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[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » August 10th, 2005, 4:57 pm

Thought I'd try a 10k ranking session this evening. Last 10k I ranked was back in May at 53.29.0, but based on my 12k rating yesterday I knew I could do faster than that. Set the pace boat at 2.25, but ended up averaging 2:19.3 over the 10k to give a time of 46:25.2 and a position of 17th of 41 (compared with 36th of 41 previously) <br /><br />Next goal is to get 1k ranked piece under my belt as I will then have scores for all of the nonathlon events for the season. Then my 60 minute distance needs some work. No rest for the wicked ....<br /><br />Tired, happy, ready for supper and my bed! <br /><br />

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » September 11th, 2005, 1:47 pm

I had a good week. On Labor Day (Monday 9/5) I did a 1/2 marathon. My second one ever. The first time I did it was at the end of the 2005 season. Now I want to try to do one on every three day weekend and then do a full marathon at the end of this season. Anyway, my Labor Day 1/2 Marathon was a personal best in that I cut 10 minutes from my April time. I still didn't break the 2 hour mark, though. I will try to go below 2 hours on Veteran's Day November 11th. That also happens to be my mother's birthday who passed away in January this year. It may be an emotional day for me, so we'll see.<br /><br />I try to do a 500 meter ranked piece on the 5th of every month, but since I did the 1/2 marathon on the 5th, I did the 500 meters on Tuesday. And I had a personal best with that, too! I did it in 2:13.1, beating my last time by 4 seconds. Pretty good since it was just the day after my 2 hour long work out!<br /><br />Then, every week I do "Thirty-minute Thursdays" where I try to better my last week's distance in a 30 minute ranked workout. This week was not a personal best, but I did beat last week's distance. And it was my 46th birthday! Following the two PBs from earlier in the week, I accepted that as a pretty good week.<br /><br />I ended up taking the next two days off rowing, but got back in the saddle today to "just row" 6000+ meters. I'm trying to move up the Annual Meters Honor Board and get into the 5000+ category. I'm on page one of the 2500+ list and movin' on up!<br /><br />Good for me! Thanks for letting me toot my own horn!

[old] Deb
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Post by [old] Deb » September 11th, 2005, 10:30 pm

Way to go, Robin! That's quite a week! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » September 11th, 2005, 10:47 pm

Jenny Rowe--way to smoke your that 10,000 meters, girl! It's nice to break a time barrier like that, and you blew it right outta the water, yay!<br /><br />Robin--Happy Birthday, and nice job on the progress you're making as well! But so sorry to hear about your mom's death. Maybe you could dedicate that row on her birthday to her memory as a way to celebrate her life...and the life she gave to you, which you're doing a fine job of trying to keep healthy. I'll be cheering ya on, Robin. Your posts have been inspiring for me to read, thanks.<br /><br />--jen

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » October 20th, 2005, 11:26 pm

Well, it's not a PB, but I'm still proud of it...I set out to do a training 10K, intervals of 800 m planned to be at 2:08 and 200 m to be at 2:00, not too intense because I've only been back rowing since Labor Day. Right off I ended up doing 2:03--2:05 on the 800 ms and 1:55--1:58 on the 200 ms. Final time was 41:16.1 which was surprise and even more fun I feel really energetic and great! I expected to feel like a truck hit me this evening. Maybe it will hit me during the night, though, I've had that happen before....but for the last few hours I've really felt almost giddy with well being. <br /><br />I think it's because my schedule is a little better this year and several times a week I can row at 6:30 or so instead of after midnight. It feels great not to be exhausted for the workouts, but now I end up practicing late at night and sometimes feel like I'm falling asleep while I'm practicing.<br /><br />Days are NOT long enough.

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » October 21st, 2005, 8:59 am

Way to go Carla!<br /><br />I couldn't get those times if my life depended on it. You really got those endorphins going, didn't you?!!? <br />Glad to have you back!<br /><br />The Buffle

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » October 23rd, 2005, 1:26 pm

Hi! I guess I did something yesterday that counts as a "personal best." But it's like being "mom's favorite" when you're an only child. It was my first time doing a ranked 60 minute workout. I did a whopping 10,762 meters and ranked 38 of 43 in my category (40-49, HW, Women). I stopped about every ten minutes for a drink, or to adjust the fan, or spray myself with water, or fix the CD. Next time I'll try to reduce my distractions and see how I do!<br />Thanks for the forum to toot my own horn. My husband was impressed, too!<br />For now, rah-rah for me! I did it! <br />Robin

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » October 23rd, 2005, 2:00 pm

