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RE: Two teams in JVC last year

Post by alkem » January 4th, 2008, 6:25 pm

Last year they allowed people to be on two JVC teams or so I was told. My metres counted on both as far as a I know. Seems this year they've changed things. Live and learn I guess. If like yourself your team affiliation is comprised of one, then you should have the opportunity to join a larger team for challenges.

I'm sticking with The Eh! Team and glad to be rowing with you.



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JVC Teams

Post by jc » January 4th, 2008, 7:07 pm

It is really confusing with the JVC teams as some of them have the same name as normal "affiliation" teams. However, they are completely unrelated. You can join any JVC team regardless of your normal university, club or virtual team. You can also belong to multiple JVC teams, and your meters will post to each JVC team you join. I was a member of three teams (historic, from previous years), but manually deleted myself from two of them. In the case of the rest of our JVC team, several people also row for Team Canada (from last year no doubt, they maybe don't even know they're on two teams) - Dan W, Trevor R and Brian T.
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Post by danwho » January 4th, 2008, 9:47 pm

I was still a member of Team Canada's JVC team in addition to being on The Eh Team's JVC team. Last year, at least for the JVC challenge, you could join multiple teams. Perhaps it wasn't possible to join multiple teams for the whole month since Bob S was denied that ability.
I think that at the time the permission for multiple team sign up was granted, it was allowed because it seemed to be what people wanted, but then there were too many complaints about it being unfair. Really, the bottom line is participation, not competition. So I think that if it made people happy to be on multiple JVC teams, C2 was happy to oblige. But if it upset people because it allowed some teams to go higher in the rankings, then C2 would correct the problem.
Anyway, I just received an email from Dena saying that it was now not possible to join two JVC teams, but that those people who had joined multiple teams in the past were still members, and that she was going to have to fix that. And she was giving me the opportunity to choose which team I was really on, before she was forced to choose for me. So I removed myself from the Team Canada JVC team.

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Post by ulu » January 5th, 2008, 3:41 am

Just to add to the confusion there is:
  • The Eh!Team (the one we try to associate with this forum and our coastal row around the world and the JVC you should be on.)
    Team Canada
    Team Canada Eh!
Michelle has given us permission to use this great logo.

As mentioned above I think c2 and denah are trying to clean up their database and the duplicate team entries. This can make a database difficult to manage, let alone trying to keep track of who rows how far for what team.

Bottom line for all you hosers.....

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by BriK » January 5th, 2008, 4:54 am

Love you all, too, guys! *group hug* :oops: :oops: :oops:
Just to add to the confusion there is:

The Eh!Team (the one we try to associate with this forum and our coastal row around the world and the JVC you should be on.)
Team Canada
Team Canada Eh!
For a fleeting moment I was thinking about reactvating the "Eh! Team Allstars" too, just to add a little more to the confusion (oh my, I do have sick ideas when I didn't get enough sleep). But then didn't want to do that to Dena - cleaning up a database is not much fun! :twisted:

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Post by ulu » January 5th, 2008, 2:47 pm

Thanx for the hug :D

Our strange Eh!team trireme, has just gone past St Lawrence Island in the Bering Strait.

(Photo by Natalie Fobes)
A somewhat desolate island, but still inhabited.

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by RR1 Kirk » January 5th, 2008, 5:53 pm

Hi Gang.

I've set up a CTC 250m warm up session (20 minutes) for next Saturday the 12th at 1700 GMT. That's noon EST, and who knows what where the rest of your igloos are located.

At the moment it's set up as a restricted row, so PM me and I'll add your name to the list. After the 20 minute warm up we'll either set up a 250m quick race, or you can do one at home.

If we don't fill the slate I'll open it to all after I wake up on Friday.


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New Website Address

Post by ulu » January 7th, 2008, 5:47 pm

Just a quick note to say the Eh!Team website is now located at:

C2 Coastal Row

It looks the same as the old one, but I should have a new face and functions up soon. Don't hold your breath.

Congrats on all the rowin'. We are in the top 10 of the standings and coming up on 50,000,000 in our coastal row.

