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Post by Pammie » September 16th, 2007, 1:31 pm

Hello there

I posted back in June introducing myself but kinda left now. I am back rowing, one week so far. I intend to keep it up this time.

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Post by 2part » September 23rd, 2007, 3:00 pm

Hi everyone. Like most people on this forum, I'm new to rowing -- started a couple of weeks ago after doing something to my hip/leg that wouldn't allow running. So far, I row 5000m 4 or 5 times a week and have been noticing that my time is dropping by about 20 seconds each session (I was really bad when I started). Yesterday I broke 24 minutes by a couple of seconds.
I'm 5'1'' so my spm is pretty high (hovering around 30) at a damper of 4-5. Any advice from anyone about technique/stroke rate/ damper setting/drag would be much appreciated!

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Post by bama_duck » September 25th, 2007, 3:56 pm

Hello! I am a newbie to rowing; I am a 52 year old mother and grandmother who would like to get in better shape. My husband bought a Concept II some number of years ago and I figured that I could and should take advantage of it. I picked the name, bama_duck, because I live in Alabama. I am an IT Systems Manager and it is my sincere hope that by getting into good shape I can better handle on the job stress.

I would love to have a rowing partner. :D
Never, never give up!

F, 52 - Alabama

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Post by Storm Petrel » September 26th, 2007, 7:08 pm

Welcome to all the new gals!

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I feel like I'm 5

Post by dmthree » September 26th, 2007, 11:55 pm

You know when little kids burst into a room with a "tah dah!" That's what this feels like. I'm very excited to be here online. I will poke around a little more. I started rowing on the water 18 years ago and have been indoor rowing for 11 years. Since misery loves company, started some rowing classes at my club and have been coaching adults for over 11 years and have a highschool indoor rowing team going on my 6th year.

It's so great to read stuff from women!!!! I have been around people who have been training forever and seem to never battle the bulge aka men who aren't home with kids and dogs and pets and chocolate cake. :-D

Had an old running injury resurface last year and have been slowly rehabbing. I have only been able to row once a week but this whole new fangled logs and such feels like a jackpot!

Love the playground and hope I can help out where ever I'm needed.

"Feeling Ducky"

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Post by yksin » October 3rd, 2007, 6:52 pm

Hey there, I'm Mel. Just purchased a Model D online — so I don't have it yet, but I'm looking forward to it's arrival. I've had my eye on one for awhile, but could only afford it today, thanks to the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend. Main reason is for health/fitness. There are a lot of selling points for a Concept 2 machine, but one of them is these forums, which I know will help keep me motivated. So, hello, I'm sure you'll see more of me.
— Mel :mrgreen:

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Post by Wood_Duck » October 5th, 2007, 1:48 pm

Welcome to all!! I don't have a chance to read the forum much any more but the traffic picks up in November. A great way to stay motivated is to row on-line with RowPro. I highly recommend it. (Click on PM to ask more questions or see the "RowPro" threads from the past.)

I am glad you are here. I'll be back in November!

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
1st row 11/23/04; 1 MM 3/20/06; 2 MM 6/9/07; 3 MM 5/15/08; 1st 2k: 1/28/07 (9:04.2); 1st MARATHON! 4/19/06 (4:42:42.9)

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Hi I'm New Here

Post by Surf Scoter » November 15th, 2007, 4:51 pm

Hi Women Rowers. I grew up rowing (and sailing) a small dingy on the east coast. I own a Melonseed sailing skiff that has a beautiful set of oars for backup power. I am 58 years old and have stayed fit by cycling, playing tennis, walking, yoga and now rowing on the Concept 2 I bought last January. I have been rowing, but just got online and am feeling much more motivated and interested. I plan to take the Holdiay challenge to row 100,000m. I usually row 5,000-9,000 3-4X/week. Now that our wet weather season is here I plan to row a lot more. I feel great and even when I push it, I don't hurt the next day!! I find your stories motivating and encouraging. I chose the name Surf Scoter as I see them here often on the shores of the Olympic Peninsula.

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I'm new

Post by Ella's mom » November 17th, 2007, 5:28 pm

I bought a Model E in August. I'd never rowed before. I live in the high Sierra desert and run 4-5 times a week. I am a married, 48 year old clinical social worker. I chose the name Ella's mom because my 10 1/2 year old whippet named Ella checks on me during rowing. She is my oldest and my running partner. In the last several years, Buffy (Australian Shepherd Mix) and Spotter (Toy Fox Terrorist) have joined us running. My husband checks on me during rowing too. I wanted a Concept 2 because it was a good bet for bone density.

