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Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
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Re: testing ...

Post by Toothdoc » February 23rd, 2008, 6:14 pm

just27 wrote:... testing ... I see some people posting their BT's, and asked a very helpful gent in the UK forum how it's done. My computer skills soar-eth!
Are you going to tell us how or do we need the Decoder Ring?


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Re: testing ...

Post by just27 » February 23rd, 2008, 6:48 pm

Toothdoc wrote:
just27 wrote:... testing ... I see some people posting their BT's, and asked a very helpful gent in the UK forum how it's done. My computer skills soar-eth!
Are you going to tell us how or do we need the Decoder Ring?

This is the easiest way of doing it... go to this web site and follow the instructions and you'll be there.
The .php link is remembering my stats on my computer, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to save a clean copy. Does it work for you? If not, I'll lobby my computer programmer husband to assist.
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Re: testing ...

Post by Toothdoc » February 23rd, 2008, 6:55 pm

just27 wrote:
Toothdoc wrote:
just27 wrote:... testing ... I see some people posting their BT's, and asked a very helpful gent in the UK forum how it's done. My computer skills soar-eth!
Are you going to tell us how or do we need the Decoder Ring?

This is the easiest way of doing it... go to this web site and follow the instructions and you'll be there.
The .php link is remembering my stats on my computer, I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to save a clean copy. Does it work for you? If not, I'll lobby my computer programmer husband to assist.

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Rowing Skills Not Bad Either

Post by Kona2 » February 23rd, 2008, 7:26 pm

I'd forgotten about the enigma machine - I believe they have this on display at the International Spy Museum in DC.

Thanks for info on the posting of the BT - kind of cool to know how to do this, although I can't fill in all the boxes yet. Perhaps a half marathon in the not too distant future?

By the way, I have sent a message to one of the guys on the NFRC team asking what the NF part stands for since I figured the RC was rowing club. We could make all kinds of guesses.

And yes, they do re-zero the meters at the start of the rowing season - the NFRC team members post an incredible amount of meters. I don't think some of our team members are really all that far away from doing this. It's just a matter of 15 to 20K EVERY day forever.


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Re: Rowing Skills Not Bad Either

Post by just27 » February 23rd, 2008, 7:42 pm

Kona2 wrote: ... posting BTs - kind of cool to know how to do this, although I can't fill in all the boxes yet. (The code eliminates empty boxes.)

... NFRC ... what NF stands for since I figured the RC was rowing club. (Based on their mission statement, I'm guessing "No Frills.")

... NFRC members post an incredible amount of meters. I don't think some of our team members are all that far away from doing this. It's just a matter of 15 to 20K EVERY day forever. (EVERY day is quite often, especially forever ... no, nobody lay down a challenge! :wink: )
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All In A Day's ERG: Team Stats for 2.23.08

Post by Kona2 » February 24th, 2008, 11:49 am

Another great day off the water! 32 Million Meter Team Marker

Total meters posted for Saturday, 2.23.08: 185,391 m
- contributions range from 1K to almost 22K
- 35 percent of the oars in the virtual water

Total meters on the season: 32,124,553 m
Meters to catch NFRC = (1,673,644 m)


900 K Noelle B
400 K Kym S

Million Meter Watch:

Noelle B has entered the million meter watch circle with (92,008 m) to go!
One of her goals is to get to 5 MM....are you at 4?

Golden Oars (borrowed this from Pat at TimbukTOO):

Chris T 21,671 m (she's catching up Dan)
Anthony P 18,247 m
Noelle B 18,197 m

Thanks for the great fun - from rowing to learning new things to cracking each other up (yes, we are so certifiable at times!)

Have a fun day - Image

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Post by NMB4010 » February 24th, 2008, 1:41 pm

Kona/Jan, I LOVE the daily stats and look forward to seeing how everyone is doing and where we are as a team. Thank you so much for keeping up the daily fun and motivation!! I don't think I've ever rowed a million meters in a single season so this IS a milestone for me.

As for progress towards my overall goal, I'm currenly at 3,505,056 meters so I have a little less than 500k meters to hit the 4 million mark. I'm heading up to Colorado for some skiing this week so I won't be posting Tuesday through Saturday. Looking forward to some GREAT snow and colder temperatures (temporarily... then back to mild TX weather) and then I'll be striving toward the team March Madness goal of 310K for the month.

