight to post a 1k time - mainly to keep my participation in the world sprints and Sub7 ITC going. Obvs I realised I wouldn't be able to go my usual full beans. Race plan was to pos split to allow for my lack of fitness. So 100m sub1:40 then 100 each at 1:40/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8. Hit those targets pretty well and went a little quicker on the last 100 so managed a 3:25.2 overall - puts me 16th for now. Had I been fit and at my best I'd have expected to post a time around 3:17 (which would have been 6th - or 5th ignoring the erroneous top score). Happy enough with that and pleased to be back on the horse... :D
Great to read you're back at it Mike. Onwards and upwards!
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Kerry1960 » March 10th, 2025, 12:22 pm

MPx wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 3:47 pm
Not my usual way to post my training in this thread, but this is an exception to let you all know that I've started back post op. I managed to keep myself away for 3 weeks (actually 20 days!) - but have been feeling fine and have been getting on with stuff at home which is always pretty physical so I couldn't see the point in pretending I was "resting". I've done a veeerrry slow 5k. A slow 3x2k 3r. A slow 5k for the IWD. And finally decided tonight to post a 1k time - mainly to keep my participation in the world sprints and Sub7 ITC going. Obvs I realised I wouldn't be able to go my usual full beans. Race plan was to pos split to allow for my lack of fitness. So 100m sub1:40 then 100 each at 1:40/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8. Hit those targets pretty well and went a little quicker on the last 100 so managed a 3:25.2 overall - puts me 16th for now. Had I been fit and at my best I'd have expected to post a time around 3:17 (which would have been 6th - or 5th ignoring the erroneous top score). Happy enough with that and pleased to be back on the horse... :D
Glad you're back erging again Mike. I had a a laporascopic left inguinal hernia repair when I was 32 and never caused me any problems since so sure everything will be fine for you.
M64 6ft 2, 1.90m,14st 4lbs (200), 90 kg, NW England
First erg Jan 2023
PBs 500m 1:34.4, 1k 3:30.9, 2k 7:32.3
5k 20:09, 6k 24:30, 30m 7310m, 30r20 7133m

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by alex9026 » March 10th, 2025, 12:42 pm

1:18:41.8 20,000 1:58.0 213 1032 21
15:44.2 4,000 1:58.0 213 1032 21
15:44.0 8,000 1:58.0 213 1033 21
15:44.5 12,000 1:58.0 213 1031 21
15:44.7 16,000 1:58.0 213 1031 21
15:44.4 20,000 1:58.0 213 1032 22

I really didn't want to do this today, had a nice 1hr 45minute dog walk prior to it and I'm between night shifts, coupled with another dozen excuses I could've made. But, 5k in I found a rhythm and glad I got it done.

On another note, walking up a short hill feels like it gets my heart rate up more than a 20k erg piece, I'll never get my heart round that...
34 6'2 92kg
1min 368m 500m 1:24.4 2k 6:24 5k 17:27

nick rockliff
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by nick rockliff » March 10th, 2025, 1:26 pm

Did a 45r20 this evening

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
45:00.0 10,891 2:03.9 184 932 20 131
5:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 119
10:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 122
15:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 127
20:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 130
25:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 133
30:00.0 1,211 2:03.8 184 933 20 135
35:00.0 1,211 2:03.8 184 933 20 138
40:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 140
45:00.0 1,210 2:03.9 184 932 20 139
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
50s PBs 2k 6.24.3 5k 16.55.4 6k 20.34.2 10k 35.19.0 30m 8633 60m 16685 HM 76.48.7
60s PBs 5k 17.51.2 10k 36.42.6 30m 8263 60m 16089 HM 79.16.6

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Dutch » March 10th, 2025, 1:34 pm

Been more of an aerobic week this week, laid off weights for a break, still did a bit though.

