LUNA-TICS TEAM ROOM: Year-round "Looney" fun.

A member of an indoor rowing team or club? If so, this is the place for you.

Can this one team row to the moon and back?

Poll ended at May 17th, 2008, 12:28 pm

I think we can do it together. I'm all in!
No way! You all are wacko!
Total votes: 54

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Re: March Madness

Post by DuluthMoose » February 18th, 2008, 11:52 pm

OK. So now my understanding of your challenge is to row 310K in March, rather than log as many days with 10K as possible in March. I'll be rowing, but probably won't quite make 310K in March with Canoecopia in Madison, weekend visiting, and Easter happening as well.... Darryl

Well, Darryl in my way of looking at it you must enter your meters on the date you row them. If you use a PM3 or PM4 you have have no choice, it's automatic. I like you competition idea, I may try that.

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Post by Trouble1 » February 19th, 2008, 12:05 am

Does anyone know why there would be a discrepency between the meters in the online log and what is posting on the team standings?

Trouble is the name of our male Great Pyreness. We also have a female named Koda and a St Bernard named Max; we have about 450# of dog around here.

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Annual Meters

Post by DuluthMoose » February 19th, 2008, 12:17 am

Trouble1 wrote:Does anyone know why there would be a discrepency between the meters in the online log and what is posting on the team standings?

Trouble is the name of our male Great Pyreness. We also have a female named Koda and a St Bernard named Max; we have about 450# of dog around here.

Tim Porter
The meters figure on the upper left of your log page is for all meters in all the years you have entered into your log book. You need to go to rankings to see the meters you have rowed for just this year. That figure should match what you see on the team ranking page. Darryl

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Post by NMB4010 » February 19th, 2008, 12:21 am

I'm actually fixin' to row 400k in March in an effort to 1) hit the 4Million mark on my way to a 5Million t-shirt, and 2) make progress toward losing the 30 lbs that have pissed me off for too many years!!!

Thanks to the Holiday Challenge, JVC and you all I've shedded 7 lbs toward the overall goal and have started feeling FIERCE for the first time in over a year and a half!!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU all for the team spirit and motivation!!!

Good times and good rowing to all!

Noelle from Austin, TX

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Post by just27 » February 19th, 2008, 12:34 am

Toothdoc wrote: ... I am having trouble connecting real names with User ID's ... be fun to learn why you picked that User ID and what it means to you.
toothdoc aka Dan Cox aka DC

I've been going to the team page, to match initials with locations and user ID. (I think that Timbuktu Pat M is a girl Pat, not a boy Pat ... shades of Saturday Night Live.) I felt sure that "Kona2" was hoping to return to the Big Island ... but it's a lovely name for a Golden. (My Golden is named with stunning originality: Goldie.)

27 is a number I apparently always use when exaggerating, e.g. I've rowed to the moon and back, like 27 times already.

Chris Tudury/Just27

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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 9:21 am

I read Younger Next Year..GREAT book.I read the Woman's book and it is well worth having in your personal library.


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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 9:24 am

By the by..Pat M IS a "girl"..female rower. :D
Maybe my pink hi tops gave me away??? :lol: :lol:


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Post by sheltiegirl » February 19th, 2008, 10:32 am

Toothdoc wrote:I don't know about anyone else, but I am having trouble connecting real names with User ID's. What do you all think about posting your user name with your real name so the slower members like myself will know who is posting. Might even be fun to learn why you picked that particular User ID and what it means to you.

toothdoc aka Dan Cox aka DC
Pictures on the team roster are nice also, having a real face to connect with the postings. My user name can be figured out from my photo. The puppy is Tony, my agility wannabee.


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Stats for 2.18.08

Post by Kona2 » February 19th, 2008, 11:31 am

We must be feeling the pull of the nearly full moon - because we all rowed a lot of meters yesterday!

Total meters posted = 196,164 m
Meters away from position #12 = not quite as far as the moon, but pretty far (2,008,967 m) - we row, we close the gap


1.4 MM Mary H.
1.2 MM Dan C.
600 K Doug M.
500 K Andrea C

Special recognition to all those who, with a lot less fanfare and drama than I sometimes put forth, are quietly accomplishing their fitness goals. There are a lot of oars in our virtual water...or help us on our lunar mission.

Top 3 postings for the day:

Anthony P. 27011 m
Andrea C. 17548 m
Dan C. 16384 m

I encourage everyone to read Pat's TimbukTOO posting on the TimbukTOO team room site yesterday on the March Madness overview. March Madness is an individual challenge, and for some of us an intra-team challenge, that goes throughout March. In the middle of the March Madness Challenge, the North American Rowing Challenge begins (March 15 - April 15). Let's row!!!!!

