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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 12:13 pm


Row for your hearts!!!

and somebody give me a push..I still need to do my Valentine ROW.I have out of town guests and have lost my way to my erg..AARRGGHH!!


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It's a push!

Post by Kona2 » February 11th, 2008, 12:34 pm

Remember the YouTube video contest Concept2 sponsored last year? You'll just have to tell everyone: I Wanna Erg! Here's the link to one of the youtube favorites!



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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 12:41 pm

Hey KONA2..GREAT video!!
That video would make any serious erger wanna row.If you sent that to give me a push..it sure did.Now I need to get my visitor occupied so I can ROW!!!!!!!!!



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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 1:47 pm

Welcome to a NEW TimbukTOO-ian!!
Adding over 1 million meters to the team and it looks like this rower has just recently made it to the million meter mark..CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
Welcome E.Lynne!!!
Wear your new Tee proudly..I was so proud of my million meter Tee.


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Post by Bill Hawthorne » February 11th, 2008, 1:48 pm


Kona2's video link is pretty inspiring!

Perhaps you could invite your out of town guests to have a little erg with you (or install a back seat on your erg)!


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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 6:37 pm

Don't think that's gonna happen :(
I am the only erg-er in this house.
When the plane leaves on Wednesday I will be launching my erg!!!



GO TEAM...Image
Row for your heart!!!


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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 9:40 pm

A successful team beats with one heart." (Unknown)


Row strong!!!
Your heart will love you for it!!!


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Post by PJM » February 11th, 2008, 11:33 pm

GO ZACHARY!!!!!!!!!



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Post by PJM » February 12th, 2008, 10:05 am

GO TimbukTOO!!!!!
Great teamwork guys and gals!!!
I've been off the erg this past week..I have been a slacker.I will make it up to you all!!
I have had some other commitments.I have to get ready for the March Challenge..need to train a bit.
Have a great day team and row for your heart!!


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Go Timbuktoo!

Post by Kona2 » February 12th, 2008, 11:52 am

We're having fun now! Our lunar mission is progressing well .... even if we have a detour here or there! Row well everyone - it's a great day! Recruit more people to rowing! Kona2


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Post by PJM » February 12th, 2008, 3:06 pm

We want to encourage everyone we know to ROW!!!
It is a wonderful individual activity for health & fitness and fun.It is also a wonderful way to meet the best people out there!!
Ways to develop teams and the team spirit and comradery of many sports we all love to participate in.
The Virtual rowing season goes from May 1st to April 30th of each year.
Our challenges make us very competitive and strive for the motivation that we all need to make rowing a part of our lives.
For the best in team work it is always good to stay with a virtual team for the entire season.It is the perogative of all team members to row with any boat they wish..be a part of a unique group and just do their best.
To keep team spirit high and to make the virtual world have the same integrity as our "real" world it is always good to make any changes in affiliation at the beginning of the season or close to it.
Many of us are brand new to the virtual world of rowing so I wanted to share with my team the way that works best for us.
Row Strong and continue to have that great TimbukToo-ian strength, spirit and sportsmanship!!!


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Post by PJM » February 12th, 2008, 3:57 pm

When you row for Valentines day..remember this:


Row for the health of it..Row for your heart !!


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Post by Kona2 » February 12th, 2008, 4:45 pm

PJM - does an info sheet exist to put in different gyms in our respective cities prior to the next challenge to see if we can get some folks interested in joining up? You've got a good start on the benefits of rowing listed. I know that I have taken the rowing calendar that Concept2 puts out as a PDF file, taken that file to the local copiers and had a few printed up for the gyms I frequent. Maybe we can get them to update some of their monitors or have log cards available at the same time? This next challenge is going to be a wahoo moment or two!

I am also curious about the differences between dragon boating and rowing - I thought that dragon boating was more paddling than rowing? How different is it?


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Post by PJM » February 12th, 2008, 4:59 pm

What you have done with the printed info is great!!If you e-mail Denah she may have some club type info to send you to give your local gyms.If you know the gym managers..or trainers..you could let them know the recent updates to log cards etc.Some gyms don't carry Concept2 rowers..they have Schwinn which are not the same but close.I worked in a health center and they had 2 rowers..I personally "talked up" the rowers ..and you could tell them about the challenges.
If you want more Dragon Boat info..Bill Hawthorne is the guy to ask..or google it..it will fill you in.That is how I happened to get some added info and the rest I got from Bill.It looks so interesting.
I had a friend who I wanted to introduce to rowing.Denah sent her info and this friend went to her gym and tried it out.It was a Schwinn but got her to do the activity.
I am trying to get my neighbors into it too.. but so far they just don't get it.. :lol:


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Post by PJM » February 12th, 2008, 5:14 pm

quote="Bill Hawthorne"]Hmm - its getting interesting! Looks like some production is required this evening. Last night's fare was a 10K and 4x2,000 power 10's - stimulating. For me, Saturday is Pittsburgh Indoor Rowing Championships (Pittsburgh is one of the top 4 Crash B qualifying events - not that I'm that good, just crazy enough to try) - most likely I will repeat last night's workout as final prep and as a way to log some decent meters for Timbuk2 - will have to to row long but easy on Thursday to give the bod a few days to recharge before Saturday.

Pat looked up my main sport of Dragon Boat Racing and suggested I mention it in this forum as it might be of interest to members of the team not familiar with it. I got into the world of C2 as off-season training but didn't anticipate that I'd get hooked on it! Dragon Boating is a 2300 year old sport that originated in China and is the fastest growing paddling sport internationally - very big in Canada- growing in the US - will be new in the coming Olympics. I belong to two teams: Steel City Dragons (Festival Racing competition team) and Team Pittsburgh (Sport Racing competition team). For anyone interested - You Tube has some great videos of Dragon Boat competition: its basically a speed and power sport. Our boats are about 46 feet long with a dragon head and tail at the ends - 20 paddlers, a cox who beats a big drum,and a steersperson who keeps us on course and controls the boat. Races are 500m, qualifiers are 250m, occasionally races include a 2,000m event and are flat-out power, usually lasting only a little over 2 minutes for the 500m in Sport Racing Class. Stroke rates in our boat range from a slow 60spm to about 95 spm or even more. A dragon boat paddle is a little like a canoe paddle - the stroke is all about core drive with alot of back and shoulder power initially - but most of the power comes from the core. The boat seats do not move - because of the torque , "Dragon Butt" (that is spelled b-l-i-s-t-e-r) is a fairly frequent anatomical consequence of the sport. I figure that our boat fully loaded weighs about 3,500 to 3,800 pounds. We think of it as an ultimate team sport: 20 paddlers have to be in perfect synchronization - no heroes - just one living, (fire) breathing unit. Its immense fun (if you look closely in my picture, there's a Dragon Boat in the distant background - it was taken at a Fall competition in Oakville Ontario. So, that's my other paddling passion. As an aside, I got my team to take the boat out for a 50k paddling event at the end of our 2007 season - we may even do it as a challenge next fall as there are only a few teams that have done this kind of distance in a Dragon Boat competitively. There are always new goals to go for! We'll put the boats back in the water in late March then 6 to 8 hrs a week on the water training and, yes, more time on my C2!

Here is info on Dragon Boating Kona2

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