The Road To Boston 2008

General discussion on Training. How to get better on your erg, how to use your erg to get better at another sport, or anything else about improving your abilities.
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Post by Yankeerunner » February 2nd, 2008, 11:58 am

Good to see optimism all around heading into the weekend. B)

Last night I was going to do some minute on/minute off stuff, but decided that I don't like time v. distance any better than anyone else so I changed it to a slightly longer 300m/1' active rest.

2693m 12:00.0 2:13.7 22spm (warmup)
4836m 20:44.6 1:47.4 32spm (10 X 300m, plus 1836m of 20spm paddling)
2408m 12:00.0 2:29.5 17spm (cooldown)

50 degrees, 146df, ribs wrapped, Brooks & Dunn on the CD player. Started at about current 'race' pace of 1:50.6 and tried to speed up by about half a second on each of the next nine. After getting to 1:46.0 on the 9th I cut loose with a 1:41.6 on the final one. Felt fine. Will have to be more ambitious next time I try this, in about 4 days.

Back to steaday state this morning.

1274m 06:00.0 2:21.3 20spm (warmup)
9000m 37:06.9 2:03.7 24spm
1171m 06:00.0 2:33.6 18spm (cooldown)

S10MPS with the monitor covered except for meters, 51 degrees, 108df, ribs not wrapped for the first time in a long time, The Mavericks on the CD player. Had a few niggles from the injured area but nothing worse than usual. I can't tell much difference from day to day but it's clearly better than a few weeks ago.

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Post by TomR » February 2nd, 2008, 3:05 pm

TR 4x3' w/ 4' recovery

a year ago-- 1.49.8 avg/max HR 173 (just about max)

today--handle down on the first interval at 600 mtr/1.50+

3x3/1.53.0 avg/max HR 163

that workout resembles a scatological pile.

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Post by seat5 » February 2nd, 2008, 4:09 pm

TomR wrote:TR 4x3' w/ 4' recovery

a year ago-- 1.49.8 avg/max HR 173 (just about max)

today--handle down on the first interval at 600 mtr/1.50+

3x3/1.53.0 avg/max HR 163

that workout resembles a scatological pile.
4 x 3 TR just plain stinks.
Carla Stein--F 47 HWT


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Post by Veronique » February 2nd, 2008, 10:07 pm

Great 500s Deborah. And it seems that everyone is moving ahead well.

60' ss yesterday. Pushed a little bit and ended up under 2:10 for the first time (2:09.8).

8x500 R3 today. Like these as they are short. :roll:
1:52.8 @27
1:52.6 @28
1:52.5 @28
1:52.4 @28
1:52.0 @28
1:51.8 @28
1:51.1 @28
1:45.7 @32
Rowed the last one with a little higher drag, which worked for the 500. May not work for 2k, though.

Tomorrow there may be a conflict between rowing and watching Superbowl with rowing friends. Oh well; there's always Monday...


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Post by Yankeerunner » February 3rd, 2008, 11:29 am

Tom, I agree with Carla. TRs are my least favorite workouts. :evil:

Veronique, good stuff, and there should be no conflicts. There is a TV in the Erging Room, or in a pinch the erg is portable enough to be brought somewhere else where there is a TV Room. B)

Very easy paddle this morning, with the idea that I will do a gut-buster later in the day just before the Superbowl.

1618m 08:00.0 2:28.3 20spm (warmup)
5000m 22:27.4 2:14.7 21spm
1614m 08:00.0 2:28.6 19spm (cooldown)

Monitor covered except for meters, 52 degrees, 121df, watching Superbowl pre-game stuff on TV. Left the rib wrap off for the second workout in a row. Not entirely sure if it is a good idea, since I seemed to ache a bit more. I might put it back on again for at least the next few workouts.

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Post by Rowmaniac » February 3rd, 2008, 4:22 pm

Nice intervals, Veronique. How much rest do you take on these? I take it you are in the LWT 30-39 class for CRASH Bs? You should be rowing a great race!

Rick, I don't have an erg where there is a TV, but I imagine anyone sharing the programming would just *love* the noise of the fan wheel. I am actually looking into some wireless bluetooth headphones to use with my MP3 player so I can avoid wires hanging from my ears (I tend to yank them out accidentally and then am too stubborn about my split times to take the few seconds to fix the problem.)

Carla, we'll probably be seated right next to each other in Boston. So far there are only 11 women entered in our group, but there is still one more week to register. I expect the field will be as large as next year, but looking back the participation levels seem to vary quite a bit year to year. I'm getting geared up to row my regional 2K next Sunday. How did all these weeks to prepare go by so fast?

Today is a precious day off. I hope everyone enjoys the Super Bowl.
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Yankeerunner » February 3rd, 2008, 6:19 pm

Enjoy the day off Deborah. Go Pats! :D

What better way to enjoy dinner (Denise has made a nice Meatoaf :!: B) ) and then the Superbowl than to rip off a 2km test first? So that's what I did.

