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Post by PJM » January 29th, 2008, 10:59 pm




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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 12:04 am


Stay strong..we are almost to the finish line!!!


Bill Hawthorne
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Post by Bill Hawthorne » January 30th, 2008, 1:12 am


Congratulations on the 11 Million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome stuff.


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Post by naptrel » January 30th, 2008, 5:17 am

Day 29 TIMBUK2 Statfest

Team Progress report: Yesterday's team distance: 389km

Personal Progress Report

Milestone acheivers

Dave Horrigan
brad keimach

George Mudry

Bob Storck

Bill Hawthorne

bob bredin

Pat Mazzei

Congratulations to Elizabeth Andersen! TIMBUK2's rower of the day.

Code: Select all

Name                   Logged yesterday (m)  Places climbed  Fighting spirit (%)

The Podium:
Elizabeth Andersen                    20413             141                112.8
Shirley Sell                          27433              12                107.3
Robert Humphreys                      13005              47                106.3

bob bredin                            30065               4                105.6
Dave Horrigan                         10270              77                105.5
brad keimach                          10000              75                105.4
Bill Hawthorne                        18853               6                104.7
Bob Storck                            15053              12                104.5
Edwin Varley                          14443              20                104.3
David Jerome                          10000              48                104.2
David Crocker                          9000              40                103.2
Jay Moran                              9342              39                103.2
ALBERT CROPANESE                      10000              16                103.0
Mike Beggs                             5382              71                102.9
Spike Clancy                           6329              46                102.3
Robert Lee                          12870/2              75                102.3
Sandi Jump                             9703              10                102.0
Mike O'Rourke                         12000               3                101.5
Zennya Kingry                          5330              23                101.5
Jagjit Singh                           9017              10                101.4
William Fisher                        14124               3                101.4
Bryan Schreiber                       10000               6                101.3
Don Sell                               7053               8                100.7
Chris Hughes                          18000               1                100.6
Kathleen Perregaux                     5000               4                100.4
George Mudry                           9301                                 99.7
Brian Varney                         5000/5                                 99.2
Pat Mazzei                            11601                                 98.9
Glenn Yaniero                         11000                                 98.1
ChristopherJohn Green                 12300                                 97.8
Pat BrookhouserIII                   6627/7                                 97.6
Len Norton                            19179                                 95.7
Lisa Gesinger                          1000                                 93.3
Marvin Winston                        500/2                                 92.5
  • Progress logged between Tue 29 Jan 06:00 GMT and Wed 30 Jan 06:00 GMT.
  • Fighting spirit is a measure of your proportional rate of ascent of the rankings. 100% means you've maintained your place in the overall rankings. If you were ranked at 200, and climbed to place 180 in the 2 days since you last logged any distance, your Fighting spirit would be ((200-180)/(200x2) + 1) x 100 = 105%. Similarly, if you were ranked at 1000 and climbed to place 950 in one day, your Fighting spirit would also be 105%.
  • A '/' means yesterday's logged distance has been split between the number of days since you last logged any metres (or day 14, when these stats were started.)

Well done to all the above for pushing TIMBUK2 onwards.


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Post by lennotglen » January 30th, 2008, 9:02 am

Good Morning to a GREAT Team,
Thanks to all who have made this such a successful JVC08.
Props to PJM for the tireless motivation all month. Congrats on 11mil.
Special thanks to Nathaniel for the daily stats.
And thanks to all of you whose enthusiasm has inspired me to row twice the number of meters I set out to do.

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Post by Kona2 » January 30th, 2008, 10:17 am

Amazing accomplishment Pat !
Eleven million - woohoooo! Image


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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 10:19 am

Thanks Kona2!!


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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 10:26 am

TEAM ALERT!!!!!!!!!
TEAM HAVK Mladost with 114 team mates has slid up into 6 th place with 10,650,820 meters.Not particularly close but I can see them in the near distance.The water sometimes start to churn on the last couple 'a days.So stay strong..don't give up yet and FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!!!!It's ain't over 'til it's we have to pull together as the strong team we are and keep 5th place.
GO TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 12:20 pm

Take pride in how far you have come. Have faith in how far you can go. - Unknown

GO TEAM!!!!!!!!


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Post by Kristine Strasburger » January 30th, 2008, 12:37 pm


Thanks for taking the time to post the stats for our team in our Team Room. That was above and beyond the call!

You guys are doing fantastic!

