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Post by romie » June 22nd, 2006, 3:46 pm

Hi there
I'm Rosie I'm 30 (just) and Hwt (just) I can't get my age down but I can get the weight down hopefully.

This is the first time i've visited .com, I've been surfing for some time.
I've been rowing since Nov 2005 and have completed over 300000m most of which have been lost on an old log card oh dear.
I love the challenge the rower provides it's the best antidote to divorce, stress, general man related problems and general 30 year old single woman problems (due to all the general men i keep meeting :lol:)
Anyway I diverse
I am still new enough to be breaking PB's and am hoping to maybe race in the future purely for the adventure (and the pain if I'm honest)

I think I've just joined the ducks I've been looking for a team for some time and I think this is it :wink: am I meant to have a duck name? If so in general respect of my home county it'll have to be Puddin' duck

Anyway that's enough rambling from me have fun :lol:

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Post by loonylady » June 23rd, 2006, 7:53 am

Welcome to the Ducks, Rosie. We're always happy to have new members and the team will be an inspiration to you to keep up the good work. It sounds like you are off to a good start although I'm very sorry you lost your log card. I try to log my meters each day rather than rely on the card. If you don't remember to log out and go back to the menu before the monitor turns itself off, you will loose meters, too.

While I'm here, I'll introduce myself as well. I started rowing Nov 2005 and just passed the 600K mark. I started out on the Ducks and then left to join Grams on the Divas which was a team for women over 60. That team didn't attract any more members so recently the team was disolved and Grams and I both joined the Ducks. I find them very motivational and it keeps me busy trying to stay where I am on the team. Some of the Ducks put on a lot of meters!! Right now I row in the mornings and try to do 5-6K five days a week.

I live in the Adirondack region of northern New York with my husband. We are both retired although I went back to work part-time. Rowers are great here in the middle of winter when it is too cold to get outside. :lol:

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Post by melliemoo » June 29th, 2006, 11:38 pm

I just bought my Model D three weeks ago. The one piece of equipment that I loved when I belonged to a gym was the rower. I decided to go ahead and buy one rather than joining a gym again as I figured it would be less expensive in the long run. When I was in my twenties, I ran a lot; but once I started a regular job after college and graduate school, I found myself gaining weight. Between my husband and me, we weigh about 55 lbs. more than we were first married. So we've made a commitment to lose the weight.

I'm 47 years old. I have cats and two adult stepsons. I also love to go horseback riding. I want to learn to ice skate in the winter. I also love yoga although I don't do it as often as I should.

My newest cat is named "Dirty Harry Potter". My husband wanted to name him "Dirty Harry"; I wanted to name him "Harry Potter" So....

I have been rowing for just over two weeks and I already can feel a difference in my legs and arms as well as my ability to just breathe!

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Post by fish » June 30th, 2006, 12:37 am

Hi melliemoo,

Welcome to the forum. Buying the erg was one of the best purchases I ever made. I hope you enjoy yours.


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Post by loonylady » June 30th, 2006, 9:15 am

Welcome to the wonderful world of rowing, melliemoo. We had a ski machine in the house for years as well as a stationery bike and I never used either but since we got the rower last Oct, I've been getting lots of exercise. After reading some posts on the forum when we first got our rower, both my husband and I measured our waists. We found we weren't losing weight (mostly because we didn't change our eating habits) but we did lose inches. Also, check out the virtual teams. I found joining one of them to be extremely motivational. I am on the ducks in a row which is all women but you are free to join whatever team you want. Enjoy your rowing :)

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New member introduction

Post by The Vulcan » August 2nd, 2006, 9:19 am

I am 41, female, and just bought my rower last week. I was a runner for nearly 30 years, but had to give it up due to a couple of herniated discs. I am intensely competitive, so I am looking forward to the online challenges and the million meter mark. I also ordered a map from Concept2 so I can plot my meters rowed across the Carribean. My husband is amused that it only took me one day as an indoor rower to find a way to compete at it.

There is a rowing club on the river in Columbus, Ohio, and I plan to take their "Learn to Row" class after I develop my upper body a little. I love it already!

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Post by muddypaws » August 2nd, 2006, 3:46 pm

My Model D is on the way, expected arrival next week, but thought I'd start checking out the forums and introduce myself.

This will be my second erg. Sold my first four years ago when arthritis made it too painful to hold the handle. Seem to have the arthritis under control now and the change in handle design looks like it will be easier on my hands so I'm giving it another go. I've been hiking 3-5 miles a day and swim a mile (165 laps - so boring!). Looking forward to rowing again.

I am 55 and live in a ghost town in the desert with wild burros as neighbors. I'd like to join a team (with real people) - would anyone be so kind as to give me a run-down of my choices?


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Post by fish » August 2nd, 2006, 8:35 pm

Welcome to the forum Vulcan and Muddypaws.

I too am a 41 year old runner whose body has told her not to run anymore. For competition, you might want to try CTC or the Nonathlon. Another option is RowPro or Supercanoa if you are able to hook your erg up to a computer. It's cool to be able to row with people around the world.

There are many virtual teams that have an open membership. One of them is Ducks in a Row. See Join Ducks In A Row, Women's Virtual Team.

Have fun erging.


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An introduction- Dino Duck

Post by dinodi » August 20th, 2006, 6:14 pm

Hi, all-

I'm a newbie- both to rowing and on-line forums. I'm 58 and have been a distance runner for 30 years. But alas, my days on the road are now in the past tense thanks to a second knee injury that occured in April.

