Excellent, thanks for the follow up.
Good to hear the N)) icon shows on your device. Not sure why it does not on mine (iPhone 12). Yes, it does background NFC scanning but don't think that matters for the app functionality.
BTW. turns out the NFC details are also in the SDK documentation (page 33):
https://www.concept2.co.uk/files/pdf/us ... nition.pdf
Near Field Communication NDEF Records
The PM5 unit configures itself as a Near Field Communication Tag A. The tag consists of two records.
The first record is an External record type used for pairing the mobile device with the PM5. The information in this
record is sufficient for establishing a BLE connection between the mobile device and the PM5. The record format is
as follows.
BLE Pairing Record Identifier String: concept2.com:bleconnectinfo
PM5 BLE address (6 bytes): e.g. 0x54 0x96 0xA2 0x56 0x10 0xF0 (will vary from unit to unit)
PM5 BLE Address Type (1 byte): 0x01
PM5 Advertising Name (up to 31 bytes): PM5 430343693 (will vary from unit to unit)
The second record is an Android Application Record (AAR) containing the following string. The record is used to
launch the Ergdata application on an Android platform. The data in this record does not change.
BLE Launch App Identifier String: android.com:pkg
Android Package to Launch: com.concept2.ergdata
So, in line with what @a669 wrote. In short: the PM5 name is sent and the "PM5 BLE address".
Not sure where to get that 6 byte PM5 BLE address for my PM5.
Table 3 in the documentation (page 10) shows what data is available. Don't see a 6 byte value there.
Also tried scanning the PM5 with the Lightblue app.