Mon 3rd: Sumo deadlift, 5x5, 60-100-130-150-170 kg, 1x1, 190 kg. First time deadlifting in 10 weeks, form was rubbish but happy with weight.

Thur 6th: bike erg tabata, 8x20 sec, 10r. dist 1452, watts 272, rpm 89, av/1000 1.48.5, df 77. Doubled the amount of rounds this time out and went to do a 9th but clocked stopped lol. I have set a high target of 25 rounds on these, Curious to see where it can go.

Sat 8th: Run, 5k/3.2 mile, time about 33 mins. I did a park run and doubled the distance of last weeks run. This was partially cross country and road running. I am really happy with this, only my 4th run in 10 yrs. Ankles and calves are really strengthening well. I just ran slow from start and had a little left at end, legs were bit wobbly at the end lol. Target he is a 10k canal path run in about may then see where it goes from there. My aerobic capacity and pacing was really good on this from all the rowing and cycling and considering am just coming back from 10 weeks off there is more in the tank.

Sun 9th: Cable face pulls 2x10 4-5 slabs. Bent over rows 1x6, 36kg. 1x6, 70kg. 1x13 90kg. Yates row position but overhand grip.

Mon 10th: Row erg, time 20mins, dist 4320,watts 131, spm 19, av/500 2.18.8, df 108. Slowly building distance to about 30 mins then review it. I found this a nice and enjoyable row, prob cos of running and extra fitness im gaining.
Age 55, 186cm 87g

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by p_b82 » March 10th, 2025, 1:51 pm

MPx wrote:
March 9th, 2025, 3:47 pm
Not my usual way to post my training in this thread, but this is an exception to let you all know that I've started back post op. I managed to keep myself away for 3 weeks (actually 20 days!) - but have been feeling fine and have been getting on with stuff at home which is always pretty physical so I couldn't see the point in pretending I was "resting". I've done a veeerrry slow 5k. A slow 3x2k 3r. A slow 5k for the IWD. And finally decided tonight to post a 1k time - mainly to keep my participation in the world sprints and Sub7 ITC going. Obvs I realised I wouldn't be able to go my usual full beans. Race plan was to pos split to allow for my lack of fitness. So 100m sub1:40 then 100 each at 1:40/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8. Hit those targets pretty well and went a little quicker on the last 100 so managed a 3:25.2 overall - puts me 16th for now. Had I been fit and at my best I'd have expected to post a time around 3:17 (which would have been 6th - or 5th ignoring the erroneous top score). Happy enough with that and pleased to be back on the horse... :D
Good luck with your recovery!

Really didn't want to row today - could hardly keep my eyes open by the end of work today, and I thought I'd slept ok last night.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
12:40.9 2,940 2:09.4 162 855 20 160
5:00.0 1,135 2:12.1 152 821 19 149
10:00.0 1,167 2:08.5 165 867 18 165
12:40.8 638 2:06.0 175 901 24 168

Not sure what that was - it was low rate but felt junky - then I decided to switch up after 10mins, but heart wasn't in it. had a quick water break and sat my ass down again for something easier.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
15:03.2 3,380 2:13.6 147 805 21 164
5:00.0 1,127 2:13.0 148 810 22 161
10:00.0 1,121 2:13.8 146 802 22 167
15:00.0 1,121 2:13.8 146 802 22 166
15:03.2 12 2:13.3 148 808 19 162
M 6'4 born:'82
'23: HM=1:36:08.0, 60'=13,702m
'24: 5k=20:42.9, 10k=42:13.1, FM=3:18:35.4, 30'=7,132m
'25: 500m=1:35.3, 2k=7:39.3, 6k: 25:05.4

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by KeithT » March 10th, 2025, 1:51 pm

Did the 1K for the WRIC.

As you know, I originally thought I still had a sub 3:00 in me but then based on training results thought it would be more like 3:01-3:02 and......I did just about that - just a tenth quicker at 3:00.9.