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Post by Keep on rowing! » November 19th, 2007, 3:01 pm

Welcome to all the new rowers! Is everyone ready for the HC? I know I am. Haven't been rowing as much, so I hope I can pull it off. To all our new ducks this a great way to challenge yourself, just take it slow & have fun! Have a great day everyone- see you on the HC boards:>
Keep on Rowing!

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Back at it!

Post by woolsmith » November 24th, 2007, 10:14 pm

Hey Ducks!

It's been awhile since I've posted, and I've seen so many new names that I decided I better re-introduce myself!

I just turned 50, and I'm a HWT (hoping to change that!). I started rowing a couple of years ago, and it's helped me knock off over 40 pounds, but I've gained 12 of them back, aaarrrrggh! So, Holiday Challenge, here I come!! I'm not good at turning down food, so exercise is the main way for me to succeed in weight loss.

I figured from past experience that I need to row about 50k/wk to lose weight, so this HC will get me back in the swing of things. I had some problems with cardiac dysrhythmias that turned out to be nothing, but I had to back off the rowing until we figured out what they were. I was only rowing about 3 short days/wk. But now I'm cleared to do whatever, so here we go!!

My main detractors from rowing are the fact that I'm going to school full time (Master's in Nursing Education), and I just took an interim director of nursing position at my clinic system. That position should be temporary--until Groundhog's Day. That may just turn into being one of my favorite holidays of all time! :lol:

Anyway, I'm glad to be back in the Pond with DIAR!! Have a great, safe holiday, everyone.

--Jenny Smith, from the WI Northwoods

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Post by lovebug » December 2nd, 2007, 12:34 pm

Hi everyone! Im pretty new to this, but am finding the HC a great way to stay motivated. Im a 27 year old engineer who spends most of my free time either at martial arts classes or hiking in the woods. Its getting a bit cold for hiking now - and Im hitting my typical late fall-to early to go skiing slump. I have found that a few minutes on teh ERG each day really helps me stay motivated for the upcoming ski season. Looks like I might have to buy smaller snow pants too!! Great to know that there are others here to keep me on track :D


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Post by gypsy » December 3rd, 2007, 12:53 pm

Hello everybody,

I am 30 years old, mother to 3 active young boys, married to an active old(er) boy :). I bought my Erg last Feb. and have been rowing on it since. I do not row to lose weight, just to tone up and keep my heart healthy. I have had numerous surgeries and injuries due to sports and dirtbiking (broke my foot 6 weeks ago on a dirtbike). My best time yet is 2:12 for 500m, on setting 10. I would like to build up more strength in my shoulders (surgery on left one has left it a little weaker than the right one).

I hope to learn more about RowPro soon since that could motivate me to row more often.

Rowing, rowing, rowing, ... :D

Mel (AKA Gypsy)

Mrs. Wu
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Post by Mrs. Wu » December 27th, 2007, 10:26 am

Hi Everyone! My husband suggested I introduce myself on the women's forum;so, here I am. I am 29 years old and just started rowing a week or so ago. I'm not in very good shape;so, I am not a very good rower. I do enjoy it and I'm excited about participating in the online challenges. I'm also on break from school right now;so, I have a lot of time on my hands. My husband is into rowing, too. He's in much better shape than I am;so, he is a much better rower than me!

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Post by grams » December 27th, 2007, 7:28 pm

Hi again,

I'm grams, and I had been absent from the forum for a while. I have been a regular contributor to the forum and rowed hard for several years, dropping 20 pounds and feeling really good about myself. Then I decided to get my ACL rebuilt after 25 years. The surgery was a resounding success, but in the process I found out that my back problems aren't likely to go away.

Enter moving to a (very nice) house with most of my activities on one floor, as stairs and bending are not good. I spent 2 months getting the old house ready to sell, and the market went south the week we listed it. Anyone want to buy a 4 bedroom house in downtown Bellevue? You could walk to work and Bellevue Square!

In the fall family events took over (the birth of the great-granddaughter and the death of 2 older members) and did I mention our business trip to Korea last month? Whew!!

I walked around Daejeon Korea for 2 weeks while my husband was working and it felt good, so it's time to get back on my model D and lose the 20 pounds I put on again. Today I did my first session - 6000 meters, 32:50. Not like I used to do, but it will improve. I think my back will be ok as long as I use good form by keeping my abs tight to give it support.

I plan to row 3 or 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes, and then take a long soak in the tub, like I learned to do at the Korean Baths. Are there any grandmas (or anyone actually) who would like to be my training partner(s)? I need the motivation of others to move erging to the top of my priority list. I'm signing up the the January Challenge too.

Hopefully I will work up a new DIAR tshirt design or 2 (after taxes?)

Regards, Grams
(great) grams 71 yo 5'3"
5 kids, 6 grandkids, 1 great-granddaughter
Marathon mugs available at Profits go to charity

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