The Road To Boston 2008

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
Ben Rea
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Post by Ben Rea » February 24th, 2008, 11:22 pm


That is me just seconds after finishing.

I think this was the most painful 2k I have ever rowed and I think my face shows it.


I had such a great time though. very enjoyable.

I PB'd by about 5.3 seconds since 3 weeks ago.

old: 7:30.7
new: 7:25.4

So I was very excited and I beat most people around me which was fun and I also beat 2 out of the three of my teammates there. I can still do better though :wink:

My girlfriend had a good time too and I have to say it is a great feeling to share this pain with someone you love.


Male 18 164.8lbs 6'3"
2000m- 7:11.1 March 1, 2009
100m- 16.7s March 5, 2009
SUNY Albany

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Post by macroth » February 25th, 2008, 10:12 am

It was a great weekend for me and my friends. We ordered a round of PR's and weren't disappointed. :)

I pulled a smarter race than last week (steadier start and stronger final sprint) and beat last week's time by 1.3 seconds. My "latter day" PR now stands at 6:37.0, and I don't despair of getting back under 6:30 one day.

My Open Men comrade got a new PR at 7:04.9. He's a big guy worth about 6:50 just with better technique, if you ask me. He's dropped thirty seconds off his 2K in a month, just from improving his stroke!

Our female team-mate pulled a 7:11.2, winning her heat and good enough for 24th overall in Open Women. Again, I think with a few more races and technique tweaks she'd be under 7:00. (Seat 16, far right: ... sp?race=27)

It was great watching them and all of you (generally speaking, since I'm too new here to know your actual names/categories)!

Congratulations to all, hope you enjoyed yourselves
All time PBs: 100m 14.0 | 500m 1:18.1 | 1k 2:55.7 | 2k 6:15.4 | 5k 16:59.3 | 6k 20:46.5 | 10k 35:46.0
40+ PBs: 100m 14.7 | 500m 1:20.5 | 1k 2:59.6 | 2k 6:21.9 | 5k 17:29.6 | HM 1:19:33.1| FM 2:51:58.5 | 100k 7:35:09 | 24h 250,706m

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Post by TomR » February 25th, 2008, 6:42 pm

Lots of PBs. Brilliant rowing, boys and girls.

Same time next year.

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Post by Nosmo » February 26th, 2008, 6:04 pm

Anyone heard from Deborah? Carla did you talk to her after the race?

After all the training and preparation, it looks like she crashed and burned in the final 500m. Looks like she was on target for under a 7:15 but slowed to a 2:00 pace by the end. I was really hoping she'd get a good PR.

Deborah if you read this, don't worry you will have some really good races soon. Bad races stink but one gets over them.

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Post by seat5 » February 26th, 2008, 6:34 pm

Deborah and Bill and Dave & I went out to dinner after the races and had a great time! What wonderful folks. We hope to get together again this summer if Deborah comes out for rowing camp. There were a bunch of problems with Deb's race and I'll let her tell it herself if she wants to. Right now I know there is a health problem in her family and she's away dealing with that and probably won't be on the forum for a while.

Her time at Boston is obviously in no way representative of her abilities and what she will do in the future, and she knows it. Personally, I think the coach that coerced her into a hard 2K a week before Boston did her a real dis service. I know Rick can do a 2K a week and think nothing of it but I would say that it is rare to find many for whom that is true, and I was really surprised that this coach took the approach he did.

Don't worry, she's sure to post a blistering final 2K before May 1! As for me, I don't intend to do another 2K until next season. I hate them and am ready to go on to polish off all the Nonathlon events and go for pBs in all of them.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


Mary P.
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Post by Mary P. » February 26th, 2008, 6:54 pm

Great racing by all who came! So great to meet Laura Earnhardt, milkvan52, see Rick Bayko and Tom R again, and watch so many LBRA teammates (Joan VB, John VB and the LBJC juniors who came) race brilliantly. All the hard work of the Concept 2 staff and CRASH-B volunteers must be applauded! What a great event! Only one disappointment on my part; unfortunately missed meeting Carla Stein (again!). :(

It's funny, even after 14 CRASH-B's, I was still absolutely terrified before the race, and probably looked far worse before racing than after rowing. Concentrated only on staying ahead of everyone - kind of a basket case, geez. How odd, we never feel that way before on the water races.

My son was completely jazzed to see mom's hammer; so thrilled I promised to take him to CRASH-B's next year. Told him he had to row a 2K, too. :twisted: We're in for next year.

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Post by Rowmaniac » February 27th, 2008, 11:03 am

Well done, everyone.

I am afraid I was already coming down with a bad case of bronchitis on Sunday, which in retrospect helps me understand how on earth I hit a wall like none before at 1500m. I am still very ill, and sadly disappointed that the timing was what it was. I fear that traveling by plane with coughing and sneezing people all around on a coast to coast flight probably did the trick, and next year I may delay my arrival in Boston (assuming I do this again!) to a day closer to the race. I have no idea what the incubation period is for these kind of germs, but maybe I should have not given myself from thursday - sunday in Boston. Yes, I am rethinking everything, because it was horribly disappointing. I had expected a 7:16 at a minimum. Arghhhhhh!

I was about 10 times more fatigued rowing the 7:25 than I was after rowing the 7:18 just 10 days prior. I knew there must be some explanation, as I literally had trouble getting up and leaving the arena. How disappointing after so much training. :x I kept having to sit down every 30 feet or so. I must have looked ridiculous trying to make my way back to where my great and supportive husband was sitting.

