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Kristine Strasburger
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Re: padding issues

Post by Kristine Strasburger » January 8th, 2008, 4:35 pm

Kristine, I know you were looking for seat padding. Concept2 says this in their marathon training suggestions: Seat: We find that variety is the key for seat comfort on long rows. Have a seat pad handy (call us for a free pad - sorry, US and Canada only) and several sheets of "bubble wrap". Bubble wrap works great for us!
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot about the bubble wrap. I always use a computer mouse pad (the older thicker ones work better) on the seat for regular distances, but these challenges require a bit more. The one on the C2 site looks like it is a modified mouse pad. Maybe 2 or 3 of those stacked up would do the job (plus the bubble wrap).

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New graphics

Post by Kona2 » January 8th, 2008, 8:24 pm

Hi Kristine,

The new graphics showing travel to the moon are super! Won't hurt my feelings if this is a logo choice! Jan S.

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Post by PJM » January 9th, 2008, 11:13 am

Hi Team..
I have to add a little about seat padding here.My first Challenge was a couple of years ago and I had my first encounter with this issue.I tried folded towels, bubble wrap etc.I finally ordered Concept2's rendition of a seat pad.It looked a bit questionable but I have been on the same pad since.It works well.Now I must admit that it has flattened out considerably but with all the time I spend on my rear it has served me well.I just asked Denah to send me another one is on its way.I found that if I padded my seat too changed my seated position and I didn't have the same rowing posture.The towel and bubble wrap sort of threw me forward.My biggest "pain" to endure through the past 2 challenges was my hands and wrists but I have that conquered..with New Grips.Great padded hand grips with wrist supports.My rear is starting to show signs of agony but hopefully the new seat pad from Concept2 will do the trick.They say "no pain no gain" but I personally don't believe in that saying.There should be no pain and any thing can be prevented.I don't know what geographical location TIMBUK2 will row to but THE MOON is an awesome place to want to row to.GO LUNA-TICS!!!


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No More Mr. Nice Guy!!

Post by thomaspinckney » January 10th, 2008, 10:23 am

OK you got me pumped. I started out with a goal of 200,000 meters. Then I changed it to 300,000. Now.........400,000 meters. Anybody gonna join me in that quest (or even better)? You gonna let a 63 year-old get more meters than you? :lol:

Former 99 pound weakling
No more Mr. Nice guy!! :twisted:

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Re: padding issues

Post by Toothdoc » January 10th, 2008, 12:59 pm

I too have the PIB syndrome. My solution was to go to an upholstery shop and buy a 2 inch thick piece of medium density foam. They have different densities and thickness. Then I trimmed it to fit the seat and also cut two holes to correspond to the holes on the seat. It works pretty good for rows under 3 hours. I don't row longer than that. I am going to try the bubble wrap with the foam to see how that works.

Kristine Strasburger wrote:
Kristine, I know you were looking for seat padding. Concept2 says this in their marathon training suggestions: Seat: We find that variety is the key for seat comfort on long rows. Have a seat pad handy (call us for a free pad - sorry, US and Canada only) and several sheets of "bubble wrap". Bubble wrap works great for us!
Thanks for the reminder. I forgot about the bubble wrap. I always use a computer mouse pad (the older thicker ones work better) on the seat for regular distances, but these challenges require a bit more. The one on the C2 site looks like it is a modified mouse pad. Maybe 2 or 3 of those stacked up would do the job (plus the bubble wrap).

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seat padding

Post by Kristine Strasburger » January 10th, 2008, 4:05 pm

I just tried using one of those large bubble wrap lined mailing envelopes today, folded in half. The bubble wrap inside the envelope is the small bubble type, and the outside is a paper, not plastic envelope. It worked well (also put my usual mouse pad on top of it). It was not too thick, and didn't slide around. I have never tried using a pad with the cut-outs on it. Maybe that would be even better. I think I will get one or two of the C2 pads and experiment around.

So, Tom, I have to accept your challenge. Once you have worked up to it and are in condition for it, 200,000 in a month is almost too easy. I am going for a 400,000 meter month this month, hoping to hit my next million by the end of this rowing season.

For everyone on the team who is a new rower, and working on your first million meters- keep plugging away at the right pace for yourself. Increase your time on the rower gradually enough to feel like you are pushing your self, but not so much that you can't row the next day due to pain. Overuse injury is not a good thing, and can hinder your overall progress.

The goal of the JVC is to have fun and establish a healthy exercise routine of regular rowing at the start of the new year. This will look a little different for each person, so be encouraged, and don't compare yourself to others too much. We are all in this together to encourage one another to keep on going towards whatever goals we have set.

