Nosmo, thanks for the insight into the feet out thing. I do row with a fair amount of lay back OTW, and I think you may be right about what I'm trying to do not to fall off the erg. I will have myself videotaped and take a look. The obvious solution for me is to row strapped in, which I much prefer. Whether or not I will benefit with my OTW technique if I keep at it remains to be seen.
Bob, I totally sympathize with your frustrations today. I had my day yesterday. The goal was 2 x 10'AT. Target should be 2:00 (my AT band says 2:00-2:06), but I let it get into my head that last year's pace chart for my last 2K time (7:27) asks you to work a bit faster (easy to see from Carla's posts), so off I went.
w/u 4041m at a nice 22 spm
The first 10' piece went pretty well:
156.4 / 28 for 2577m
The second one was another story. 2 minutes into the interval, I went handle down, having a terrible fight with myself to keep going. I started hearing that anxious voice telling me that 2:00 was my target for AT, so why was I shooting for 1:56s and 1:57s--as if maybe doing these now would mean I can't get to the TR paces that are next-- and then someone phoned and for some reason the phone just rang and rang and rang and didn't go to voicemail. That was about when I said, "forget it. I don't want to keep going." and I let go. Boy was I mad at myself. I am not a quitter, but I was yesterday. It was like I was looking for some excuse to fail.
Well let's just say that doing 2 intervals was probably going to be hard, but having to start a 3rd one was worse. But I made myself do it. At first I rowed conservatively, saying "look, 2:00 is fine. follow the plan!" but kept going lower and lower until the end. I ended with:
158.3 / 2535 meters/27 spm.
I ended up rowing the last 5 minutes at a 1:55 average, and was having a hard time digesting the fact that I did have enough energy to do the piece at my original rate, but I had let myself get whacko and give up.
I did a 3K cool down and got off the erg, wondering what in the hell had happened.
I know there is a lesson in there somewhere. Maybe part of me is afraid I am not working hard enough if I follow the bands on this year's site. But when I do decide to go for a faster time, I need to row with enough courage to do the job. I have to pick a path and commit 100%.
It feels rather sad to think that your body is perhaps much stronger than your mind. I am not displeased with 156.4 and 158.3 for the two pieces. I am disappointed in how I did them.
Today I was off the erg and OTW. I didn't row, but I cox'd an 8. No workout there, but always good fun to see how easy it is to fit 72-1/2 inches of body into that little coxswain seat. The water was beautiful and there was no need for a jacket. Life isn't so bad, and tomorrow I have another shot at that 2 x 10' AT. I'm going to need a few deep breaths to start going, I know.
Bob, I hope you can, for today, take a look at what you called a failure and realize you are an exceptional athlete--and every one of you has an off day. Go get 'em tomorrow. I'll be pulling for you. (Well, not literally since you would not want to take the chance that I'd drop your handle, too!!!
