5k challenge Week 17

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by Gerhard » April 16th, 2008, 9:34 am

andyb2004 wrote: Gerhard, I see the 'big event' is on Beta - could it be moved to the original or is there a special reason?
I don't think there is a specific reason; I saw it there and registered some time ago. I will have to cancel that session anyway because I have to visit my parents that weekend.

I will either do it on Saturday (April 26) in the morning around 9:00 or 10:00 GMT or move it to the following weekend. My best performances are usually during the day and not in the evening, after a day at work.

I'd love to do it on rowpro, even though rowpro races seem to cost me one or two seconds at the start (I always need 50 to 60 meters more to get down to target pace than I do when I simply start rowing a workout)

BTW, I did not chase your pace for the 60 minutes. Wanted to do 14K and somehow felt good and settled at 2:07 instead of 2:09. Erging works in mysterious ways..
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by Gerhard » April 16th, 2008, 9:41 am

andyb2004 wrote:
All of these left nothing in the tank so I'm not confident about 19:30 @ 1:57
Maybe we can try a 3500 hard but steady at 1:57-something, no sprint at the finish, sometime next week? The real thing will only be less than 6 extraordinary painfull minutes on top of that :wink: . Next monday or wednesday around 18:30 GMT would be fine for me.
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by andyb2004 » April 16th, 2008, 11:39 am

I will either do it on Saturday (April 26) in the morning around 9:00 or 10:00 GMT or move it to the following weekend. My best performances are usually during the day and not in the evening, after a day at work.

I'd love to do it on rowpro, even though rowpro races seem to cost me one or two seconds at the start (I always need 50 to 60 meters more to get down to target pace than I do when I simply start rowing a workout)

BTW, I did not chase your pace for the 60 minutes. Wanted to do 14K and somehow felt good and settled at 2:07 instead of 2:09. Erging works in mysterious ways..
I think 26th 10:00 GMT would work for me - we have the weekend after for retrys.

I agree about the start in rowpro - it dosen't seem to reward you for the quick strokes at the beginning - its as if it misses them :?: I guess its better not to invest the energy that way.

Glad you weren't chasing my incorrectly stated goal :oops:

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Post by andyb2004 » April 16th, 2008, 11:45 am

Gerhard wrote:
andyb2004 wrote:
All of these left nothing in the tank so I'm not confident about 19:30 @ 1:57
Maybe we can try a 3500 hard but steady at 1:57-something, no sprint at the finish, sometime next week? The real thing will only be less than 6 extraordinary painfull minutes on top of that :wink: . Next monday or wednesday around 18:30 GMT would be fine for me.
I could do Weds next week, or Fri, Sat, Sun this week, a little later would be ideal but I'm sure it will work out. Maybe do 5k, with goal to have avg. pace at 1:57 by 3500m then paddle the rest.
I'm so looking forward to the last 6 minutes you mention... not :lol:

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New hour PB

Post by iain » April 16th, 2008, 12:02 pm

Gerhard wrote:Got back on the erg today; another 60 minute row, 14253 meters (2:06.2), SR 24, avg HR 178. Somehow managed a PB by 143 meters :D . Probably rest = good sometimes!
Gerhard, You may have fallen short of Andy's PB, but you beat mine by 14m. :( That's only fair as I did use your previous one as my target.

Unless your endurance has increased at the expense of your power, I woud say that your new PB is indicative of being able to hit your target now. Andy may be quicker over the longer distances, but doesn't historically speed up as much on the shorter distances, so I don't thinkl you need to match his long distances before you are ready.

All the best


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Post by RR1 Kirk » April 18th, 2008, 5:26 pm

andyb2004 wrote:Plenty of rowing just recently - RowPro has been a great source of motivation, especially when I need to work hard.


I'd like to see Avg. pace on the PM and this is gone from Beta
Go to other settings, unselect "show relative meters in lower half of screen". This will allow you to use any screen you want while rowing online.

I have only rowed once during April, the CTC 2500m. Will have to get back to it before the big day.

Kirk Nelson [img]http://www.c2forum.com/images/avatars/338518880475195dbd7bd8.jpg[/img]
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off week for training

Post by dunechef » April 18th, 2008, 7:33 pm

Working this week out of town and away from gym -
Monday 8 X 500 intervals with 3:30 rest and ended up with a 139.5 avg - this is my base for starting Petes Plan next week I think - will try this workout cycle and see how it works for next challenge ( whatever that might be ).
Jogged 5 miles easy after working a Food Show Tuesday and Wed and THu had no time for any workout.
Today 15k ( 1000 meters on @ 1:56ish - 1000 off at 1:59ish ) 58:44.2 - 1:57.5 - felt pretty strong whole way, didnt push last 2k though I felt good -- good row to get back to it. Looking forward to a good 5k :-), hope I have learned from the 5 k tests over last several weeks.
LP 1K 2K 5K 6K 10K
1:26 3:18.4 6:31.7 17:59.9 22:17.9 37:23
30Min 60Min HM
8028 15373 1:23:42.7
6' 2" -- 54 -- 89.77 kilos

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Post by andyb2004 » April 19th, 2008, 4:40 pm

Gerhard wrote: Andy,
The 60 minute pace in your signature (2:06.3) does not match your 60 minute distance...
Since I needed to update my profile for the mistake you noticed I thought I'd row another 60mins. Managed a new PB with 60 metres more, Total 14404. :) The last 10 minutes was pretty horrible, but I thought I'd better get used to the feeling ready for next week :?

