February- The Month Of A Strong Heart

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[old] billandmargaret
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Post by [old] billandmargaret » February 14th, 2006, 11:41 pm

That's great work, Shannon! How have you kept up your dedication over such a long time period? That's so impressive. I'm in awe.<br /><br />Susan, thanks for your persistance as well. I've derailed myself over the last several weeks. There has been no shortage of stress, good and bad. My best intention is to take extra good care of myself during stressful times so I can handle the demands better. <br /><br />My eating has been erratic--back and forth between the good and bad. As for exercise, at least I'm getting out in the fresh air and sunshine for awhile each day, mildly active (walking, playing with the kids & gardening), and I returned to a strength training routine: a variety of arm exercises with free weights plus some lunges, squats and stretching. Stomach exercises would be good but the floor is crowded and my kids still think my lying on the floor is an open invitation to crawl on me. For now, I get most of my stomach exercise from rowing. I'm happy that I graduated from the 5# hand weights to 10#. I remember the first year I started this routine, that was a really hard, and now it's not. I have extra incentive for using weights, as I'll be moving in a couple of months--hmmm, last time I think we had about 100 boxes last move plus furniture---<br /><br /><br />Margaret<br />

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » February 15th, 2006, 2:58 am

<!--quoteo(post=55903:date=Feb 14 2006, 07:41 PM:name=billandmargaret)--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(billandmargaret @ Feb 14 2006, 07:41 PM) </b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'>That's great work, Shannon! How have you kept up your dedication over such a long time period? That's so impressive. I'm in awe.<br /><br />Margaret<br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hi Margaret,<br /><br />I'm not really sure how I have managed to keep at this weight loss thing. I think that a lot of things have helped me. I slowly gained weight over the years, a little here and a little there. It really adds up after a while. I was starting to not feel that great physically and when I got weighed January 1, 2005, I was really shocked at how much I weighed! That spurred me on for the first bit, then I rediscovered my rowing machine and found the Ducks. I never really looked back after that. I made some great rowing friends through the Ducks who mean a lot to me. I started to feel better physically and I really wanted to make lightweight status so that I could do better at the rankings and nonathlon. The real key for me was to take the brave step, and I was really nervous about this, to announce on this forum what my weight loss goal was and when I hoped to reach it. That really pushed me and I have been so motivated ever since then! Of course I have days when I am tempted to not row or eat something that I shouldn't, but for the most part I have managed to do pretty well. I think the most important thing has probably been the great support team that I have. My husband, and the rest of my family, my friends, are all pulling for me and it really helps. I have lost 36 pounds so far. I just really feel that you have to take it one day at a time, keep positive, learn from the bad days and celebrate the good ones!<br /><br />Shannon<br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] ShelleyR
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Post by [old] ShelleyR » February 15th, 2006, 9:06 am

Man it's terrible how things can get in the way and interrupt your plans. Work has been nuts lately....I am behindi n the rowing and pushups...but, I still plan on meeting my goals....somehow..there's always those hours between 2am and 5am that I have been just wasting in bed!!<br />So no excuses girls- we do the best we can in given circumstances....push the comfort zone a bit, deny the couch a few extra minutes so we can crank off a few pushups or crunches....row a few more metres.....<br />The HEART knows if we have been faithful.....<br />Press on towards the goal...run the race, row the race..just get 'er done.<br />I'll be doing a big row tonight to try and get caught up a little....

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » February 16th, 2006, 3:22 pm

Margaret,<br /><br />I have to laugh about about the floor stretches and getting crawled on!<br /><br />I used to have a book about how to exercise with your infant. I remember laying on my back with my infant on my calves and lifting up and down. She used to giggle. I also remember putting her on the floor and lifting her. Memories.<br /><br />Perhaps that is why to this day when I stretch my back my making a bridge (on knees and hands) she tries to scurry under without getting caught. :)<br /><br />Remind me, how old are your children?<br /><br />Susan

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » February 20th, 2006, 6:35 pm

Hi Ducks,<br /><br />I usually check in on Mondays to report how I'm doing with my weight loss goal. I'm still doing fine, I lost another two pounds this week, so now stand at 138 pounds and have only three more to go until I make it to lightweight! Yay!<br /><br />I also have done 200 push-ups so far this month. <br /><br />How's everyone else doing?<br /><br />Shannon

[old] MomofJBN
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Post by [old] MomofJBN » February 20th, 2006, 7:51 pm

That's great, Shannon! I should be LWT, too, but I'm stuck at 140 - 141. Arg.<br /><br />Schenley

[old] LittleBit

Women's Forum

Post by [old] LittleBit » February 21st, 2006, 6:12 pm

Hi Ducks:<br />I've done 220 push-ups this month as I'm doing 11 each monrning, and only missed one morning this month - the power went out & I was running late to work!! I'm increasing my push-ups by one each month - we'll see how that goes! I also do 5 different sets of crunches after the push-ups, and am increasing them by one, each set, also next month. Now for the not so good stuff - the weight is still hovering about the same, and not declining as I wish it would. I have not been as diligent as I was food wise in January, and Valentine's Day was too much of a temptation. Bless my Dearly Beloved, he really meant well!! So, I've not met my goals from January, but at the same time I didn't go back to where I started. Try Try again!! I'm not giving up & thank you for all your support!<br />Catherine<br />

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » February 22nd, 2006, 10:10 am

February has been bad news for me. I have not been following the "plan" I set up. I will revise it and work on it in March! I gained a couple back---. Hmmm bad eating (including fried food and one trip to burger king) and not rowing.... What a surprise I gained a couple.<br /><br />SO MARCH HERE I COME. I plan to use March Madness for an insentive. I plan to publically state my new revised eating and exercising habits! <br /><br />If you have fallen off the boat like me, climb back in. WE CAN DO THIS. Minor set backs can't stop us!<br /><br />I have found the new release of RowPro to be addicting. If you haven't checked out the "RowPro Girls" thread, I encourage you to do so. I have done more rowing this week than I have for the month of February. There are several of us who row companionably around 2:35/500m. (AND it is a challenge for me to be at that rate so if you are interested give it a try... All of us were newbies once!)<br /><br />Susan