Bill Hawthorne
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Post by Bill Hawthorne » January 30th, 2008, 12:38 pm

Hmm - its getting interesting! Looks like some production is required this evening. Last night's fare was a 10K and 4x2,000 power 10's - stimulating. For me, Saturday is Pittsburgh Indoor Rowing Championships (Pittsburgh is one of the top 4 Crash B qualifying events - not that I'm that good, just crazy enough to try) - most likely I will repeat last night's workout as final prep and as a way to log some decent meters for Timbuk2 - will have to to row long but easy on Thursday to give the bod a few days to recharge before Saturday.

Pat looked up my main sport of Dragon Boat Racing and suggested I mention it in this forum as it might be of interest to members of the team not familiar with it. I got into the world of C2 as off-season training but didn't anticipate that I'd get hooked on it! Dragon Boating is a 2300 year old sport that originated in China and is the fastest growing paddling sport internationally - very big in Canada- growing in the US - will be new in the coming Olympics. I belong to two teams: Steel City Dragons (Festival Racing competition team) and Team Pittsburgh (Sport Racing competition team). For anyone interested - You Tube has some great videos of Dragon Boat competition: its basically a speed and power sport. Our boats are about 46 feet long with a dragon head and tail at the ends - 20 paddlers, a cox who beats a big drum,and a steersperson who keeps us on course and controls the boat. Races are 500m, qualifiers are 250m, occasionally races include a 2,000m event and are flat-out power, usually lasting only a little over 2 minutes for the 500m in Sport Racing Class. Stroke rates in our boat range from a slow 60spm to about 95 spm or even more. A dragon boat paddle is a little like a canoe paddle - the stroke is all about core drive with alot of back and shoulder power initially - but most of the power comes from the core. The boat seats do not move - because of the torque , "Dragon Butt" (that is spelled b-l-i-s-t-e-r) is a fairly frequent anatomical consequence of the sport. I figure that our boat fully loaded weighs about 3,500 to 3,800 pounds. We think of it as an ultimate team sport: 20 paddlers have to be in perfect synchronization - no heroes - just one living, (fire) breathing unit. Its immense fun (if you look closely in my picture, there's a Dragon Boat in the distant background - it was taken at a Fall competition in Oakville Ontario. So, that's my other paddling passion. As an aside, I got my team to take the boat out for a 50k paddling event at the end of our 2007 season - we may even do it as a challenge next fall as there are only a few teams that have done this kind of distance in a Dragon Boat competitively. There are always new goals to go for! We'll put the boats back in the water in late March then 6 to 8 hrs a week on the water training and, yes, more time on my C2!

Well, I'll miss JVC when we're done - hopefully Timbuk2 will reassemble for another challenge event - this is a great team. It's been a lot of fun. I'm also very pleased to be a new member of Timbuktu and look forward to many, many, more meters and membership in a great team! Thanks all.

Row, Row, Row - GO,GO,GO Timbuk2 !!!


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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 1:36 pm

Bill Hawthorne wrote:PAT

Congratulations on the 11 Million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome stuff.




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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 5:25 pm


It is almost overImage

But we have one more day to pour it on!!!!!!!



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Post by PJM » January 30th, 2008, 6:21 pm

We have one full day left to row as a team.I want you to know what an honor and pleasure it has been to be on the same team as all of you.We began as a 13 crew boat and grew to 65.The enthusiasm spread and the excitement along with it.This is my 3rd JVC and it has been the best yet.We have been together through sprained ankles, bad backs, the flu, colds,trips out of town, you name it..we have rowed together through it.Snow storms and heat waves( here in Florida).No one ever gave up and each of you supported the other.I take everything I do very seriously and give it my all.My daily posts were sometimes silly but they seemed to fit my moods and my intent for the day.The graphics caught on and I looked forward to all the ones that you sent back as a reply.I have never met any of you but feel like I know each one of you.What did we do before computers and e-mail technology.I am saddened that this challenge is over but it will not be over if I can help it.We will stay as a challenge force and a new virtual boat if it is meant to be.Before I start to cry..a female thing B) ..
I will end this sappy post.But this has been an awesome month and all of you deserve huge kudos and as a wise man always says..PROPS to you!!!


Bill Hawthorne
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Post by Bill Hawthorne » January 30th, 2008, 7:02 pm

Hooray for Captain Pat and the whole Timbuk2 crew! And here's to Timbuk2, Timbuktu, and (maybe) Timbuktoo too - and the whole fleet if we become one.
Think Big! Row Big!

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