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Post by Gerhard » April 21st, 2008, 4:42 am

Rowpro rows:

Wednesday 23-04, 19:00 GMT

5K test row (first 3500m at target pace, easy finish)

Saturday 26-04, 10:00 GMT

Full 5K at target pace
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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Post by DUThomas » April 21st, 2008, 12:16 pm

It's week 17!

On the plus side, I just hit 2 million meters for the season. :D

As for the 5K itself, I'm likely to delay my challenge row. :( I've had a minor knee injury (Baker's cyst) for the past few weeks. While it hasn't affected my rowing, I'm enough of a wuss that I don't want to do an all-out effort until I have a better idea of what caused it. My MRI is tomorrow, so I should know soon.

Good luck to all of you!
David -- 45, 195, 6'1"


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Congratulations Andy

Post by iain » April 21st, 2008, 12:30 pm

[quote="andyb2004]Since I needed to update my profile for the mistake you noticed I thought I'd row another 60mins. Managed a new PB with 60 metres more, Total 14404. :) The last 10 minutes was pretty horrible, but I thought I'd better get used to the feeling ready for next week :?[/quote]

Well done with the PB Andy B), but still not as impressive as your HM! :twisted:

Gerhard, your plan looks good, sorry I don't have access to RowPro. :cry:

After a tough week, I had a set back with a poor attempt at a quick 6k Friday (backed off to 2:08 after only 1k @ sub 2:00 pace, finished at 24:37.5 [2:03.1]). This was after needing 3 attempts at the last interval of a 1350x4 r5' (finished with 1:56.4 average) on Wednesday. :(

I had a technique session a week ago and have a lot to sort out. I know that this will speed me up in the long term, but for now its back to basics. So I have decided to put off the 5k for the moment. I will try and fit one in next week, so by the deadline I will have to settle for my 19:47.5. :(

Finished the week with an encouraging 2:02.6/2:01.8/2:00.7/1:55.4 for 4k,r4' 3k,r3', 2k, r2', 1k session. :) So if I can only get my stroke and pacing consistent again and get some rest, I should have a shot at getting a bit closer to my target.

best of luck everyone.


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Post by dunechef » April 21st, 2008, 8:09 pm

Gerhard wrote:Rowpro rows:

Wednesday 23-04, 19:00 GMT

5K test row (first 3500m at target pace, easy finish)

Saturday 26-04, 10:00 GMT

Full 5K at target pace
Wed 3500 sounds good, Saturday I would like to row later in morning if possible but if there are more looking to row at this time (6AM for me) I may do it then. I am signed up for 1900 GMT row but fairly open this Saturday.

OTW yesterday in a 4+ -- 10k ish

Today OTW in a 2x for 2 X 5k early am then on the erg late afternoon for 2nd week of modified Petes plan for me 4 X 1000

3k warmup @ 2:15
Meters Pace Stroke rate HR
1000 1:45.0 30 157
1250 2:30 18 down to 100
1000 1:44.1 30 163
1250 2:30 18/20 down to 99
1000 1:43.9 30 165
1250 2:30 20 down to 102
1000 1:43.4 32 166
1250 2:30 16/18 down to 98
4000m 1:44.1
9000 2:14.1
1k warmdown @ 2:25
13k total meters
LP 1K 2K 5K 6K 10K
1:26 3:18.4 6:31.7 17:59.9 22:17.9 37:23
30Min 60Min HM
8028 15373 1:23:42.7
6' 2" -- 54 -- 89.77 kilos

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Post by andyb2004 » April 22nd, 2008, 2:54 am

Gerhard wrote:Rowpro rows:

Wednesday 23-04, 19:00 GMT

5K test row (first 3500m at target pace, easy finish)

Saturday 26-04, 10:00 GMT

Full 5K at target pace
I signed up for both of these. Do you want to do 5k warmup at 18:30ish as a QR?

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Post by andyb2004 » April 22nd, 2008, 3:01 am

dunechef wrote:
Gerhard wrote:Rowpro rows:

Wednesday 23-04, 19:00 GMT

5K test row (first 3500m at target pace, easy finish)

Saturday 26-04, 10:00 GMT

Full 5K at target pace
Wed 3500 sounds good, Saturday I would like to row later in morning if possible but if there are more looking to row at this time (6AM for me) I may do it then. I am signed up for 1900 GMT row but fairly open this Saturday.
Joe, I am flexible with time for Saturday, but.... who else will join as neither Gerhard or myself are going to pace you :oops: ! You might be better to stick with the Beta row if you want closer racing. If you want to have an easy row on Saturday and pace us you'd be very welcome :)

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Post by Gerhard » April 22nd, 2008, 3:47 am

andyb2004 wrote:
Gerhard wrote:Rowpro rows:

Wednesday 23-04, 19:00 GMT

5K test row (first 3500m at target pace, easy finish)

Saturday 26-04, 10:00 GMT

Full 5K at target pace
I signed up for both of these. Do you want to do 5k warmup at 18:30ish as a QR?
I hope so, but my wife will be out so I have to get the children to bed and i'm not sure if I can make it. I'll try to be online by 18:30.
1969; 183cm; 90kg; Rowing PB’s 2008; 500-1:32 1000-3:19 2000-7:14 5000-19:23 10000-40:29 HM-1:28:46. Recent SB’s not worth mentioning yet :-)

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