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Post by ChrisH » January 17th, 2008, 8:50 am

Larry is probably to busy rowing to read this but.........WOW! Impressive stuff! I truly feel like a slacker. Good going Larry.
MH 54 5'8'' 190lbs.

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Post by Tyn » January 17th, 2008, 10:01 am

ulu wrote:Just to add to the confusion there is:
  • The Eh!Team (the one we try to associate with this forum and our coastal row around the world and the JVC you should be on.)
    Team Canada
    Team Canada Eh!
Keep on rowin', eh.

Hu?, Uh?, He?, Eh?

Am I rowing for the wrong team now?



"We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well and live."

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The Eh! Team - Tees and other stuff

Post by alkem » January 17th, 2008, 4:05 pm

Hi fellow Eh! Team members,
Just wanted to let everyone know that I've added a section to my online shop Brain Angles Creations for tees and other items with The Eh! Team logo.


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Post by ulu » January 17th, 2008, 11:37 pm

You hosers are rowing!!! Here are the current meters from the JVC.
  • 2792 Larry Skelly The Eh!Team M 583,846
    2793 Mike Cunningham The Eh!Team M 395,000
    2794 Trevor Reeves The Eh!Team M 284,263
    2795 James McDonald The Eh!Team M 251,469
    2796 John Cousins The Eh!Team M 231,596
    2797 Earl Veale The Eh!Team M 222,539
    2798 Jim Corkal The Eh!Team M 221,776
    2799 David Hunter The Eh!Team M 214,398
    2800 Seth Dingwell The Eh!Team M 192,000
    2801 Charles Kaiser The Eh!Team M 188,444
    2802 Martijn Slettenhaar The Eh!Team M 160,537
    2803 Allan Meltzer The Eh!Team M 151,069
    2804 David Chmilowskyj The Eh!Team M 145,618
    2805 Kirk Nelson The Eh!Team M 138,257
    2806 Liberty Valiant The Eh!Team M 117,797
    2807 Brad Armstrong The Eh!Team M 116,345
    2808 Lawrence Carey The Eh!Team M 115,821
    2809 Chris Henry The Eh!Team M 114,664
    2810 Cynthia Drewry The Eh!Team F 110,619
    2811 Barrett Brickell The Eh!Team M 105,651
    2812 Ed Desjardins The Eh!Team M 102,561
    2813 Francois Audet The Eh!Team M 102,228
    2814 alan wisniewski The Eh!Team M 100,614
    2815 John Romansky The Eh!Team M 99,639
    2816 Brian Turner The Eh!Team M 99,000
    2817 Mike Hagen The Eh!Team M 85,144
    2818 Dan Wickwar The Eh!Team M 77,175
    2819 Brigitte Klawonn The Eh!Team F 77,108
    2820 Alfonso Rodriguez Morales The Eh!Team M 70,013
    2821 Kit McCandie The Eh!Team F 63,256
    2822 Rob Visser The Eh!Team M 55,152
    2823 Claire Boucher The Eh!Team F 54,676
    2824 David Calder The Eh!Team M 54,637
    2825 Daryl Muz The Eh!Team M 47,971
    2826 Lorri MacKay The Eh!Team F 35,579
    2827 Linda Corkal The Eh!Team F 31,075
    2828 Katheryn Norby The Eh!Team F 28,763
    2829 Peter Boucher The Eh!Team M 28,609
    2830 Troy Tinnes The Eh!Team M 22,340
    2831 Antoine Bruneau The Eh!Team M 22,000
    2832 Alain Ayala The Eh!Team M 20,854
    2833 Rob Clayton The Eh!Team M 20,000
    2834 Michelle Alkerton The Eh!Team F 18,707
    2835 Scott Broussard The Eh!Team M 14,742
    2836 Anna Bonga The Eh!Team F 5,582
    2837 Bill Alkerton The Eh!Team M 3,221
    2838 Kiersten H The Eh!Team F 2,086

Great rowing everyone. Keep it up. It doesn't matter how far or how fast you row, every little bit helps.

I think I am going to buy one of those fancy Eh!Team coffee mugs just so I can get enough java on board to keep up with everyone.


They are available from Michelle's link above.

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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The New Web Site

Post by ulu » January 21st, 2008, 9:38 pm

check it out at

Eh!Team website

It seems to be working. You can check your individual stats or stats for the Eh!team by clicking on the menu item "stats"
Choose your start and end date and it will total your rows for that period.

I know some of the links are missing. Let me know what other features you would like and what links you think we should have.

In the meantime I am going for a row, so....

Keep on rowin', eh.


PS. The google earth file is under eh!team -> google earth file
[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by ckaiserca » January 21st, 2008, 9:51 pm

The page looks pretty good in Internet Explorer, but is mostly borked in Firefox.