You all are doing a great job.

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Post by thomaspinckney » January 10th, 2008, 8:33 pm

Cool - we can push each other, but I'm in competition with myself to beat last month's challenge. I've only been rowing a short time, but the 200,000 challenge (my first one) really helped me lose some weight.

With that in mind, I feel a incentive is in order - thus the 400,000 meters I plan on rowing which will really push me. Of course with the others that seem to be rowing more and more each day, that gives us all an incentive to keep up. I figure 20,000 meters a day will get me to my goal. I'm lucky enough (retired) that I have time to do it.

You just passed me again!! I'll make you a deal - you do 400,000 - so will I. :D So I'm off to the erg for my next go at it!! Tom

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Post by kalmjorg » January 10th, 2008, 10:22 pm

now i haz a avatar...can u c me?

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Post by PJM » January 11th, 2008, 11:00 pm

Your team rocks!!!
We're behind you but not very close behind.
Go for the MOON!!!!!!!!


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theme song?

Post by Calamity » January 12th, 2008, 4:59 am

Moon River
Moon river wider than a mile
Im crossing you in style someday
You dream maker, you heartbreaker
Wherever youre going Im going your way
Two drifters off to see the world
Theres such a lot of world to see
Were after the same rainbows end
Waiting round the band
My huckleberry friend, moon river
And me

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Hey ToothDoc

Post by DuluthMoose » January 12th, 2008, 10:19 am

I'm guessing you might be dentist with an indoor rowing perspective?? If so, I'd appreciate your advice. I split a molar and it was extracted on Wed. I was told only very light exercise for 4 days. My dentist couldn't tell me what very light exercise actually is in terms of heart rate and time on the rower. Am I OK with say an hour on the Concept II during this time keeping heart rate at or below 120? Thanks much!
Go Luna-Tics.

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Re: Hey ToothDoc

Post by Toothdoc » January 12th, 2008, 2:27 pm

DuluthMoose wrote:I'm guessing you might be dentist with an indoor rowing perspective?? If so, I'd appreciate your advice. I split a molar and it was extracted on Wed. I was told only very light exercise for 4 days. My dentist couldn't tell me what very light exercise actually is in terms of heart rate and time on the rower. Am I OK with say an hour on the Concept II during this time keeping heart rate at or below 120? Thanks much!
Go Luna-Tics.
If you do not take any type of blood thinner you should be able to exercise to what ever level you like as long as it does not make you dizzy. I think the light exercise for four days was just a case of CYA.


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Adding more meters

Post by Calamity » January 13th, 2008, 3:52 am

Tonight I added 1725 meters to my planned work out. This number raises oue team average total by 25 meters. For every 69 extra meters you row, our team average is raised by a meter.
Just another late night number play.
I am impressed by those on the team pledging 400,000 meters. But even if you cant do this, every few meters help.

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Post by thomaspinckney » January 13th, 2008, 10:44 am

Thanks - I'm one of the one's pledging the 400,000 meters. Of course, compared to some - that's small time. However, as I continue to row (I really just started a few months ago) I'm seeing pant's sizes starting to shrink and the scale starting to drop.

This challenge idea is great in terms of health/fitness. I read somewhere recently that the average person gains about 7 -8 pounds over the holidays. Thanks to the rowing (and a diet change) I've managed to lose 18 pounds since the day before Thanksgiving.

In my goal to have the "body that men fear and women love", :twisted: I've now decided that a change is in order: It (January Challenge) started out at 200,000 meters. Then 300,000 meters, then 400,000 (I thought that over my head). Now I've decided on 500,000. With eighteen days left in the challenge, that's about 11,000 - 12,000 meters per day. That should be ok.

New goal: Today, I decided to become a real "Lunatic." :roll: FYI: I was looking at the list of challenges for the future and noticed that from April 16– April 30 there will be Marathon Challenge. Not sure if my butt can handle it (or my back), but I've decided to go for it. This challenge is certainly good training for a start at it.

FYI: In the 2007 Season 497 male/female rowers of all ages completed a marathon. In my age class (60 -69) twenty-six rowers completed a marthon. Who's going to do it with me?

Row a marathon OR
THIS man will be visiting your house!

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Post by bg » January 13th, 2008, 11:31 am

i love challenges...however i'm training for boston and don't think i can get my rowing mileage up i row at the y...not sure it would be kosher for me to take up a rower for all those hours...yup..i'm slow....but i'll be cheering you on....barbara

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