michaelb wrote:I haven't rowed online very much in months (I haven't been rowing much in that time either), and I agree that there seems to be few online rows listed.
But at least in part, I think this is because a lot of us are waiting for version 2.1 with the new race protocol. Although RP works very well offline, and pretty well online, many of us have had problems rowing online. This has been particularly true once there are more than 4-5 boats in the race. In all the times I have rowed online over the past year and a half, I have only once rowed in a field of 8 (I don't think we had any problems that day); every other time with a large field of boats people have crashed, or we have been unable to start, or had instablity during the row. This gets frustrating.
I row online at least 2-3 times a week, I agree it has been a bit rough, but, it has been getting better (no-shows no longer mess up starting the race for example), and if you follow a few rules, you can avoid the remaining problems and have a blast:
1. If one of the participants in a race is having trouble getting logged in for a scheduled race (SR),
BAIL IMMEDIATELY ON THE SR, and create a quick race (QR).
DO NOT monkey around trying to figure out what the problem is.. Using Chat, ask everyone to withdraw while you create a QR, it takes 20 seconds. There is a easily accessable link on the RP client SW, you dont have to go to the web site to create it.
2. Chat window should be re-started after a race is finished, sometimes newly logged in people dont show up
3. If during a race, someone's splits go haywire and start displaying numbers like "2x-02398oi17985y1324123", ignore it. It will self correct, it sometimes takes a while, but it always corrects... I havent seen a crash, or someone getting kicked in month's..
4. Remember that if the race results arent shown on Digital Rowing web site, you can always get your personal result off your PM3's memory function.