by [old] NurseBobbi » May 24th, 2005, 4:09 pm
<span style='color:green'>Hi, Everyone,<br /><br />Welcome Jason Fornelli!<br /><br />Ken (Copywriter), you're forgiven for taking a break. June isn't that far away.<br /><br />Mark, I row both at the gym and at home, but mostly at home. I'm at the gym for weight training three times a week, so when I'm there, I sometimes row on their Model C. It's a little bit annoying because it's got the old handle and it has a PM2 so I can't use my log card. OTOH, it's nice because it's newer and easier than my Model B. (I've upgraded it with the new Model D handle, a PM3, and the flexfoot retrofit. I've also replaced the rollers and hardware on my seat and I clean my chain regularly, something the gym doesn't do apparently.) <br /><br />I prefer rowing at home in my nice, cool rec room with the music playing and with the dogs hanging around. Guilt about not rowing isn't an issue--taking a day off is. Right now I've rowed 8 days in a row, though I did one very easy 20 minute session one day because I had to leave for work at 6am. I highly recommend having your own erg at home. It's convenient and it's usually better maintained.<br /><br />I have a HR monitor, but I hate chest straps, so it's a wrist model. I have to stop rowing for about 10 seconds to check my HR, so I do it occasionally throughout a row if I'm not going for a ranked piece. My HR really goes up in a hurry because I've been so sedentary for a long time. I'd like to stay in aerobic training range, but it's hard for me to keep it down there and feel like I'm working. I know my aerobic fitness is improving, though. My husband and I went to downtown DC last night for our anniversary, and we rode the Metro. I started walking up the escalator and didn't get winded! I was puffing a little by the third escalator (which wasn't working), but Iwas much improved over my last ride downtown.</span><br /><br />