2186m 10:00.0 2:17.2 22spm (warmup)
2000m 07:18.3 1:49.6 32sm
2056m 10:00.0 2:25.9 18spm (cooldown)

55 degrees, 130df, Waylon Jennings on the CD player. Felt better than any time since November. Might be because of taking the rib wrap off after warming up, meaning I might have been breathing with a bit less restriction. Cause for some optimism. B)
0500m 1:50.7 31spm
1000m 1:50.6 32spm
1500m 1:50.5 33spm
2000m 1:46.4 34spm

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Post by TomR » February 3rd, 2008, 7:03 pm

UT 1--did the CTC 7777

today--7777mtr/2.03.2/31.56.3/157 HR
2007--8512 mtr/2.06.8/2x18 min/138 HR

could feel yesterday's TR self-abuse in my legs, so I set off conservatively, sitting on the same split that I used to start my last 10k. Picked it up about 1 sec/500 at 2,500, 5000.

Nice 2k, Rick.

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Post by Rowmaniac » February 3rd, 2008, 7:40 pm

Tom, glad today's workout wasn't so crappy for you. I loved your 'scatalogical pile" comment about TR. I have decided that in the IP, the TR stands for the Torture Rack. They are THE WORST.

Rick nice 2K. You just pop those out like they were nothing difficult. Nice work and nicely rowed with those splits. Is your kick always powered by Meatloaf... ? :D

I failed to mention that my Super Bowl viewing is limited to what I can TIVO as I fast forward thru the game just to see the great commercials that cost those advertisers almost $3M. I am probably the only person I know who skips the game to watch the commercials. But I thought I'd come clean... :oops:
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by NavigationHazard » February 3rd, 2008, 9:12 pm

Cheers, a number of my friends have a tradition of erging the Super Bowl. They row during the boring on-the-field stuff and take breaks for the commercials.... :wink:
67 MH 6' 6"

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Post by philrow » February 4th, 2008, 12:30 am

Yankeerunner wrote:Enjoy the day off Deborah. Go Pats! :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, yea? :wink:
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Post by Rowmaniac » February 4th, 2008, 12:35 am

Good news, Patriots fans:

I declare the TV commercials the true winner! :!:
Deborah - F 45 HWT

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Post by Yankeerunner » February 4th, 2008, 10:05 am

Well done Tom. I need to get in a 7777m myself to get my bum on a seat.

I didn't see all the Superbowl commmercials, since I did my drinks runs and stretching and bathroom breaks then. I'll have to check them out on the internet today. Off the top of my head, I liked the baby at the computer doing E*Trade, especially the one where he upchucked. :D

Excellent game, with every score being a lead change. I would have preferred a different outcome, but that's sports and that's life. The Giants Defense was especially good. Hat's off to them.

Steady state this morning.

00827m 0:04:00.0 2:25.2 20spm (warmup)
19000m 1:27:27.6 2:05.4 24spm
00774m 0:04:00.0 2:34.9 18spm (cooldown)

S10MPS with the monitor covered except for meters, 52 degrees, 100df, ribs wrapped, Bat Out Of Hell II on the CD player. Felt a little weary on occasion during the last half-hour or so, but nothing terrible. The ribs were achy for the first half-hour or so, but better at the end. Satisfied.
02000m 2:12.2 23spm
04000m 2:07.8 23spm
06000m 2:05.6 24spm
08000m 2:05.9 24spm
10000m 2:04.8 24spm
12000m 2:04.0 24spm
14000m 2:02.8 24spm
16000m 2:03.6 24spm
18000m 2:04.2 24spm
19000m 2:01.1 25spm

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Post by Veronique » February 4th, 2008, 2:28 pm

Rick, nice 2k with great pacing. Last 500 is definitely cause for optimism.

For me no rowing yesterday; even my rowing friends would not let me put an erg in their living room. Lots of chips eating and beer drinking instead ; not too good if I'm to be a lightweight on the 24th. (Deborah, 30-39 lwt is indeed what I signed up for. And I take 3' rest between 500m; like the fact that I have longer rest than work.)

Amended for being lazy somewhat this morning. Workout at rowing club: 10x3' on; 3' off at increasing rates. Heavy stuff; especially at the lower rates which the coach specified should be only slightly slower than 6k speed.

2:01.3 @20 )Cheated a little bit on the rates
2:01.0 @19 ) on these ones
1:59.0 @20
1:58.8 @20
1:57.7 @22
1:57.3 @22
1:56.0 @24
1:55.8 @24
1:53.7 @26
1:53.1 @29 Cheated a lot on the rate on this one :twisted:

Just like others here I like distances so much better than times: at least when you row faster, you're done sooner. The advantage of rowing times is of course that, when you row with others you all can start and finish together.
Was quite enough for the day...

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Post by TomR » February 4th, 2008, 8:19 pm

another TR. last year was AN. figured I need the work at race pace.

today-- 5x2 min/1.51 avg/2700 meters/159 HR
2007-- 10x250/ 1.46 avg/2500 meters/158 HR

5X2 (2' rest) is not a bearish session. Tough enough to know your worked, though.

Did the first 4 intervals at 30 spm/ 1.51+ pace.

Did the 5th interval at 33 spm/1.49+ pace. Deliberately shortened the stroke, not going in so deep at the catch. Definitely reduced the erg jigging (not such a big whomp on every stroke) and felt smoother. I don't expect I can go 33 for a full 2k, but I definitely want to get the rate up a bit for race day.

Condolences, Rick. I blame the Pats loss on Arlen Specter. I figure he messed with Belichek's head and affected his game-day thinking. First the Republican invade Iraq. Next thing you know, they're inside your coach's head.

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