Hope everyone is doing well and I'll be rowing while watching the Oscars tonight!


p.s. Tom, when are you returning to your Erg? Are you joining in the March Madness fun of 10k a day average?

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Post by andreacs » February 24th, 2008, 7:41 pm

I've read that a few teammates are rowing while watching TV/movies.
I'd love to do the same, but the sound of the chain is too loud...

I've bought a Bluetooth headset, and the corresponding adapter, but the volume from the TV through the headset is still quite low :(, so the result is not much better than w/o it.

Any suggestions much appreciated!

Happy rowing!


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Post by NMB4010 » February 24th, 2008, 7:52 pm

I turn on Closed Caption and that's worked okay for me so far. I just ordered wireless, noise-cancelling headphones which should arrive tomorrow. I'll report back on the results.

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Post by Toothdoc » February 24th, 2008, 7:56 pm

andreacs wrote:I've read that a few teammates are rowing while watching TV/movies.
I'd love to do the same, but the sound of the chain is too loud...

I've bought a Bluetooth headset, and the corresponding adapter, but the volume from the TV through the headset is still quite low :(, so the result is not much better than w/o it.

Any suggestions much appreciated!

Happy rowing!

Get a surround home theater system and/or crank up the volume!

dan c

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Addendum to All In A Day's ERG for 2.23.08

Post by Kona2 » February 24th, 2008, 8:45 pm

Geez, I think Chris rowed just over a half marathon yesterday and it didn't dawn on me that the 21,000 + was the equivalent of that distance (especially since that one is out of my range at this point!) Congrats Chris!Image

RE: Watching TV/Movies

Depending on whether or not the rest of your household and/or neighbors can take it, I also recommend cranking the volume. Prior to our current system, we put a couple of Bose speakers close to the rower so that the sound was pretty specific to the area without blasting the rest of the house. Now we've connected a single surround sound bar shaped speaker (Polk or Boston Acoustics - can't remember) to the flatscreen - it sits in front of the TV. It pitches the sound out quite well - music even better - without making the walls rattle. I also found that the model D is much quieter than the model C (don't know which one you have) relative to chain noise.

For books on tape and music to row by via IPod, I use the portable speaker set up by AltecLansing - it's pretty inexpensive and you can set the speakers close enough to you and the rower that it doesn't blast the speakers out.

Concept2 could make some $$$ on these types of accessories!

I am interested in hearing how the wireless headphones work too.

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Post by Kristine Strasburger » February 24th, 2008, 9:59 pm

Boy, you all are so high tech. I have a model C, and even with the TV volume cranked to its highest (the rower and TV are in the garage), I still have resigned myself to watching only movies I have seen before, and can follow along well enough without really hearing. It helps to watch mostly action movies which rely on music and action as the primary point of the movie anyway. Sometimes I end up watching the movie again without rowing so I can catch the dialogue. But then again, I am the type that can watch the same thing again and again, and not be bored with it.

We finally got our rower back up and operational after replacing the two top rollers and also the monitor cable (that was quite the job!) The right shoulder is still giving me quite a bit of pain with certain movements, though, so I am thinking I will stay off the rower until March 1, and then give the 10,000 per day a try (probably will end up missing about one day a week though.)

The conversation these past few pages have been pretty funny. You guys kill me! We must all be on this same looney boat for a reason!

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Post by sheltiegirl » February 24th, 2008, 11:00 pm

Kristine Strasburger wrote: The conversation these past few pages have been pretty funny. You guys kill me! We must all be on this same looney boat for a reason!
Hear, hear! :P

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Post by acrewer » February 25th, 2008, 12:57 am

I tried watching Netflix on my laptop, but the back and forth movement made the screen go in and out of focus! My rower is in my bedroom and the TV is directly abeam of me, so watching it is not comfortable. It gives me flashbacks of the cox screaming "eyes in the boat, don't watch the oar!" So I mainly turn on news programs and crank up the volume. I could of course rearrange the furniture everytime I row. That would incorporate heavy lifting into my workouts!

Sometimes, it's just better to use the Ipod.


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Post by andreacs » February 25th, 2008, 5:18 am

Dear all,

Thanks much for the prompt advice :)!

Right now my game plan is as follows:
- for TV watching I move the erg (model D) closer to the TV and crank up the volume, seems to work reasonably OK.
- use the iPOD with books on tape or music with the Bluetooth headset.

Happy rowing!

Andrea :)

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