Also, the rower pictured in the upper right corner is very attractive, but shouldn't she be keeping her back straighter? :wink:
Started with my Model D on June 11, 2007
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Post by ulu » January 21st, 2008, 11:11 pm

The page looks pretty good in Internet Explorer, but is mostly borked in Firefox.

Also, the rower pictured in the upper right corner is very attractive, but shouldn't she be keeping her back straighter?
What happens in firefox? Does the data filter and display properly?

We are almost around Greenland!

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by ckaiserca » January 22nd, 2008, 10:06 am

In Firefox, none of the drop-down menus display correctly so you can't navigate the pages.
Started with my Model D on June 11, 2007
M 46 6'2" (1.87m) 233lbs (105.9kg)

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Post by RR1 Kirk » January 23rd, 2008, 2:35 am

I'm very impressed by the distances being rowed during the JVC. Last I looked Larry Skelly was in 7th position overall at 817,758. That's about 300,000 m more in 23 days than I've rowed all season

For those that like shorter distances the CTC's 250m sprint is still open.

2 new postings by these bigger (than me) guys
Robert Lefevre 39.9 (H)
David Chmilowskyj 40.1 (H)

inspired me to row .8 seconds faster to 45.2.
I'd still like to get under 45 seconds before months end.

This is also the first time I've gone faster (so far) than Cynthia Drewry (F) 48.1, one of the quickest ladies.

Keep pulling Eh! Team.

Kirk Nelson [img][/img]
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The Drag Factor

Post by ulu » January 24th, 2008, 10:50 pm

How many of you hosers crank up the drag factor for a short 250 meter sprint?

I have a tendency to leave it alone at my "usual", but there is no way that I can get a single pull as fast as some of the splits I see for the 250.
Or am I just a 200 pound weakling???

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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Post by cynthia » January 24th, 2008, 11:06 pm

RR1 Kirk wrote:
For those that like shorter distances the CTC's 250m sprint is still open.

This is also the first time I've gone faster (so far) than Cynthia Drewry (F) 48.1, one of the quickest ladies.

Keep pulling Eh! Team.

Hey Kirk! The month's not over yet :wink:
Cynthia (45)


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Re: The Drag Factor

Post by RR1 Kirk » January 25th, 2008, 2:44 am

ulu wrote:How many of you hosers crank up the drag factor for a short 250 meter sprint?

I have a tendency to leave it alone at my "usual", but there is no way that I can get a single pull as fast as some of the splits I see for the 250.
Or am I just a 200 pound weakling???

Keep on rowin', eh.

I've bumped it up from 125 to 143 for my latest attempt. I might try 145 for a last go
Cynthia wrote:
RR1 Kirk wrote:

For those that like shorter distances the CTC's 250m sprint is still open.

This is also the first time I've gone faster (so far) than Cynthia Drewry (F) 48.1, one of the quickest ladies.

Keep pulling Eh! Team.


Hey Kirk! The month's not over yet :wink:
in case this happens. :wink: :lol:

Cynthia, I figured you'd be saving yourself for CIRC. Hope your race goes well.

Kirk Nelson [img][/img]
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Post by Tinpusher » January 25th, 2008, 12:09 pm

I tried the first two at DF176 and managed 40.4 @ r43 and 40.3 @ r47.
Tried it again slightly lower at DF162 but knew by 150 in that it wasn't going to work so eased off.
The last effort was at DF 175 @ r51 for 40.1. The DF has to go higher and the rate has to go way higher to go faster.
May give it one more go soon at a higher DF.
Hope to see some of you in Toronto on the 3rd.

David Chmilowskyj
M 58 6ft 4in/1.94m 230lb/105kg
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Post by ulu » January 26th, 2008, 4:01 pm

Thanks for the advice on the Drag Factor. I am going to try a 250 for the JVC with the DF pumped up.

The Eh!Team is over 55,000,000 meters and we are now between Greenland and Iceland. On an incidental note, this is more than the Around the World Row total we did last year and we are not even a quarter of the way through yet.


So enjoy this feral portion of our row and definitley,

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by ulu » February 2nd, 2008, 1:20 pm

Congrats on the JVC hosers. We had a top 10 finish and our average was over 200,000 meters for each hosers rowing in the JVC. Well done. Special kudos to Larry Skelly. He was number 6 individually and rowed well over 1 million meters.

We are over 57 million meters in our coastal row and we have made it around the tip of Greenland.

I am travelling right now and I have not pulled on the chain in a few days. I will try and find an erg today and put in some meters.

Good luck to those of you rowing in the CIRC, Monster Erg, etc tomorrow. Let us know how you do.

Keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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