Ironically, the 7:18 I ranked on C2 is still only puts me in 6th place which is where I ended up for CRASH Bs, but I will try to put up a better 2K time before May 1 if I can. My trainer also says 'we set out to row a 7:15 and we'll get you to 7:15 by May 1' so I think provided I get well soon I will try to push on and row that time. Right now I am so weak I am having trouble standing up long enough to go into the *** DELETE - SPAM ***, so the idea of a 2K anything makes my head spin!

Carla, thanks for the words of understanding. People were so great to congratulate this novice, but for me it was terribly upsetting to put up a time that was 7 seconds slower than my PB rowed just 10 days prior. And yes I do not think the 3 2K "all out" efforts within 10 days is something I will ever, ever let someone strong-arm me into again.

The good news is that I did not let the pressure of being in the exhibition row next to these super fast women get into my head. I stuck with my plan and did not waver. Unfortunately, I was just not all physically present.

I'm probably going to get some "oh, you must not do well under race pressure" B.S. from the same sources who muscled me into doing the extra 2K, but I intend to tell them where to go. Once I began rowing, I didn't think about anything other than what I needed to do for my race plan. I am pleased about that aspect of the race.

The 40-49 field was fast (my time would have medaled in the 30-39 category--go figure!) but even a 7:15 would have only gotten 5th place. Medaling was obviously not in the cards for me this year. That said, I think provided I can row the qualifying time next year, I will return to give it another shot, if for no other reason than it would be great to prepare and then row my best race on the right day!!!

Thanks to each of you for such great support. I am looking for a silver lining here. As a novice, I still have another year of (hopefully) improving each month, and I don't intend to stop training.

Perhaps I'll see you all in Boston again next year!
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Nosmo » February 27th, 2008, 11:48 am

Good job Deborah, you pushed really hard despite getting sick. How you felt afterwards clearly shows you pushed as hard as you could. You really can't ask for more. Sounds like you learned a lot too. All the training will really pay off down the road.

This happens. Sometimes one gets through the race with a really good time and then gets really sick other times one gets really sick during the race. I remember getting out of a boat after a race against cost guard almost 30 years ago with a high fever and bad shakes--we lost big time. Last fall at the head of the American, we had a really good race--beat everyone in our race both on raw and handicap time, beat all the lightweights and all the open boats except for boats from Cal RC--but as soon we hit the finish line I started sneezing and had a bad runny nose. Was sick for four days. That has happened to me many times over the years.

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Post by Yankeerunner » February 27th, 2008, 12:26 pm

Deborah, I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet you. Hopefully next year.

As you already know, the biggest mistake was probably that unexpected 2km race. The more I think about it the more steamed I get, so I can imagine what you must think. Take it as a learning experience and hope that the coach is also bright enough to see the mistake. We are all different, and have different ways of preparing to be at our best. In the end it is all about the athlete and the race, not the coach, and now you know that you have to be more forceful in sticking to what you know works best for you. If necessary, just stay away altogether next year and don't even go spectate.

It is true, as Carla says, that I do more 2km tests than most, and it works for me. But I plan them all in advance. I don't get bullied into doing them when I'm not ready.

Let us know how the effort goes to get in a fast one before May 1.

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Post by Rowmaniac » February 27th, 2008, 2:43 pm

Nosmo and Rick, thanks for the comments. A couple of things I forgot to say:

Rick, my husband and I were both most impressed with your great race. You did an amazing job of moving yourself forward in the field, and it was wonderful to watch you get the results you deserved. Nice job!

Meeting Carla and Dave was wonderful, and I couldn't believe how much it felt like seeing an old friend. I suppose going through the 3 months of the Road to Boston with someone who clearly works very, very hard, and was in my race made it seem special. I got to meet a number of great people, many of whom I'd only read about or heard about over the past year. The new friends were clearly the highlight of the trip.

Nosmo, thanks for the appropriate reminder that all the training is not "lost" because of what happened on race day. I often lose sight of things so obvious, but perspective is often skewed when we are in the middle of something disappointing or difficult. I will try to hold on to that thought, and carry on knowing I am not starting over from the beginning.

I don't know if people will be logging on to the forum now and then, but I'll post that 2K time when I row a new PB. Thanks for the encouragement! :D
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by tdekoekkoek » February 27th, 2008, 3:21 pm

Great race Rick! Sorry I didn't get to see it. And Deborah, All I can say is that I know how you feel. It happened to me last year. 2 weeks before Crash Bs I pulled 6:36 by myself in the workout room. Race day I woke up to a lousy headache I couldn't shake and what felt like a walking fever. I tried to shake with a long warm up and went out hard: 1:35 for the first 500. I just had nothing left and ended up 6:48. 12 seconds slower! The only reason I didn't go handle down was because my daughters were in the stands watching me.

Anyway I was determined not to let that happen this time and I'm sure you'll be in medal contention next time. Let us know your progress.

Good to see you Carla. I don't know if I'll be posting in this topic anymore but I'm switching focus to volume and weights and will be trying some PBs in the 60min and the ctc and other distances soon and hope others will be doing similar.


Trevor de Koekkoek: 46yrs, 190lbs

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Post by Veronique » March 3rd, 2008, 11:40 pm

Been buried at work the last week and have had no chance to erg, let alone post. So a little mustard after supper here (Dutch expression).

I did not plan well at Crash-B. Spent all my time before the race, as usual, stressing about it and all my time after the race (after scraping myself off the floor) supportering the NJ college people I was with. So I missed all of you, except Carla whose race (awesome considering they put you somewhere in Siberia) I did see and had the pleasure to meet. Will do better next year!

My race was ok. The European women in the 30-39 lwt were amazing and completely out of my league so I did my own thing and that sort of worked. Did manage a PB by 1s but was really hoping for sub 7:30 and missed that by .5 Oh well; another opportunity coming up in 2 weeks (did I say opportunity? must be nuts) with our club's erg race and I'm seriously considering trying again.


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