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by ckaiserca » January 7th, 2008, 10:13 pm

Hey Gang,

Any hints on how to shake a stubborn winter cold with a nagging cough?

For the JVC I'm trying my best to put in at least an hour on the erg every day, but I just can't do it when I have a 12+ hour day at work (or the day after working a 14 hour day in the freezing cold). So I missed New Year's Day and the 5th. . . I'm sure that there will be a couple more missed days too. But it's this darn cold that's making it uncomfortable to row.

Also, I'm signed up for the CIRC on February 3rd in Toronto. Anyone else interested in joining a four (it's only 1k)? I think Dave said he would be interested. The $10.00 per seat entry fee will be my treat (rowing in the team event will also get you a nifty CIRC flashlight or somesuch trinket). If you are interested, PM me with your full name, DOB and your best 2k time so that I can sign us up!
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Post by alkem » January 8th, 2008, 4:49 pm

ulu wrote:Just a quick note to say the Eh!Team website is now located at:

C2 Coastal Row

It looks the same as the old one, but I should have a new face and functions up soon. Don't hold your breath.

Congrats on all the rowin'. We are in the top 10 of the standings and coming up on 50,000,000 in our coastal row.

Keep on rowin', eh.

Thank Jim, I've updated the link on my site.

I also have an information request. Has anyone done any rowing fundraising? I would like to organize something to coincide with the annual MS walk, but make it an MS row, but I'm unsure what to do. Before going to the local MS Society, I'd like to have a rough idea of what it will entail, and if it's even feasible. Any experience my fellow rowers could offer would be greatly appreciated!
Just row!


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Post by ulu » January 9th, 2008, 12:45 am

Well we have passed Barrow, Alaska and the most northerly point in the United States.

But our significant milestone is that we have passed the 50,000,000 meter mark!

Great rowin' hosers. Give yourselves a pat on the back.
I also have an information request. Has anyone done any rowing fundraising? I would like to organize something to coincide with the annual MS walk, but make it an MS row, but I'm unsure what to do. Before going to the local MS Society, I'd like to have a rough idea of what it will entail, and if it's even feasible. Any experience my fellow rowers could offer would be greatly appreciated!
Just row!
I have not done any fundraising with rowing, but I think it would be a good idea. The C2 UK site has some instructions for organizing a race.
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Wow! 50,000,000!!

Post by alkem » January 9th, 2008, 1:01 am

Way to go Eh! Team!

Thanks also for the fundraising link Jim. I have formulated a rough plan and have sent it off to the local branch of the MS Society to see if it's feasible. Any other ideas or tips from first hand experience is greatly appreciated.



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To Clarify

Post by alkem » January 9th, 2008, 1:12 am

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not trying to organize a race - the Crash B's, CIRC, OIRC and all the other events around the world do fine jobs of that already.

I'm hoping to hold a fundraising event for MS, so it would likely consist of challenging members of the community to row 2k for MS and obtain pledges/donations like for the Annual MS Walk. Obviously this is all just an idea formulating and if it takes off could involve many communities.

Thanks again for any ideas, advice that is offered. This link from the C2UK forum that Jim directed me to has wonderful information.



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Post by ulu » January 11th, 2008, 12:30 am

We have just gone smokin' past Herschel Island This is an absolutely beautiful part of the world that few of you have probably seen. It is close to home for John, Shannon, Linda and I. You will usually see lots of whales at the river mouth. I have flown over it a couple of times on my way to Tuktoyaktuk


Our JVC team is doing well. We are in 6th place in the standings with over 3 million meters rowed. We have 11 rowers over 100,000 meters in the first 10 days of the challenge! Great rowin', hosers.

Keep on rowin', eh.

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Post by ulu » January 16th, 2008, 9:35 pm

Ellesmere Island and the settlement of Alert are south of our big Eh!Team trireme now. Alert is the most northerly permanently inhabited place in the world.


Our JVC team is still in the top 10 and Larry Skelly, one of our Eh!Team rowers is in the top 10 individually.

Every meter counts in this row around the world, so ...
keep on rowin', eh.

[url=]Eh!Team ROWING THE COAST of the WORLD[/url] <--- click here

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