Currently sitting in 4th - I have finished 1st once, 2nd twice, 3rd once and fourth once.....maybe this will change to a 5th to get me one of those placings. I am very content with result as I trained pretty good, I felt good in warm-up and I executed the race plan well and I was fading at very end and this is the best I could have done. The faster last 250 was more like 100 faster and then hanging on before starting to fade. Not shockingly this falls right where all my rows and workouts seem to be - about 2 seconds/500 slower than my best.


56 yo, 6'3" 205# PBs (all since turning 50):
1 min - 376m, 500m - 1:21.3, 1K - 2:57.2, 4 min - 1305m, 2K - 6:27.8, 5K - 17:23, 30 min - 8444m, 10K - 35:54, 60 min - 16110, HM - 1:19:19, FM - 2:45:41

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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Kerry1960 » March 10th, 2025, 2:49 pm

30min steady state at r20. Really need to make these type of,sessions 40 mins or 10k when I have the time.

Time Meters Pace Watts Cal/Hr S/M
30:00.0 6,664 2:15.0 142 788 20 121
5:00.0 1,113 2:14.7 143 792 21 111
10:00.0 1,112 2:14.8 143 790 20 115
15:00.0 1,110 2:15.1 142 788 20 121
20:00.0 1,111 2:15.0 142 789 21 124
25:00.0 1,108 2:15.3 141 785 20 127
30:00.0 1,109 2:15.2 141 786 20 130
M64 6ft 2, 1.90m,14st 4lbs (200), 90 kg, NW England
First erg Jan 2023
PBs 500m 1:34.4, 1k 3:30.9, 2k 7:32.3
5k 20:09, 6k 24:30, 30m 7310m, 30r20 7133m

6k Poster
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by Dutch » March 10th, 2025, 2:52 pm

KeithT wrote:
March 10th, 2025, 1:51 pm
Did the 1K for the WRIC.

As you know, I originally thought I still had a sub 3:00 in me but then based on training results thought it would be more like 3:01-3:02 and......I did just about that - just a tenth quicker at 3:00.9.

Currently sitting in 4th - I have finished 1st once, 2nd twice, 3rd once and fourth once.....maybe this will change to a 5th to get me one of those placings. I am very content with result as I trained pretty good, I felt good in warm-up and I executed the race plan well and I was fading at very end and this is the best I could have done. The faster last 250 was more like 100 faster and then hanging on before starting to fade. Not shockingly this falls right where all my rows and workouts seem to be - about 2 seconds/500 slower than my best.


Really good time there m8.
Age 55, 186cm 87g

nick rockliff
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Re: What Training Have You Done Today?

Post by nick rockliff » March 10th, 2025, 3:04 pm

KeithT wrote:
March 10th, 2025, 1:51 pm
Did the 1K for the WRIC.

As you know, I originally thought I still had a sub 3:00 in me but then based on training results thought it would be more like 3:01-3:02 and......I did just about that - just a tenth quicker at 3:00.9.

Currently sitting in 4th - I have finished 1st once, 2nd twice, 3rd once and fourth once.....maybe this will change to a 5th to get me one of those placings. I am very content with result as I trained pretty good, I felt good in warm-up and I executed the race plan well and I was fading at very end and this is the best I could have done. The faster last 250 was more like 100 faster and then hanging on before starting to fade. Not shockingly this falls right where all my rows and workouts seem to be - about 2 seconds/500 slower than my best.


Great 1k, very well done.
67 6' 4" 108kg
PBs 2k 6:16.4 5k 16:37.5 10k 34:35.5 30m 8727 60m 17059 HM 74:25.9 FM 2:43:48.8
50s PBs 2k 6.24.3 5k 16.55.4 6k 20.34.2 10k 35.19.0 30m 8633 60m 16685 HM 76.48.7
60s PBs 5k 17.51.2 10k 36.42.6 30m 8263 60m 16089 HM 79.16.6

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