Way to go Robin! That is an impressive row. Next thing you know, you'll be cranking out half marathons!! <br /><br />Shannon

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » October 23rd, 2005, 5:30 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-sirrobin+Oct 23 2005, 05:26 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(sirrobin @ Oct 23 2005, 05:26 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi! I guess I did something yesterday that counts as a "personal best." But it's like being "mom's favorite" when you're an only child. It was my first time doing a ranked 60 minute workout. I did a whopping 10,762 meters and ranked 38 of 43 in my category (40-49, HW, Women). I stopped about every ten minutes for a drink, or to adjust the fan, or spray myself with water, or fix the CD. Next time I'll try to reduce my distractions and see how I do!<br />Thanks for the forum to toot my own horn. My husband was impressed, too!<br />For now, rah-rah for me! I did it!  <br />Robin <br /> </td></tr></table><br />Congratulations on your first attempt!<br /><br />You should have an amazing improvement in your meters next time if you just get your self set and comfortable before you start. If you are really needing to drink in every ten minutes, you are probably starting out dehydrated. Try to make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day before you work out (of course, if you are an early morning rower that's not very useful advice!) Sometimes I use non-sugary mints (MYNTZ are my favorite) to keep my mouth from feeling dry. It works well if you are just feeling dry mouthed but actually aren't dehyrdated.<br /><br />Set your CD to repeat your favorite songs with good rowing rythms if that is something that helps keep you going. Open the window near your rower and set up a fan behind you and turn it on before you sit down. Do you have a C Breeze? I use both the C Breeze and a fan. (I remember one time setting eveything up and wondering why it was so dreadfully awfully hot, when I had the fan and the window open, etc., and found out afterwards I negelected to actually turn the fan ON! duh!)<br /><br />Figure out what you want to accomplish, that is in the realm of reason, and use the pace calculator to see what average you have to maintain, and then row with "avg pace" on the monitor. When you first start out, you will be slower than the average you mean to maintain, but gradually you will get closer and closer.<br /><br />Can't wait to hear how you do next time!

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » October 24th, 2005, 3:19 am

Thanks for the advice! I do try to drink quite a bit before going out to row... and then make sure I void my bladder before I start. (I know, too much info!) Anyway, I will try to be prepared before hand next time! I do believe I will shave off some time.<br />Robin

[old] AntarcticGirl
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Post by [old] AntarcticGirl » October 25th, 2005, 8:43 am

Hi All! Yesterday I set about rowing a 5km PB after seeing this forum and wanting to post on it. After the usual procrastination I finally got going and did beat my record! But, by only 0.5sec Was a bit put out by this, but then thought that after a 2-month very slack period it probably wasn't too bad. I'll give it another go in a few weeks!<br />5km 22:55.8 min

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » October 25th, 2005, 11:04 am

AntarcticGirl,<br />I like your attitude. Even though you were disappointed, you don't let that get you down and out of it! I say every little bit (even .5) in the right direction is progress. I say make progress, not perfection -- I <i>can </i>make <i>progress</i>. And there's room for more progress next time! <br /><br />Robin

[old] AntarcticGirl
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Post by [old] AntarcticGirl » October 25th, 2005, 1:12 pm

Thanks Robin, your encouragement made me smile - there is always room for a little more progress! <br />Chasing my 2km on Friday so will see how that goes.....

[old] jah89
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Post by [old] jah89 » October 27th, 2005, 10:25 am

Hi all, was just procrastinating on the concept 2 website and I had no idea there was so much to do...!<br /><br />Anyway, it's good timing because I smashed my 2k pb yesterday. I was ill last year and I couldn't seem to get my times below 8:40ish, and yesterday it was 2k tests for one of my two clubs. I somehow managed to pull 8:24.0, and it felt quite comfortable! Which is a good thing because I have a 2k for my other club tomorrow...<br /><br />Bring it on...sub-8:20 here I come!<br /><br />Jodie<br /><br />PS - great idea for a forum. A bit of mutual bragging/encouragement never did anyone any harm.

[old] mischa
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Post by [old] mischa » October 27th, 2005, 9:13 pm

Huh. I actually did beat one of my personal bests this morning. <br /><br />I've been following the training guide I got from the site and this morning was a 500m pyramid with the last two intervals (1k and 500m) as all-out rows. I beat my Dec 04 record for the 500m by .3 seconds. <br /><br />I've only been back to rowing for about 3 weeks or so since I took most of 2005 off due to various health issues. I'm kind of surprised it worked out so well. <br /><br />My 1k time was exactly 4 seconds higher than my previous personal best, also from Dec 04. I may not have beaten it but I got pretty close to matching it...