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Post by PJM » February 19th, 2008, 11:45 am

Here ya go:
March Madness Challenge

"5000 meters a day keeps March Madness at bay"
Everyday that you row 5000 meters in the month of March and log your time online, you will be eligible to win a prize drawing. Join any time in the month of March - the more days you row, the more chances you have to win a prize! Check back here every day to see who has won!

What is it?
March Madness is an Online Challenge designed to encourage regular moderate rowing - the kind that promotes and maintains a basic level of fitness. There will be opportunities for more serious mileage as well; but it will not be required. It is not a club-based challenge, but is open to all individuals worldwide who row on a Concept2 Indoor Rower either at home or in a club.

The Basic Challenge - row 5,000 meters a day
During the month of March, we will hold a prize drawing every day from all of the people who row at least 5,000 meters that day and enter it in their personal logbook. The more days you row 5,000 meters, the more days your name is in the prize drawing!

The Advanced Challenge - row 10,000 meters a day
On randomly selected days during March, we will draw for an additional prize, from those who row at least 10,000 meters.

Prizes will vary from day to day, but will include C2 clothing, HR monitors, C2 glasses and some surprises! Drawings will be held at (or soon after) noon the next weekday following the rowing day, so be sure to enter your meters promptly! We will post names of winners on the web site. Winners will be encouraged to send a photo and brief story to be posted as well.

Hall of Fame:
All those who row at least 5,000 meters at least 25 days during the month of March, will be listed in the March Madness Hall of Fame and will be able to download a specially designed certificate.

To Participate:
Set up your own personal online logbook if you do not already have one. Add the meters you row each day to be eligible for the daily drawing. Following is the link for the online logbook. Online Logbook New users should select Register, then follow the instructions. If your meters are entered by 10am of the following day, your name will be eligible for the drawing.



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Post by just27 » February 19th, 2008, 12:23 pm

PJM wrote:By the by..Pat M IS a "girl"..female rower. :D
Maybe my pink hi tops gave me away??? :lol: :lol:

LOL - yes, indeed, it was the pink hi tops and tiara! Even when we were discussing Timbuktu messenger bags, I had visualized you as "boy" rower. (As "Chris" this happens a lot to me.)

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Re: All In A Day's ERG: Team Stats for 2.18.08

Post by just27 » February 19th, 2008, 12:30 pm

[quote="Kona2"]We must be feeling the pull of the nearly full moon - because we all rowed a lot of meters yesterday!

Stunning meters. Thx again, K-2, for posting all these great stats.

I see that there is a total eclipse of the moon tonight ... shouldn't this be significant to us, somehow?!? Mid-eclipse is 10:26pm EST ... maybe it'll be just dark enough on the left coast to see this happen.


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Total Eclipse

Post by Kona2 » February 19th, 2008, 1:24 pm


Thanks for the reminder on the total eclipse! I don't remember all the history that goes with eclipses and comets, but seems like there is a bit there that says we'll be able to appear to work magic or something. So row magically!

The website to "see" whether you will be able to see the eclipse for Wednesday, February 20th (I guess it is tomorrow according to NASA website!) is:

Looks like you are closest to Sacramento, so I think you will have visibility as will Denver. Take a look Luna-Tics, if you can, as this event won't be repeated until 2010!


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Post by andreacs » February 20th, 2008, 12:38 am


Thanks so much for the stats.

While I am glad to have passed the 500k for the year, mostly driven by the team's efforts ;), I have to submit an erratum:
I rowed the 17,548 m in two days not one, just downloaded the data once :(.

Happy rowing!


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All In A Day's ERG: Team Progress for 2.19.08

Post by Kona2 » February 20th, 2008, 10:43 am

A good day for the lunar mission! Way to row Luna-Tics!

Total meters posted = 159,394 m
Distance from next team up (position 12) = (2,127,529 m)

We've got a few people who are "in the hunt!" As they reach their goals, they are also hitting a few milestones!


1.5 MM Darryl B.
1.3 MM Steven L.
400 K Karyn G.

Way to go Rae! Our 80+ grandmother keeps pulling those thousand meters!

Top 3 meters posted:

Anthony P. 20,519
Dan C. 18,694
Jan S. 14,000

And thanks for the correction, Andrea - I can't "see" whether an individual is posting for multiple days. Good rowing either way!

We have a FULL moon tonight - row by moonbeam!

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