different concept2 models?

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Post by Nosmo » August 29th, 2008, 5:48 pm

John Rupp wrote:
Maybe there is manufacturing variation or I was lucky with my D or unlucky with my B
My modelB was well maintained. Maybe yours wasn't. There is no reason why the D would be faster.
Never said the D would be faster. I said MY D was smoother then MY B. Mine was well maintained. Didn't say your B wasn't smoother than your D, merely said that it was perhaps due to manufacturing variation.
Last edited by Nosmo on August 29th, 2008, 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nosmo » August 29th, 2008, 6:50 pm

John Rupp wrote:The slope certainly matters, as it fixes the direction of force generated by your body, in relation to the line of force to the handle. The farther the axle from the direction of the slope of the railing, the lower the performance.
The direction of force must be in a straight line between the two ends of the chain (i.e. between the cog and handle). It is a physical impossibility for it to be otherwise: the chain can only transmit tension. What matters is if this direction is the direction that the rower most efficiently pulls. Rowers should naturally pull more or less straight back, so ideally the cog should be in line with the movement of the hands.

The model J would have the rower pulling somewhat upward throughout the stroke--more so at the catch then at the finish. This makes the problem worse--although I don't really think it matters because any component of hand movement that is perpendicular to the chain does not do work.

Furthermore, in a boat one pulls straight back so the oar doesn't go deep or come out of the water. C2 is most interested in designing machines for on the water rowers. They would not design something that has the force applied in a significantly different direction from that in the boat.

From past experience I don't expect John to concede any points, so I'm done arguing this point -- at least with him -- I'll let the reader decide who is correct.

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