I recently retired to a remote area of my state but was tickled to discover that my town of 900 has a terrific gym. I discovered the Concept 2 machine in mid-July and have been rowing fast and furiously since then.

I seem to be having some trouble with my form and try as I might, my 5k times don't seem to improve. Also- as a classic Type A. I've rowed too far too soon and my lower back is giving me fits.

In any case, I enjoy reading everyone's posts and am struck by the supportive and gentle nature of these exchanges as compared to some of the guy's posts--geeze--too much testosterone!!

I'm delighted to be a member of the duck pond--signing off as Dino Duck.

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Re: An introduction- Dino Duck

Post by Hapa » August 21st, 2006, 5:45 pm

dinodi wrote:Hi, all-

I'm a newbie- both to rowing and on-line forums. I'm 58 and have been a distance runner for 30 years. But alas, my days on the road are now in the past tense thanks to a second knee injury that occured in April.

I recently retired to a remote area of my state but was tickled to discover that my town of 900 has a terrific gym. I discovered the Concept 2 machine in mid-July and have been rowing fast and furiously since then.

I seem to be having some trouble with my form and try as I might, my 5k times don't seem to improve. Also- as a classic Type A. I've rowed too far too soon and my lower back is giving me fits.

In any case, I enjoy reading everyone's posts and am struck by the supportive and gentle nature of these exchanges as compared to some of the guy's posts--geeze--too much testosterone!!

I'm delighted to be a member of the duck pond--signing off as Dino Duck.
Hey Dino Duck!

Welcome to the forum! No kidding about the Women's forum compared to the others. I don't even go to the others most of the time, too much BS on them.

About your back, you do need to make sure that you're taking it slowly and building up. When I started up erging again after a period off, I really felt it in my back. I had to force myself to warm up really well at a slow pace, low pressure, then stretch out the muscles a bit before the actual workout. Goodness it was hard to stay at 18 spm and only about 3:05 splits! But it really helped keep my back healthy and after a few weeks, I didn't need it as much.

Good luck with everything and check out the multiple resources available on proper form!


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Intro ... new rower!

Post by ymcagirl » September 5th, 2006, 9:46 pm

Hello all!
I have discovered rowing (okay, it was discovered centuries ago ... but you get my drift! :D ) ... and I love it! I have developed chronic knee problems in the past two years ( 15 years of avid walking, squats, lunges, etc. have taken their toll), and the rowing does not bother my knees. I have been a YMCA member for years, so that's where I get my workouts in.

I've just turned 47 and am pretty fit for my age, but half an hour on the rower definitely gets me sweating! So far I've simply been rowing and I know I have a lot to learn about technique, etc. I've been averaging 28-30 spm ... is that too fast? I could ask a thousand questions, not even sure where to start...I have gone to the Workout Library and printed out some different workouts, so that will give me something different to work on now.

...but it's great to have found this forum! I'll be back!


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Post by Carole » September 6th, 2006, 12:13 pm

welcome hun ...... just ask away anywhere on the forum... some more qualified than me will help ... although if I think I can help I will ... :D

I would say 28spm is definately too fast for training... you need to mix it up a bit ... there are various training programmes ....

there is the interactive programme .....

there is the weight loss programme

there is the Pete plan ....

So the basic plan is this:

Monday - Speed intervals; 3 weekly rotation between:
8 x 500m, 3:30 rest
4 x 1k, 5min rest
250/500/750/1k/750/500/250 pyramid (1:30 rest per 250m after interval)

Tuesday - Steady distance (8 to 15k)

Wednesday - Steady distance (8 to 15k)

Thursday - Distance intervals; 3 weekly rotation between:
5 x 1500m, 5min rest
4 x 2k, 5min rest
3k/2.5k/2k, 5min rest

Friday - Steady distance (8 to 15k)

Saturday - Hard 10k

Sunday - Rest

erm there is the wolverine plan .... which I must really try and study.. sorry i am a lazy bugger!!!!! just looks very daunting ....


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Post by yakima » September 8th, 2006, 12:36 pm

Hi there,
I have been lurking around for a while, time for introductions.

Rowing started for me 20yrs ago on a concept2 at Frito Lay Hqts fitness center. I wasn't a runner or cyclist so I was banished to the funny looking equipment in the corner. I have been hooked ever since.

Two years ago I bought my VERY OWN erg. Boy was that a great year.

I haven't rowed for quite a while. I had a double bypass 12 weeks ago. Yesterday the doctor gave me the okay to start rowing It's great to be rowing again.......5 minues a day for a week and move on from there. Just be aware of my that would be an issue.


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Post by Carole » September 8th, 2006, 2:55 pm

welcome Paula ... they are friendly bunch

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Post by Bob S. » September 8th, 2006, 3:58 pm

yakima wrote:Hi there,
I have been lurking around for a while, time for introductions.
I had a double bypass 12 weeks ago. Yesterday the doctor gave me the okay to start rowing It's great to be rowing again.......5 minues a day for a week and move on from there. Just be aware of my that would be an issue.
I apologize in advance for butting in on the Women's Forum, but I just wanted to wlecome a fellow heart surgery survivor to the U.S. C2 Forum. There are several of us that are forum members and having been actively erging as part of our cardiac post-op rehab.

Bob S.

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