Nice work on the 5 x 3' TR Carla. Truth be told I don't even know if I could get those times myself this week. I am tired and my arms are still fatigued, so I will have to wait and see. I think those 5 intervals are a true test of will--and strength of course, which you apparently had to keep going and get them done with very consistent splits. I envy your having this one behind you!
Hmmm, what am I doing for upper body? I don't even know what half of the stuff is called, to be honest. I follow this guy around his small studio and do what I'm told, but it involves some pushing days and some pulling days with bicep, tricep, lat, forearm, chest and shoulder muscles all being asked to work hard. I spent 2 hours OTW yesterday doing mostly drills, so there was nothing aerobic about it, but rowing by 2s in an 8 can be more pulling than I sometimes realize, so heading to the trainer immediately after pushed me a bit. When I finished the hour there I wanted to just lie down on his studio floor and use a towel for a pillow, but that was about the time he said, "well, since you didn't have a hard workout on the water today, go do a harder piece on the erg, but not just short intervals." Well, I almost laughed out loud that he could possibly think I had the energy to do more than drive home! Two hours later I found the strength to get on the erg but had no idea whether I could pull the handle more than 10 times b/c my arms were once again very shaky from the workout.
Here's what I did. I thought I might do some 1000m intervals at about race pace (or my current 2K ability by my own approximation or WAG). I did 1K at 1:51 and thought, "I don't think doing 2 more of these is what I ought to do. Yuck." So I did the 3 x 8' AT workout for the week (switching the order around) b/c I also thought I needed to do more meters than the 10 x 45s ANs which I still need to do this week. I needed to find a way to blend some power with more meters. I honestly thought I could only do the top of my AT bands b/c I was so tired. I was wrong, but just wanted to do this workout within the bands and mark it off the list. (And then go collapse, of course.)
Target for AT is 2:00 - 2:06 (I've been doing them at the bottom or faster, but..... )
205.9 1905m -- okay, maybe I have enough energy to do these if I go slow
200.5 1991m -- c'mon. rowing at the top of the band feels bad--pick it up!
157.8 2035m -- wish I'd done this earlier--still not great, but back in the groove
w/u 1509
c/d 1576
Total meters including the 1K sprint 10,117
Clearly I had more energy than I realized, despite the extremely tired arms and body. This surprised me given the OTW workout, the hour with the trainer and then the 1K preceding these intervals. I think I have to look at yesterday as some evidence that perhaps I have a little more to give, even when I think I don't, and I need to learn to find it when I need it.
I know this was no shining example of a workout, but for the day I have to say I went to bed feeling like I'd done about all I could yesterday to further the whole goal. Oh yeah, the last thing I remember before falling asleep is feeling the book I was trying to read hit me in the nose! Now THAT is tired.
One tiny edit to previous post--I didn't take Friday- Monday off the erg, it was only Sat, Sun and Mon. It's funny how long a break like that can feel when you've been erging consistently. It felt like 2 weeks b/c I felt so guilty and odd about not erging for what I now realize was only 3 days.]